Chapter 432 Continue on the road!

Captain Li Chen has already made a decision, and next, everyone has no choice but to panic and carry their equipment, food and water on their backs, and prepare to continue to retreat eastward.

Captain Li Chen put his backpack on his back and climbed up the tree branch. He turned his head and saw that everyone was ready to go, so he called Hei Zi, and then led the big guy out of the cave.

Climb back to the ridge along the side of the rock, and head towards the wall peak to the east.

Next, it was still the old way. If the equipment could be thrown down directly from the peak, it was thrown directly on the beach in the depression below.

Then, after Tan Jixia and the second child Su Qian'er went down first, the captain Li Chen used the noose to trap the wild dog Heizi first, and then everyone pulled the climbing rope together to release the wild dog Heizi little by little. down.

Next, the team members went down one after another, and Li Chen, the captain, stayed on the peak again, waiting for the last one to go down.

Finally, after Captain Li Chen was the last one to come down, he looked up at the direction where the sun was shining, and reckoned that it should be after two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Okay. Rest where you are. Have something to eat."

Hearing what Captain Li Chen said, then, the eight people and one dog sat around on the beach in the depression and rested on the spot.

After each grilled fish was dried, Miao Keke and Liu Caiqiong rushed to fetch water from the traveler's banana tree nearby, taking the opportunity.

The foreign girl Lina was surprised to see such a miraculous scene, so she panicked and ran over to have a look...

"Oh... my God... so there is water hidden here?"

Seeing the surprised look of the foreign girl, suddenly, they also felt a little drunk.

Then, they were thinking, maybe Captain Li Chen is right, this foreign girl is not even an outdoor lover at all.

If you are really an outdoor enthusiast, you should understand these common senses, right?
At least you know that you can get fresh water from the base of the petiole of the traveler's banana, right?

But on this issue, they didn't go into it any further.

Anyway, this foreign girl appeared on this island so inexplicably, and now she can only join their team and evacuate with them.

After Lina tasted the water taken from the base of the petiole of the traveler's banana, she was overjoyed: "Oh... this water... is really sweet..."

However, Captain Li Chen got up suddenly, and said: "Okay. Everyone should go and drink water to fill up. Then we will continue on our way."

Suddenly seeing such a hurry, Tan Jixia couldn't help asking: "Aren't we... not stationed here tonight?"

Li Chen said: "Is there a meaning to being stationed here?"

Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said: "But now... it's already half an afternoon, and we can't catch up much?"

Li Chen also replied: "As much as you can drive."

After realizing the urgency of the time, the second child Su Qian'er couldn't help getting up and said, "Aren't you thirsty?"

While talking, she turned around and walked towards the traveler's banana tree, planning to fill herself with water.

Seeing that Qian'er had passed, Tan Jixia couldn't help getting up.

After that, Qin Xiaowan and Xiao Cao had no choice but to get up hurriedly.

After being filled with water there, everyone had to carry equipment, food and water on their backs, and then followed Captain Li Chen to swim across the shallows in the depression and head for the opposite slope.

This time, the wild dog Heizi ran happily, and ran up the slope to the ridge first.

The foreign girl Lina suddenly quickened her pace, chasing after her...

"Oh, Mr. Li... wait!"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly turned his head back, glanced at her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lina said: "In front of this ridge... there is a cross section, and the wire rope there is broken. How can we get there?"

Suddenly hearing that the foreign girls were worried about this, they were also drunk.

In fact, Lina didn't know where they landed on the island?

So naturally they don't know that they have already built a double wooden bridge at that cross section.

However, as the captain, Li Chen was also worried, would the double wooden bridges have been blown up by those anti-government {zheng} troops from Country L?

So this is one of the reasons why he hurried on his way.

In case the double wooden bridges had been blown off, they would have to toss about again when they got to that position, and they would have to waste time.

So now on the way, stop as little as possible.

Since he couldn't make sure that the cross-section can pass through smoothly, Li Chen also said: "Let's talk about it when we get there, and find a way."


Now retreating, the scenery along the ridge is beautiful, but they don't seem to have much mood to enjoy the scenery.

On the other hand, the foreign girl Lina has changed her mood and has been admiring the scenery along the way...

But Tan Jixia was startled to hear the rustling sound coming from the dense forest below the ridge and on the north side of the mountain. She couldn't help but said worriedly: "Captain, there won't be another pack of wolves following all the way?"

Suddenly hearing this, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said, "I also heard movement in the dense forest below."

And their captain, Li Chen, said: "Anyway, we are a little short of food right now, aren't we?"

Lina was stunned again: "Oh! Do you also eat wolf meat?"

Su Qian'er finally couldn't help but said: "Without the meat of these beasts, how could we survive the past 50 days?"

"Oh...oh my god..." Lina was surprised again.

After a while, Miao Keke couldn't help but said, "Uh, the surname Li, did you think of a way to leave the island? Why do we have to hurry now?"

Taking the opportunity, Liu Caiqiong couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! What is the way to leave the island? I really want to know!"

Listening to these two cutes, Li Chen wanted to know this, but Li Chen said: "There is no good way. We can only try. If it doesn't work, we can only stay on this island."

Then, he said again: "Don't expect to suddenly have a ship or an airplane or something like that... we can't change it at all."

Immediately, the cute girl Miao Keke had a big brain hole: "By the way, the surname is Li, I remember... you can fly the plane, how about... let's grab a plane and fly it?"

Not to mention, this plan has actually been formed in their Captain Li Chen's mind.

In fact, he was also pondering that he needed to find a battlefield.

After all, this kind of plan requires the right time, place and people.

Without these favorable factors, it is impossible to snatch them easily.

At least, that thing is flying in the air, if it keeps falling down, there is no way to snatch it, right?
So after returning to the beach facing due east, it might not be possible to wait for this kind of opportunity?
Of course, this is just an alternative plan.

The real plan, certainly can't count on this.

(End of this chapter)

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