Chapter 466 The Night of Despair
Next, night, another night where you can't see your fingers.

There is no moonlight.There are no stars.

In the vast sea, on the sandy beach beside it, there are only a bunch of faint flames, illuminating eight sad faces...

At this moment, the eight people are all gnawing on the grilled fish on hand in a muffled voice.

The wild dog Heizi, who was already full, was already lying on the side and fell asleep quietly.

Tonight, everything here is very quiet, very quiet.

It was so quiet that even the sound of the waves was so quiet.

When they turned their heads to look at the dense forest in the dark night, the sharp blue eyes were gone.

The power of the flames of war seems to be endless.

After a full meal, their Captain Li Chen took a sip of water, then wiped his mouth with his hand, and then habitually lit a cigarette...

All of this is so quiet.

It was as quiet as the despair in their hearts.

After a long time, Xiao Cao couldn't help saying: "You say...why is their country L going to war?"

The big guys didn't respond as if they didn't hear it.

After a long time, until their captain Li Chen flicked the cigarette butt into the fire, he said gloomily: "Who the hell knows? Anyway... the affairs of other countries don't care about our affairs. Love Let's fight if Tamar fights. Let' how to leave the island, shall we?"

Unexpectedly, the foreign girl Lina couldn't help humming a Chinese song...

"I want to go back to my hometown and go back to her side

Seeing her tenderness and kindness come to soothe my broken heart
Just let me go back to my hometown and go back to her side
Let her tenderness and kindness soothe my heartache
That year when you set foot on the twilight land, you thought there was your ideal there

You look around with strange eyes and wake up in the morning but no one is around
On the quiet rainy night, I think of her, her retention is still lingering in my ears
Thinking of her teary face when you parted, you couldn't help crying


Suddenly hearing the foreign girl humming so softly, they seemed to be brought into the song, and they couldn't help but look at Lina at first...

It seems that they all want to hum along, but they are not in the mood for a while.

In the end, I had no choice but to quietly watch this foreign girl humming affectionately...

It seems that in this dark night, there are always some voices that can soothe the soul.

After a long time, their Captain Li Chen suddenly said: "Sleep."


This night, the seven of them watched Captain Li Chen fall asleep first.

He just curled up beside the fire, hugged his knees, and buried his head between his knees.

In the eyes of the seven of them, that stalwart body is now also tired.

For this reason, they couldn't help feeling inexplicably distressed...

The cute girl was crying, suddenly crying, crying so loudly, I don't know if she is feeling sorry for Captain Li Chen, or is she full of despair?

After a while, Qiong'er, who didn't know why, also cried...

Su Qian'er calmly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then suddenly said in Tan Jixia's ear: "Are you going to have a rest?"


After a while, Xiao Cao couldn't help reaching out to take the cigarette case from Captain Li Chen's side, and took out a cigarette from it.

Then, I saw that he couldn't help but lit the cigarette, and clicked with a frown...

Qin Xiaowan watched, and couldn't help asking softly: "Miss your wife and children?"

"Yes." Xiao Cao responded, and then said, "It will be September [-]st soon, and the children will start school."


After a while, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help being stunned when she suddenly saw Lina getting up and walking towards the night and towards the sea.

When she got up and chased Lina up, she saw that Lina stopped abruptly again, just standing there looking at the night...

Qin Xiaowan quietly came to Lina's side, turned her head to look at Lina, and suddenly couldn't help asking: "What are you thinking?"

"Oh..." Lina was stunned for a moment, she was taken aback, then she turned her head and smiled at Qin Xiaowan, and replied, "I didn't think about anything, I was just infected by your emotions."

Then, Lina smiled slightly and said: "Actually, I was thinking... If there were no annoying guys from country L to bother, this, this island would actually be pretty good. I don't mind being a real island here. civil."

Suddenly hearing what Lina said, Qin Xiaowan was a little dazed——

It seemed that he didn't know how to respond to Lina's words?
I just feel... Maybe there are still some differences between Chinese and Western cultures?
Afterwards, Lina looked at her, but couldn't help imitating Keke and the others, and called her affectionately: "Sister Wan'er."

Only then did Qin Xiaowan come to her senses, and hurriedly said, "What's the matter?"

Lina asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Qin Xiaowan said: "I didn't think about it. It's a kind of luck that I'm still alive."

Then, Qin Xiaowan confided: "I have already died once. It was Captain Li Chen who saved me. It was Captain Li Chen who saved me from the pirates."

"Oh——" Lina couldn't help being startled, and then said, "Mr. Li... is really great!"

However, Qin Xiaowan said: "No. He never thinks he is great. In fact, he is also very ordinary. In our Huaguo... Maybe he doesn't turn heads when he walks on the street."

Lina hurriedly said, "Oh, no! At least I'll take another look at him!"

Then, Lina confided bluntly: "It was Mr. Li... who changed my mind. Actually, I didn't want to leave the island. But I don't know why, he seemed to give me some hope. Although I also I don’t know what that hope is, but I just want to leave the island with him.”

So, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but try to ask: "Do you like him?"

Lina smiled a little embarrassedly: "Oh... this question... I don't know how to answer you? Because I'm afraid... I'm afraid that Coco will want to eat me?"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help laughing, and then said: "It's not just Keke who wants to eat you? And Qiong'er. Maybe Qian'er too?"

Unexpectedly, Lina said, "Actually, I'm more afraid of that girl from the north."


Qin Xiaowan almost burst out laughing.

And Lina couldn't help but looked at Qin Xiaowan suspiciously, and said, "Oh, by the way, Miss Wan'er, could you also want to eat me?"

Qin Xiaowan was really stunned for a moment, and then she replied with the reserve of a married young woman: "I already have a husband. Captain Li Chen would not like a married young woman like me. Besides, I am not worthy of it." Captain Li Chen."

After finishing speaking, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly changed the topic: "Okay? Let's go to sleep by the fire too?"

Lina said, "Oh... I... I'm afraid of wolves."

Qin Xiaowan said, "There will be no wolves tonight."

"???" Lina looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Qin Xiaowan smiled: "If you don't believe me, we can make a bet."


(End of this chapter)

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