Chapter 455 Those beasts ran away?
In the end, in the still night, in the dense forest in the distance beside the beach, the eight of them and one dog let those wolves run away.

This time, those wolves were quite depressed.

In terms of their wolf nature, this time they are quite cowardly.

Seeing that the wolves had fled back to the dense forest, the danger was temporarily lifted, so the wild dog Heizi lay down again in the sand.

In fact, animals also have self-knowledge.

Take the wild dog Heizi as an example. He knew he was injured, so he had to scare the other party with his aura first.

Because if there is a real war, it may not be able to bear it?

This is also called bluffing.

Looking at those sharp eyes with blue light disappearing in the dark night, and then looking at Heizi the wild dog lying down, their Captain Li Chen said with some gloom: "Grass, those beasts ……Ran?"

However, the seven of them were still somewhat inexplicably worried...

"Uh, captain, will they come again?" Qin Xiaowan couldn't help asking.

Before Li Chen could answer, Tan Jixia hurriedly said: "If we come again, we will add a supper tonight. The roast wolf meat tastes good anyway."

The cute girl said: "To be honest, I also think the taste of roast wolf meat is really good."

The foreign girl Lina couldn't help saying, "Oh... that's really delicious!"


This showed that their women were chatting with each other again, and Li Chen, the captain, didn't say anything.

He couldn't help but habitually took out the cigarette case, but looking at the only cigarette left in the case, he really wanted to smoke but was reluctant to do so.

After a while, in desperation, I saw him put the cigarette case back.

Then, he reached out and took a bamboo pole from the side, and using the rattan, he temporarily tied a torch.

It seems that it is a bit boring without tossing something.

Afterwards, after lighting the torch and taking a look at the women, he couldn't help but said, " you women go to the beach to wash first, or us men to go to the beach to wash first?"

Suddenly hearing this, the girls in the north became overjoyed, quickly reached out to take the torch from Captain Li Chen, and said, "Thank you, Captain Li Chen!"

So, this northern lady started to talk: "Okay, sisters, we're going to the beach! Let's wash up!"


Seeing a group of women holding torches and heading towards the beach gracefully, Li Chen could only frown speechlessly, shit, these women...

Xiao Cao, who was sitting by the fire at the moment, also seemed a little speechless.

After a while, he looked at Captain Li Chen again, and Xiao Cao couldn't help but said, "Captain, what... the distress signal we sent tonight didn't work, then... how to fix it?"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li Chen could only frown again...

"Fuck! Damn it! Ordinarily... the distress signal we sent out tonight should be effective?"

As he said that, Captain Li Chen frowned again, gradually squeezed into the word 'Chuan'.

After careful consideration, Li Chen said, "Could it be that country L is at war recently, so... those passing freighters dare not stop or send small boats to dock?"

Suddenly hearing what Captain Li Chen said, Xiao Cao hurriedly said, "Should there be such a possibility?"

"Fuck, that's a bastard's bastard!" Captain Li Chen said again.

After finishing speaking, he finally couldn't hold back, and took out the cigarette case again...

After lighting the only cigarette left, he threw the cigarette case into the fire a little upset and burned it.

Xiao Cao looked at it and couldn't help asking: "Captain, next... you are out of cigarettes, what should you do?"

Li Chen said: "Fuck! What the hell can I do? Stop smoking!"


Right now, by the sea.

The six women were able to wash their bodies thoroughly, and all of them felt joyful.

It doesn't matter if you can leave the island or not, as long as you can wash like this every day.

The foreign girl Lina seemed a little uncomfortable seeing the five of them meeting each other frankly at the beach.

But in the end, when she thought about it, she had no choice but to be like the five women.

Unexpectedly, the women were also curious, and also wanted to see what the bodies of foreign girls looked like with their own eyes.

Therefore, taking the opportunity, the five women have been taking the opportunity to peek at this foreign girl.


After a while, when the women finished washing and returned to the fire to dry their clothes, Captain Li Chen also held a torch and led Xiao Cao towards the seaside.

Next, it was the turn of the two men to wash up.


After tossing until almost twelve o'clock at night, each other washed and dried their clothes, and after redressing, they were all dry and clean, and they sat together in front of the fire again.

This gradually entered the second half of the night, and each other was a little sleepy.

So one by one is not so energetic.

Sitting in front of the fire, we just look at each other and I look at you.

Then, unconsciously, Meng Meizi, Qiong'er, and Xiao Cao all sat by the fire and fell asleep one after another.

As for the sleeping position, he still hugged his knees like that and buried his head on them.

Since there is no more cigarettes now, after a while, their Captain Li Chen couldn't help but bury his head in his knees.

This means that Captain Li Chen is going to sleep too, and Tan Jixia is a little dumbfounded after waiting for those women——

"What should I do?" Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but whispered.

So, Su Qian'er replied, "Let's sleep too."

Tan Jixia didn't say anything.

The foreign girl Lina said worriedly, "What if...those wolves..."

Before Lina finished speaking, Tan Jixia said: "You three should go to sleep first. I will keep watch."

Then, she said again: "When I am sleepy, I will wake you up again."

Although Captain Li Chen didn't arrange anyone to watch the night, as far as the women were concerned, they were still very worried about the wolves.


In the middle of the night, I don't know what is rushing the water at the beach?

Since there is no moonlight, I can't see anything.

Su Qian'er, who was quite awake from her sleep, woke up suddenly, looked at Tan Jixia, and couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

"I don't know?" Tan Jixia shook her head.

Su Qian'er said: "How about... let's take a look with a torch?"

However, Tan Jixia said: "Let's forget it. You can continue to sleep."

Su Qian'er said: "How can I still sleep here? Or... you sleep? Are you still asleep?"

Hearing what Su Qian'er said, Tan Jixia was really sleepy, so she said, "Then... aren't you afraid?"

Su Qian'er said: "It's all right. Anyway, we're all by the fire. If it's too bad, I'll wake you all up."


(End of this chapter)

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