The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 417 There are wolves in front and tigers behind!

Chapter 417 There are wolves in front and tigers behind!

After a while, they realized that after harvesting a few large durians, they couldn't get the others at all.

But this time, their Captain Li Chen was a bit greedy, so he couldn't help turning around to get the rattan.

When she suddenly saw him weaving a rattan net bag on the spot, Lina felt a burst of surprise——

"Oh—gosh—that's okay—"

But now, in the eyes of Tan Jixia and the others, this foreign girl has never seen the world at all.

What's wrong with our Captain Li Chen?

It's not as bad as our Captain Li Chen, okay?

After the rattan net bag was woven, Li Chen ran to pick off more than half of the tree's big waist, and then put it into the net bag, and then said: "Okay. It's almost done. The rest... Come back tomorrow."

Immediately, he said again: "With these today, our dinner is rich enough."

And in the middle of the afternoon, when they were about to go back to the cave, they suddenly heard what seemed to be the roar of a helicopter...

But right now, they are all in this canyon with limited vision.

Just listening to the roar of the helicopter seems to be ringing from the other side of their cave...

At this moment, listening to the roar, they were both a little inexplicably excited and also a little inexplicably worried...

Excited, because they thought it might be the helicopter of the rescue team?
Worried, is it because you are afraid that it is the anti-government {zheng} army of country L?

After listening quietly for a while, Qin Xiaowan suddenly couldn't help but whispered: "Captain, what should I do?"

After thinking about it, Li Chen turned around and said to Xiao Cao: "You give the durian to Lina, and then you carry this bag of mangoes on your back."

After understanding the meaning, Xiao Cao nodded hurriedly: "Yeah!"

Afterwards, their Captain Li Chen was the first to take the lead and sneaked towards the mouth of the canyon...

They were watching, and they were about to keep up with Captain Li Chen. Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, they heard a "snapping" sound from the dense forest behind them...

When they turned their heads and looked behind them, they saw that they were all timid, and at the same time, the durians in their hands couldn't help falling down...

Because, a big tiger sprang out from the dense forest behind them...

This time, it's a bit sloppy!

Because their Captain Li Chen has slipped towards the mouth of the canyon right now.

And not far outside the canyon, there are helicopters roaring again, and I don't know what's going on for the time being?

If it is the anti-government {fan}{zheng} army of country L, then they will definitely be discovered after they make a big noise in this canyon.

Think about it, if they found out, it would be even worse!


After a while, their Captain Li Chen slipped to the mouth of the canyon.

Under the cover of a pile of firewood and vine thorns, Li Chen poked his head out cautiously, and looked towards the beach...

Suddenly seeing a helicopter with a camouflage pattern landed on the beach, Li Chen's heart trembled, hold the grass, damn it!
After a while, I was suddenly surprised to see two guys in camouflage uniforms, fully armed and armed with long guns, walking out of their cave...

"???" Now, Li Chen was completely dumbfounded.

About those two guys in camouflage, dark complexion, tall and burly...

Like a key member of the anti {fan} government {zheng} army in country L?
Since the helicopter kept roaring, I couldn't hear what the two guys were saying to each other.

Even if he could hear clearly, Li Chen felt that he probably didn't understand their language.

After a while, when he suddenly saw those two guys walking towards the helicopter with their backs bowed, Li Chen felt a little lucky in his heart.

I thought, those two guys should be boarding the plane and leaving?
Sure enough, after those two guys boarded the plane, the helicopter took off immediately...

But seeing that the helicopter had taken off, Li Chen became even more inexplicably nervous.

Because he was afraid that the helicopter would fly towards him.

If they flew towards this direction and found a group of people on this island, then it would probably be completely over?

It is estimated that they will also become the protagonists who were killed in the violent terrorist video?
Presumably everyone has seen the news, some violent terrorists captured some innocent people from other countries, and when they tortured and killed them, they did not forget to take a video.

As a result, seeing the helicopter flying high, Li Chen subconsciously squatted down...

It wasn't until he heard the roar of the helicopter that it seemed to be far away that he raised his head slightly, and then poked his head to take a look.

Seeing that the helicopter had already flown away, he secretly called out: "Huh—"

Afterwards, when he turned around, he thought that they were all behind him, but who knew that there were no people?
When he was busy looking at the green field, he was suddenly stunned——

I saw that a group of them were actually fighting a big tiger in the green field!
It seems that the two ladies Tan Jixia and Qin Xiaowan are the leading generals in charge?
Su Qian'er is not weak either, I saw that her arrow was on the string, and she shot out with a brave arrow...

Then, Xiaocao, Mengmeizi, Qiong'er, Lina, all shot arrows one after another...

But that big tiger came rushing fiercely...

Taking this opportunity, seeing Tan Jixia's woman flustered and fierce, she passed by a tree branch, but she didn't hit Duhu's throat.

It just crossed at the position of Dumb's left front leg.

And taking advantage of this moment, Qin Xiaowan stabbed towards the tiger's belly with a twig in a panic, with a sound of 'pooh', it seemed that the twig had already penetrated into the tiger's belly...

It is estimated that this time, it should be the life of that tiger?

After Li Chen continued to look at it for a second time, he ran back towards the green field with a whoosh.

Suddenly, Su Qianer did not know where to move a big rock, and saw that the second child, who usually didn't talk much, got a lot of tigers, and suddenly the stone smashed down on the back of the tiger ...

With the sound of 'Peng', the tiger knelt down.

I guess that big tiger is completely useless now?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tan Jixia stabbed another branch towards Duhu's neck...

After Li Chen ran back to the green field, the big tiger was completely dead.

Suddenly, Qiong'er jumped up with joy: "Yeah—we won—"

It's just that Lina on the side suddenly felt a little dumbfounded, as if she had never imagined that this group of Chinese people were so tough even the women.

I usually see this group of women laughing and laughing, but at the critical moment, they are all so fierce.

After Xiao Cao let out a long sigh of relief, he was also a little dazed. He didn't seem to have thought that this time, the few of them successfully hunted down a big tiger.

Before, he didn't even dare to think about it.

Li Chen suddenly smiled: "Not bad! This battle was well done! Hope to continue!"


(End of this chapter)

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