The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 469 Lena Invigorates the Atmosphere

Chapter 469 Lena Invigorates the Atmosphere
Suddenly I heard this girl from the north surnamed Tan talking nonsense. Li Chen, the captain, frowned...

Immediately, he said: "Girls, in private, you are only my sister, not their sister, and you can't be their master in this matter."

Unexpectedly, Tan Jixia said: "Why don't I ask them to ask? Who among them is willing to marry you?"

However, unexpectedly, Li Chen said: "That's fine. Let's go back and see if the second brother's grilled fish is ready?"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the beach...

Tan Jixia hurriedly turned around to look at him, but was stunned for a while, and then couldn't help but smile inexplicably, heh!
Being able to fight pythons, tigers, and wolves... He is actually embarrassed when he mentions this?


After returning to the fire, he saw that the fish was not cooked yet, so Li Chen, the captain, couldn't help but lit another cigarette...

At this time, Xiao Cao looked at him, and finally couldn't help but said: "Captain, today...will those anti-government {fan} {zheng} troops from country L come again?"

Hearing such a question suddenly, Li Chen frowned again...

For a while, he was not in a hurry to answer.

Just smoking in a muffled bar.

In fact, he was worried about this in his heart.

Because the flames of war were ignited here yesterday, who knows if this will become a battlefield next?

If the two armies start bombing the island indiscriminately, then they are innocent!

In the flames of war, they will inevitably be accidentally injured.

That's why he wanted to take a risk this morning, and wanted to take a bamboo raft to the eastward sea area to wait for a passing boat.

Because if you don't leave the island, is it really possible to be cannon fodder for no reason?
After a while, after taking another puff of cigarette, he said: "Let's have breakfast first."

Then, he added: "According to the habit of those anti-{fan}government{zheng} troops from Country L to patrol the island, it usually takes after ten o'clock in the morning, so it's safe for the time being."

Hearing that Captain Li Chen was just answering like this, Xiao Cao didn't ask any more questions.

Of course, Xiao Cao seemed to understand what Captain Li Chen meant.

What's more, Xiao Cao also understands that at times like this, it's better to talk less.

After all, no one is feeling well right now.


Lina on the side looked a little dignified at the atmosphere this morning, while her eyes were rolling...

After a while, Lina said: "Oh, yes... don't you Huaguo like to guess riddles? How about we also guess riddles?"

Suddenly hearing this, they couldn't help being stunned——

Then, everyone looked at this foreign girl...

It seems that Jun suddenly wondered curiously, can this foreign girl know riddles?

Looking at the eyes of each of them, Lina smiled slightly: "Oh...that's the beginning? By the marry the first man she had sex with, let's make an idiom."

I didn't expect that when this mystery came out, it really made them, the Chinese people, stunned for a while...

Ever since, they really started to think about it.

In fact, at this moment, Li Chen and the other seven people were also thinking, why can't they lose this person in front of a foreign girl, right?

How should I put it... Playing lantern riddles is also a tradition in Huaguo, isn't it?
How embarrassing it would be to be stumped by a foreign girl!

Immediately, the cute girl was the first to say: "Love at first sight?"

"Oh, No!" Lina shook her head with a busy smile.

Qiong'er thought for a while, then said: "East and West?"

"No!" Lina shook her head again.

At this time, their Captain Li Chen also said: "It's a final word."

"Oh, yeah!" Lena couldn't help but excitedly said, "It seems... Captain Li Chen is the best!"

After that, they all stared blankly at Captain Li Chen...

Then, the cute girl expressed puzzlement and asked: "How can it be a final decision?"

This question made captain Li Chen blushed with embarrassment...

But, no way, he could only explain: "This...that...involves some unsuitable associations for children. I can only tell you...the sound is a homonym, but in is another yin. Do you understand? Hammer... this... a married young woman and a divorced young woman, I think they both understand it?"

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help laughing shyly: "I understand."

Tan Jixia couldn't help but look like a charming daughter-in-law, and with a look of shame, she cast an inexplicable glance at Captain Li Chen: "Hmph! You still say you are a little girl?"

After the cute girl suddenly realized it, her face was full of embarrassment: " dead surnamed Li! You... Liumang!"

However, taking the opportunity, Qin Xiaowan asked the cute girl, "Then...Ms. Keke, would you like to make a final decision with this Liumang?"


This made the big guy almost laugh.

Embarrassed for a while, the cute girl hurriedly said: "Hmph! You can't come up with such unsuitable riddles!"

So Lina said, "OK. Then...Fang Fang ate beef noodles, but didn't see any beef?"

Unexpectedly, this time, the cute girl opened her mouth and said, "She ate beef instant noodles."

"Oh yeah!"


After the atmosphere was stirred up, the second child Su Qian'er couldn't help but said, "Let me come up with a riddle too. By the way...every couple has one thing in common in life, what is that?"

Qin Xiaowan hastily answered: "I know this, that is... getting married on the same day, same month, same year."

After the interest was aroused, their captain Li Chen also smiled slightly and said: "Then I will also come up with a riddle. By the way... the woman stands at attention and type a word."

The woman stood at attention and typed a word! ?

For a moment, they were dumbfounded again...

The cute girl couldn't help but give him a blank look: "Huh! The surname is Li! do you type the word?"

Li Chen smiled slightly and said, "Let's use your imagination."

Then, Xiao Cao hurriedly said, "Peugeot?"

"No." Li Chen shook his head.

Qiong'er thought about it again, and then said: "Vase?"

"Not right." Li Chen shook his head again.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan let out a shy smile and said, "I know, why bother."

Why bother! ?
The woman stood at attention... why bother! ?

A few of them are still a little confused...

Just thinking about it, thinking about it, they seemed to think of the homonym...

The woman stands at attention...why bother...together...

Afterwards, the cute girl glared at Li Chen with a face of shame and resentment, and said, "'re so glowing!"

"Ha—" Xiao Cao couldn't help laughing.

Immediately, Qiong'er was also blushing, and looked at Li Chen with some embarrassment, and said: " are really glowing!"

However, Li Chen smiled and said, "Why is this so glib? What we wrote is a riddle, and what we typed is a word, right?"


(End of this chapter)

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