Chapter 593

Afterwards, when Captain Li Chen led Vice Captain Qin, Ke Ke, and Xiao Cao along the green field towards the short mountain on the north side, Su Qian'er couldn't help but say something to Tan Jixia: "Good luck!" Sister Xia, let's go, let's go to the pool on the east side."

Immediately, Lina also hurriedly said, "Oh... By the way, I also feel... There are some wild vegetables that can be dug from the plantain grove by the pool."

Only Liu Caiqiong looked at the team led by Captain Li Chen, and she was thinking secretly in her heart...

Maybe Captain Li Chen really likes Coco a little bit? could Captain Li Chen let Ke Ke be with him?

Thinking about it, right now, for the ones led by their captain Li Chen, Xiao Cao is a man, and Captain Li Chen has no reason to like a man.

And Qin Xiaowan... is a married young woman with a five-year-old child, so it is impossible for Captain Li Chen to have anything to do with her.

So after exclusion, it is cocoa.

Moreover, Ke Ke and Captain Li Chen are also a good match in age.

The more she pondered, the more uncomfortable Liu Caiqiong felt in her heart...

Because she was thinking, maybe age is really her flaw?

The sadness of older leftover women... Maybe no one really understands?

Suddenly, Su Qian'er couldn't help but whisper in her ear: "Uh, Qiong'er, why are you still in a daze? Let's go. We are playing against their team now. See which team has more food in the afternoon Woolen cloth."


As for Miao Keke, she is naturally very happy at the moment.

After all, she can be on the same team as Captain Li Chen, can she not be happy?

Just looking at him made her feel like a flower blooming in her heart.

After all, in her heart now, Captain Li Chen already surpassed the existence of a male god.

After Li Chen led the three of them into the dense forest on the north side, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "Uh, captain, we won't lose to their team this afternoon, right?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Xiao Cao hurriedly said apologetically, "I'm sorry, maybe I've slowed down our team?"

Because he was a wounded man after all, and the gunshot wound on his left arm hadn't healed yet, so the left arm was naturally unusable for the time being.

Hearing what they said, Li Chen said, "Is it important to win or lose? As long as we all have food, we won't go hungry, isn't it all right?"

Although he said so, the captain was thinking in his heart, losing to those girls... How is it possible?

Afterwards, after walking for a certain distance in the dimly lit dense forest, but found nothing, Miao Keke couldn't help becoming anxious: "Uh, dead surnamed Li, is the direction we are looking for wrong?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen turned around and said, "Then why don't you lead the way?"

"???" Miao Keke was stunned.

After a while, in desperation, she had no choice but to frown her beautiful eyes, pouted her lips, and said, "Hmph! It's the same everywhere in this dense forest, how can I lead the way?"

So, Li Chen said: "Since you know, then you said the direction is wrong?"

Miao Keke: "..."

In fact, for now, everyone is still unfamiliar with the dense forest here. Who knows where there will be food to find?

Therefore, in fact, it doesn't matter which direction you go, it's all about luck.

The only remarkable thing is that in the dense forest, the air is really incomparably fresh.

Next, Li Chen had no choice but to continue to lead the three of them to the northeast direction in the dense forest...

Anyway, now it's just a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

If you meet it, you will meet it, and you can't blame anyone if you don't meet it.

However, based on Li Chen's feeling, it should be right to walk in the northeast direction?

After all, this position is close to the high mountain in the east.

Walking this way, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but suddenly said happily: "Wow! In this dense forest...the scenery is so beautiful!"

Li Chen said: "Girls, don't just look at the scenery."

At this moment, Li Chen felt a sudden bright light in front of his eyes...

Because he suddenly found a bloodstain in the grass in the dense forest.

If I guessed correctly, it should have been left by the wolf that was shot in the hind leg yesterday morning...

Suddenly, Miao Keke was also startled: "Hey, captain, bloodstains!"

Li Chen said: "I saw it."

At this time, Xiao Cao hurriedly searched along the bloodstain...

"Captain, this way! The blood is running along this side!"

Hearing Xiao Cao's yelling suddenly, a group of them hurriedly walked along the bloodstain...

At this moment, in the dense forest ahead, a wolf howled suddenly...

This frightened them all of a sudden——

Especially Miao Keke almost screamed out.

Only their Captain Li Chen panicked, took out his pistol, and hurriedly rushed towards the dense forest ahead.

At this time, Qin Xiaowan also hurriedly took out her pistol, and hurriedly followed...

However, after they rushed to the dense forest ahead, they were stunned by what they saw——

In the dense forest ahead, sitting and lying on the grass was the same wolf that had been shot in the hind leg yesterday morning.

At this moment, the wolf had also warned of the crisis, so it could only make a final cry to scare them away.

But looking at the wolf sitting and lying in the grass, he couldn't walk anymore, and tears came out, so they didn't do anything, or didn't do it?
Especially the wolf, who was looking at them helplessly, vigilantly, and crying, it was even more difficult for them to attack.

Because it was obvious that the wolf was begging for mercy.

It seems that in an instant, the dark and spicy side of human nature is illuminated.

At this moment, looking at the wolf, Li Chen frowned...

Qin Xiaowan couldn't bear to do it, and her beautiful eyes were tightly furrowed.

But at this moment, Miao Keke rushed forward abruptly, waved the bamboo pole in hand, and slammed down on the wolf's head: "Go to hell—"

With the sound of 'Dang', I saw that the wolf fell down with a 'poof' sound.

Hold the grass!

Li Chen was stunned——

Qin Xiaowan just wanted to yell, but it was too late, she could only hesitate to speak, her beautiful eyes were tightly knitted.

But Xiao Cao is very happy now: "Ke Ke is amazing! Mighty!"

After being praised by Xiao Cao, Miao Keke simply threw another bamboo pole at the wolf...

In desperation, Qin Xiaowan had no choice but to whisper in Captain Li Chen's ear: "What's going on?"

After Li Chen frowned helplessly, he had no choice but to reply in Qin Xiaowan's ear: "They are already dead, what else can I do? Drag them out."

But Qin Xiaowan still did not forget to say something with emotion: "How do I feel...we humans are still cruel?"

Li Chen replied: "But we must also think about the time when their pack of wolves attacked us humans."

Then, he added: "After all, we have to survive. Besides, we are not good people anymore. I think... If we can go back, we will make a fortune in the future, and learn from others to do more charity to make up for it. Let's go."


(End of this chapter)

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