Chapter 413 There is news
At this moment, the sea.

Under the sun, the women looked at the sea view in a relaxed and happy manner, and then looked at the other small island in the southwest, as if... this is a paradise on earth.

If possible, they really don't want to rush to leave the island.

Suddenly, Qiong'er half-muttered to herself: "Actually, it's really comfortable here. I think this may be the reason why that foreign woman doesn't want to leave the island?"

As a result, Tan Jixia became interested, and said, "Why don't we just live and thrive here?"

The cute girl said: "Damn girl, didn't you have this idea a long time ago?"

Qin Xiaowan said with a smile: "By the way, Keke has studied as a nurse, so she should be able to deliver babies, right?"

Su Qian'er said: "She can simply bandage the wound."


On the side, Xiao Cao, who was still biting a piece of roasted tiger meat, turned his head to look at the five women, suddenly feeling a little drunk.

He didn't seem to expect that these women would have all kinds of flirtatious thoughts when they were together.

As a result, Xiao Cao couldn't help thinking enviously, if Captain Li Chen really enlarged the bellies of these five women... what a magnificent picture it would be!


After a while, when Qin Xiaowan turned her head to look at Xiao Cao again, she suddenly saw that Xiao Cao looked normal, so she inadvertently asked: "By the way, Xiao Cao, what did you see in that cave before?" What's up?"

It's just that Xiao Cao was taken aback by her question, and couldn't help but gasped...

Afterwards, he plucked up his courage and confided: "Skeletons. There are four skeletons in that cave. Two of the skeletons are still sitting with their hands on their knees. It's like we are sitting next to the fire and dozing off. .”

Hearing this suddenly, the five women panicked and stared pale-

Immediately, Qiong'er was the first to say: "Okay. Don't talk about it. It's scary."


Right now, in the cave, next to the fire.

"Mr. Li."

Suddenly hearing that foreign woman whispered again, Li Chen turned to look at her in confusion...

And Lina's eyes at this moment, apart from that touch of exoticism, also have some inexplicable warmth...

Then she asked, "Do you have to leave here?"

Hearing such a question suddenly, Li Chen was a little dazed again, as if he didn't know what this foreign lady meant?
Just looking at her inexplicable warmth at this moment, Li Chen was thinking, maybe the four skeletons that Xiao Cao saw this morning... really have nothing to do with this foreign woman?

After thinking about it, Li Chen said firmly: "We must find a way to leave here."

Unexpectedly, Lina suddenly looked like a homeless child, and couldn't help asking, "Can you take me?"

"???" Li Chen was completely stunned.

And Lina said again: "Don't worry. I won't cause trouble for you. I won't hold you back."

After thinking about it, Li Chen asked: "Are we...not competing in martial arts?"

Lena: "..."


This morning, Huaguo Yanjing, HX714 search and rescue command center.

"Australia has just received news that they found traces of survivors on a small island in the South Pacific."

Hearing this news suddenly, the personnel in the command center were really excited...

"Where is it exactly? Is there a location? We can send a plane there!"



After a while, a certain hospital in Yanjing.

Su Qianer's mother returned to the ward with some excitement...

"Hey, old Su, there's news. They said... traces of survivors were found on a small island in the South Pacific?"

This made Su Qian'er and her father look like a dead body, and suddenly sat up from the hospital bed...

"Is there any news about Qian'er?"



At this moment, Huaguo Liaoshen, a certain hospital.

"Hey, Xia'er's mother, there's good news. They said... there are traces of survivors found on a small island in Australia. Maybe our Xia'er is on that small island?"

Speaking, Tan Jixia's father said again: "Now can you eat something with peace of mind?"



Soon, on the ocean, there were several planes headed towards the South Pacific.

It seems that even the roar of the plane is full of excitement and joy.


For a while, on a deserted island.

On the beach in front of the cave...

When Tan Jixia and the others suddenly saw Captain Li Chen and that foreign woman coming out of the cave, they were also taken aback...

Immediately, the cute girl couldn't help asking in a low voice: "You guys said... Did Captain Li Chen get any useful information from that foreign woman this time?"

Unexpectedly, Qiong'er came up with a sentence: "How do I feel... Captain Li Chen is playing with that foreign woman?"

However, what I didn't expect was that after Li Chen led Lina towards them, he suddenly said: "I now announce that Lina has officially joined our team."

"???" Tan Jixia and the other six were stunned.

At this moment, inexplicably, the roar of an airplane came from the sky...

It seems that there is more than one plane, there must be several planes.

This made them all unbearably excited to look up at the sky...

However, no plane was seen.

Those planes all flew over the clouds...

Even so, Tan Jixia couldn't help but asked excitedly: "Captain, are there five planes going up? Is it a fleet?"

However, their Captain Li Chen frowned sullenly: "Fuck! Is it useful? No matter how many planes there are, we haven't even seen a single one!"

At this moment, Qiong'er suddenly couldn't help raising her head and shouting towards the sky...

"Hey—airplane—we have people here—take us home—"

Immediately, the cute girl couldn't help but yelled...

"Hey—dammit—how the hell is it always flying over the clouds—"

Suddenly these two cuties were shouting, and suddenly, Xiao Cao couldn't help shouting...

"Hey - Holl - take us home -"


However, in the end, the roar of a plane just flew over the clouds above their heads.

After a while, the roar of those planes gradually faded away...

Li Chen couldn't help but frowned gloomyly again: "Okay. Stop shouting. Let's save some effort. We've had our last meal and never stopped."

Hearing what Captain Li Chen said suddenly, everyone became desperate again...

Immediately, the cute girl stomped her feet and curled her lips gloomily: "Huh! Those planes are so stupid! Isn't this just playing tricks on us? But they can't take us home, hmph!"


(End of this chapter)

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