Chapter 421 Prepare to Evacuate!

Afterwards, when a bright moon finally rose in the night sky, the eight people and one dog took advantage of the moonlight and returned to the canyon.

When they returned to the green field, they were surprised to see that the dead tiger had already been bitten by some beast, and they were frightened again——

Hold the grass, this...

And their Captain Li Chen said: "Okay. Don't look at it. Take the mango and leave quickly."

Hearing Captain Li Chen's words suddenly, Xiao Cao hurriedly turned around cleverly, and picked up the bag of mangoes.

Originally, their Captain Li Chen wanted to take the opportunity to pick some more fruits or something, but seeing this situation, they thought it was better to get out of the way.

At this late night, although there is moonlight, under the bright moon, if there are any ferocious beasts hidden in the dense forest, it is still difficult to see clearly.

So it's better not to get close to the dense forest.


It wasn't until the eight people and one dog finally returned to the beach under the moonlight that each of them heaved a sigh of relief.

But, next, what awaits them is a night of ups and downs.

Because we have to evacuate tonight.

Wait until tomorrow, if those guys come again, maybe there will be no chance?


When they returned to the entrance of the cave where they lived, they were surprised to see that the fire in the cave had already been extinguished, and now the cave was pitch black, giving people a bottomless horror.

"Ah? It's so dark, what should I do?" Qiong'er asked tremblingly.

Captain Li Chen turned around and walked aside without saying a word.

Because the pile of firewood they picked up yesterday, there are still some there.

So, under the bright moon, Li Chen lit the pile of firewood.

Then made a simple torch.

Immediately, he came over with a torch, and a group of people followed him into the cave.

Fortunately, this foreign girl named Lina prepared a lot of firewood in the cave.

After re-igniting the fire in the cave, under the light of the fire, Lina was the first to be furious and surprised...

"Oh - my God - those bastards who do all kinds of evil -"

After following Lina's furious eyes, she found that her tent had been ravaged to the point of disrepair.

It has been torn apart by the sharpness of a sharp knife and turned into pieces of cloth.

The five-star residence that they envied was destroyed like this, and it was destroyed so thoroughly that it could not be repaired.

In contrast, Li Chen is actually more depressed——

Especially looking at the field on the north side that has been paved with hay and leaves, it is even more depressing——


In the morning we worked all morning, thinking we could lie there and sleep peacefully tonight, but it turned out that his busy work was in vain, idiot!

But thinking about it, it was really depressing for Ta Ma!

However, life does not believe in tears, not to mention that they are still surviving on a deserted island, so there is no time for too much sadness.

Therefore, afterward, Li Chen, the team leader, said, "Okay. Everyone, hurry up and sit around the fire. Let's eat something quickly. After that, we will rest for a while, and everyone is busy cleaning up. .And then you have to leave immediately."


Next, while there was still some tiger meat, the second child, Su Qian'er, quickly squatted there and roasted the tiger meat.

And their Captain Li Chen couldn't help but lit a cigarette.

This lit his last remaining cigarette.

As for the pack of cigarettes he picked up at the beach at noon, he hasn't opened it yet.

But thinking about another pack of cigarettes, I feel a little relieved, at least the spiritual food can last for about two days.

Because I was busy working to survive during the day, I didn't have much time to smoke, so I just took the opportunity to smoke a cigarette or two during the break.

While Su Qian'er was still roasting the tiger meat, Lina turned around and took a look, only to see that her cup cover, panties and so on were also scratched to pieces by those guys...

As a result, Lena was annoyed: "Oh—oh my god—those perverts—"

This scene made them look at it, but they couldn't help but want to laugh.

But thinking about it, they felt a little panicked with hatred in their hearts, and they also felt that those guys were too perverted.

But the current scene has proved that Captain Li Chen's decision is correct.

We must evacuate tonight!

At least those guys definitely thought that there are women on this island!

So...not sure, those guys will come again tomorrow?


After a while, taking advantage of inadvertently, their Captain Li Chen ran to the place where the backpack was hidden, and took out the backpack.

Only Su Qian'er noticed this scene.

Because Su Qian'er already knew that there were more than 2 close to 3 US dollars in cash hidden in the backpack.

Of course, this second child can hide things in his heart.

In this regard, she has been pretending not to know.

However, she also understood in her heart that Captain Li Chen must be hiding those dollars in order to be effective at critical moments.

In case they managed to escape to a nearby country, they would definitely need money.

This needs to be checked, and Li Chen is relieved when he finds that the US dollars are still there.


After a while, when eight people and a dog sat around the fire to start dinner, Lina couldn't help but say: "Now I am like you, and I have nothing. The tent is gone. My clothes They scratched them too. Also, they broke my fishing rod. They smashed the container I used to make distilled water. Oh... oh my god... today is a really unlucky day!"

Hearing Lina's words suddenly, they were also so depressed that they couldn't laugh or cry...

Then, looking at Lina, Su Qian'er said in the tone of a friend from China: "It's okay, Lina. At least you have us now."

Hearing what Su Qianer said, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said, "Yes. Lina, at least we are together now."

Next, Tan Jixia and the other three women were also busy comforting Lina.

In the end, Lina glanced at their Captain Li Chen...

Then she said, "Oh! Thank God! You will be my friends forever!"

But Li Chen said: "Okay. Let's eat quickly. Don't you still have two durians? After eating the roasted tiger meat, you might as well eat those two durians."

So, Xiao Cao hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes, yes. Captain Li Chen is right. We must have enough for this meal. Don't know when the next meal will be?"

Joan, however, asked, "Do we have to get out of here tonight?"

Before Li Chen could answer, Miao Keke hurriedly said: "Stupid, you? If you don't leave, you want to be caught by those guys tomorrow and used as a tool to vent your crotch? Anyway, I don't want to!"

Lina hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, they are cruel and perverted. If they are caught, they will be tortured to death. So... I also listen to Captain Li Chen! "


(End of this chapter)

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