Chapter 461 It's That Simple

Frankly speaking, the beach facing east is indeed very suitable for living if there is no external force to disturb it.

It even made them feel that it would be nice to be a temporary islander here for a while.

Especially this sea area is rich in fish.

If it is really impossible to leave the island, they will study and grow some vegetables and fruits, which will definitely be a lot of fun.

Even the women are also doubting, now that they have been on the island for so long, can they still adapt to returning to the big city?

Suddenly, looking at the second child, Su Qian'er, Tan Jixia couldn't help asking: "Uh, by the way, second child, how many days is this our first time on the island?"

"56." Su Qian'er replied.

Then, she added: "Today is August 8th."

Suddenly hearing what the second child said, they couldn't help but look at the second child in surprise...

Suddenly seeing them staring like that, Su Qian'er asked a little uncomfortably, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but smile: "Qian'er, I found that you are really suitable to be a clerk."


At this moment, Li Chen and Xiao Cao had passed through the small dense forest and came to the position directly below the rocky hill.

That is the original climbing position.

However, they have never explored along the bottom of the mountain and along the dense forest.

So Li Chen was thinking, maybe there might be new discoveries if you explore carefully along this path?
The main thing is to find a cave.

Now it is not safe to blatantly build open enclosures on the beach.

However, below, along the dense forest, there are all firewood and vine thorns, and there is no way at all.

Xiao Cao took a look, but couldn't help but ask, "How is this done, Captain?"

As the captain, Li Chen also frowned...

It is obviously not safe to rush through this row of firewood and rattan thorns rashly.

What if there's that cold-blooded beast hiding under the thorns of the wisteria vines?
But this stretch... If it is burned with fire, if there are caves and traces of fire, it seems that it cannot be concealed?
Now is this really a problem?
Because once there are obvious traces, if it is discovered by the anti-government {fan}{zheng} troops of country L, it may be directly hit by a shell?

Thinking about it, there was no other way, and he had no choice but to do something. He turned around, waved the tree branch in his hand, and smashed it down on the thorns of the firewood and vines...

There was a whirring sound from the branches of the tree.

Some firewood thorns were also smashed down.

It's just that I just smashed it three or four meters away, and suddenly, I saw a python-like head popping out from under the firewood and vine thorns in front...

Xiao Cao, who was following behind him, panicked and trembled when he saw it...

"Team, captain... snake... boa constrictor..."

Xiao Cao panicked and said tremblingly.

Li Chen replied: "I saw it."

Suddenly seeing that Captain Li Chen was still so calm, Xiao Cao was really convinced.

Because he, Xiao Cao, already felt that his scalp was exploding.

Suddenly, I saw that python-like head, and suddenly vomited a snake letter...

Especially those two big eyes have been staring at them suspiciously.

Seeing Xiao Cao's terrified look, Li Chen said: "It's really over, you!"

Then, he said again: "Are you afraid? Didn't you see that the whole body of this beast is hidden under the thorns of firewood and vines? In this case, as long as you go down the branch and fork the right position, it can't even flick its tail." If you can’t shake it off, what’s there to be afraid of?”

Just as I was talking, unexpectedly, I saw that the boa constrictor really poked out half of its body...

So, Captain Li Chen took the opportunity to fork the branch of a tree suddenly, with a sound of 'poof', he directly hit the fork seven inches away, and firmly pressed the cold-blooded beast to the ground... …

It's just that Xiao Cao looked at it with horror.

But their Captain Li Chen said: "See? That's it, it's that simple."

It's just that the cold-blooded beast tried to flick its tail again, but it was just a sudden shock that the thorns of the firewood and vine swished, but it couldn't flick it.

However, Xiao Cao was still a little timid.

After a while, the boa constrictor struggled violently under the thorns of the firewood and vines after it couldn't shake its tail...

After struggling for a while, I began to feel powerless.

Just like that, I was suffocated to death.

After witnessing the whole process, Xiao Cao seemed to be more courageous...

Because he suddenly thought, so this python is nothing more than that.

At this time, the team leader Li Chen said again: "An animal is an animal after all. Not to mention a cold-blooded animal. So as long as you are brave enough to hold it seven inches firmly, everything will be fine."

Then, their captain Li Chen said again: "But, you have to remember one thing, that is, don't get entangled by this beast. Once you get entangled, you will be finished. So when dealing with this beast, you only need to remember two things. The first point is its head, and the second is its tail."

Afterwards, Xiao Cao finally nodded: "Yes. I remember."

So, Li Chen also said: "Remember, then continue to work."

But Xiao Cao hurriedly asked: "But what about this... cold-blooded beast?"

Li Chen said: "They're all dead, what about Guan Yu? Let's smash down these firewood and rattan thorns first. Then the eagles will come over and finish this cold-blooded beast soon."

Then, he said: "Anyway, you don't eat snake meat, so you don't bother to clean up."


Next, the two of them worked together and smashed all the way with the branches, smashing all the thorns of firewood and vines to the ground.

After the pump hit a distance of about [-] meters, it was suddenly startled, and there was a faint roar of a helicopter coming from the top of the mountain...

"Hold the grass! It's broken!"

Suddenly hearing Captain Li Chen's voice, Xiao Cao also became worried about the six women on the beach.


However, what they never imagined was that the six women had already filled a pan with water by the fire.

Surprised that the movement was wrong, Su Qian'er, who had quick eyes and quick hands, poured a pan of water on the fire with a 'wow', and the fire went out in an instant.

The five women, carrying the grilled dried fish, backpacks and so on, rushed towards the dense forest by the beach in a panic.

Among them, Tan Jixia did not forget to bring a tree branch, ready to start a real war at any time.

The foreign girl Lina also behaved quite cleverly, and she didn't forget to bring bamboo bows and arrows.


After a while, when two roaring helicopters appeared over the beach, the entire beach facing east seemed to be peaceful, without any signs.

It's just that they didn't know that in the dense forest below the mountain, a guy had already pulled out a pistol...

As for the guy who has drawn out his pistol, it is naturally Li Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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