The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 415 This place is not suitable for long stay

Chapter 415 This place is not suitable for long stay
After a burst of gunfire, the fire finally ceased.

Then I saw the helicopter over the sea, ready to turn back...

When the helicopter turned back, finally through a favorable angle of view, Li Chen saw a bearded man in a camouflage uniform on the helicopter, grinning triumphantly, grinning like a madman...

That way, it seemed that Deyi finally got rid of a trouble.

At this time, Lina was also startled in panic: "Oh? Oh my god...the anti-government {zheng} army of country L?"

I don't know if the bearded man heard something, but he immediately turned his head and looked towards the entrance of the cave with sullen eyes...

Suddenly seeing such a sinister look in his eyes, subconsciously, Li Chen shrank back in a panic, and took two steps back into the cave...

"Hold the grass, Nima!"

Suddenly hearing Captain Li Chen's trembling and whispered curse, all of them trembled all over, feeling like they were about to pee in fear.

Obviously, they all knew in their hearts that this kind of guy couldn't be provoked!
And their Captain Li Chen was worried that something was wrong, maybe it was a shell flying over?

Lina was so frightened that she shrank her head even more, she didn't dare to speak anymore, and she covered her mouth tightly with her hands in a panic.

Afterwards, the helicopter suddenly circled over there suspiciously...

Going back and forth in circles, circling several times.

While the helicopter was circling, Li Chen managed to find a few favorable angles, and saw clearly that there were three or four guys in camouflage uniforms sitting on the helicopter.

The expressions of each of them were extremely arrogant and unscrupulous.

Li Chen waited for eight of them and one dog. At this moment, no one dared to speak, no one dared to make the slightest noise.

Suddenly, Li Chen thought of the four skeletons that Xiao Cao found in the cave in the morning...

Damn, is this... the killing base for those guys?
When I think of this, I feel even more creepy...

I think... this place is not suitable for a long stay!
Otherwise, it is very likely to die here?
Because this group of guys are much better than pirates.

Moreover, they are more pirates than pirates!
Killing and burning {fen} corpses, robbing women, etc., these guys are more ruthless than pirates!

Afterwards, when he saw that the helicopter finally flew away, Li Chen let out a long sigh of relief: "Huh—"

The few of them also sighed in relief...

Then, Tan Jixia, who has a keen sense of smell in this area, couldn't help but said: "Captain, it seems... that you can't stay here for a long time?"

Lina was stunned in fear: "Oh! God——let's get out of here—"

This made Li Chen couldn't help asking: "By the way, you've been here for more than two months, is this the first time you've seen such a scene?"

"Yeah!" Lena nodded hurriedly.

Taking the opportunity, Li Chen asked again: "By the way, have you been to all the other caves?"

"No!" Lina shook her head in panic.

Then, she added: "This is the first cave I found when I came here. I think it's not bad, so I didn't go to the other caves."

Then, Qin Xiaowan asked worriedly: "Captain, next... what shall we do?"

Suddenly hearing Qin Xiaowan's question, Li Chen, the captain, couldn't help frowning again...

Originally, he was still thinking... he could spend two days here comfortably.

He was still explore the Grand Canyon, at least he had to pick the big waist of the tree, didn't he?
But now it seems... Maybe the 36 plan is the best plan?
The scene just now may more or less prove that... country L has entered a period of turmoil again?

So these surrounding places... I guess it's not suitable to stay for a long time?

Grass, what the hell...

After pondering and pondering, in the end, I can only think about it and go back to Zhengdong.

At least on the side facing east, you can still see freighters passing by the distant sea from a distance.

After waiting for a while to ponder, in the end, Li Chen didn't say anything else, but just said: "Come on, let's go back to the fire and continue to roast tiger meat."


After going back to the fire and continuing to roast the tiger meat, I saw Captain Li Chen holding the two remaining cigarettes and looking around...

In the end, I couldn't help but lit one.

After frowning and taking a few puffs of cigarettes, and looking at them again, he finally couldn't help saying: "Maybe we have to go back to Zhengdong?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, they all frowned depressedly...

It feels like I have been tossing and tossing in vain for several days on this island.

I just feel that it is really a waste of effort, and I am a dog.

Especially when they look at that foreign girl named Lina, they are even more depressed...

It feels like they came here for a few days, but in the end they just rescued this foreign girl.


In fact, if they didn't come, Lina was alone, and she didn't dare to go back to the east.

Therefore, she could only stay in this cave forever.

Don't look at this foreign girl's bluffing, saying that she enjoys being here, but in fact, only she knows whether it is suffering or happiness.

When she first arrived here, she was scared to pee alone in the cave at night.

It's fine during the day.

However, she has been here for more than two months, and she has never dared to go to the Grand Canyon next to her.

She still doesn't know what there is about the Grand Canyon.

During the day, she was only active on the beach in front of the cave.

Do exercises when you get up early.

That martial arts secret book can be regarded as spending more than two months with her here.

In addition to practicing, she is also fishing on the beach with a sea pole.

She wanted to turn back to Zhengdong several times, but in the end, she didn't have the courage at all.

Especially thinking about her four companions who died one after another on the way.


After a while, after smoking that cigarette, their Captain Li Chen suddenly got up, then turned around and picked up a tree branch, ready to go out and have a look.

The few of them looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel a sense of inexplicable worry...

"Hey, Captain, why are you going?" Tan Jixia couldn't help asking.

Li Chen frowned, looked back at them, and said, "It's not a problem to stay in this cave in broad daylight."

Come to think of it, it was just after lunch.

It's a bit difficult to not toss about anything.

At least go to the beach for a walk, maybe the mood is better, isn't it?

Seeing this, suddenly, Tan Jixia also got up, and saw that she also turned around and copied a tree branch.

This meant that Vice Captain Tan wanted to accompany Captain Li Chen out, so Qin Xiaowan also got up, and she also went to copy the branches.

Su Qian'er took a look, but couldn't help getting up, and went to get the bamboo bow and arrow.

Xiaocao, Mengmeizi, and Qiong'er watched, and immediately, the three of them had no choice but to get up, and turned around to get bamboo bows and arrows.

In the end, Lena was left sitting by the fire alone, but she was a little stunned: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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