Chapter 610 Golden Dream

This shows that they all still want to go to that cave to find out, or want to know if there is any gold, so Li Chen, the captain, said: "Then you must go and tie some torches first." ?”

Then, he said again: "Why do you have to prepare first? But you know, the cave is completely dark, so there must be some light, right?"

After hearing these words, the cute girl suddenly burst into joy: "Okay! Let's tie the torches!"

Tan Jixia also said: "I'm going to get rattan to tie the torches!"


Next, looking at Tan Jixia, Miao Keke, Liu Caiqiong, Lina, and Xiao Cao, they were really busy tying the torches. In an instant, Su Qianer was speechless.

Qin Xiaowan also had some complaints in her heart.

Su Qian'er felt that they were fooling around.

As for Qin Xiaowan... Thinking of that cave, one can't help but think of everything that happened between her and Captain Li Chen in that cave.

Now, among these women, she is the only one who really knows that Captain Li Chen is really good.

However, as a married woman, she knew very well that even though Captain Li Chen said in the cave the day before yesterday that he wanted to marry her, time proved that she was only the first woman that Captain Li Chen had ever experienced.

He has just tasted the taste of a woman now, and he is only obsessed and passionate about her body for a while, that's all.

In fact, through usual observations, she still felt that Captain Li Chen was actually a little inclined towards the second child, Su Qian'er.

Of course, thinking in another way, if she was a man, she might also be inclined to the second child, Su Qian'er?


After a while, after Tan Jixia waited for a few people and tied up a few torches, she got up happily and said, "Let's go, captain! Let's go to that cave now!"

Seeing them all looking like money fans, Su Qian'er was really speechless.

In fact, Su Qian'er also noticed that Captain Li Chen was actually a bit of a money fanatic.

Therefore, suddenly, Su Qian'er also said: "You guys go. I will go to the beach and guard our boat."

Suddenly hearing what Qian'er said, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said, "Then I will go to the beach with Qian'er and guard our boat."

But you must know that these two women really don't care much about money.

How should I put it... If they really go back, money is nothing more than a string of numbers to these two women, nothing more than multiple zeros and few zeros.

Seeing the two of them like this, the cute girl panicked and worried: "Then you two won't just sail away?"

Immediately, Liu Caiqiong also hurriedly said: "Yes! You must wait for us!"

But Tan Jixia said: "Oh, don't worry. Captain Li Chen hasn't boarded the boat yet, so are the two girls willing to leave?"

This really touched the hearts of these two girls.

Frankly speaking, if Captain Li Chen is really missing now, the two of them will really feel that their lives will be a little less from now on.

But you must know that although the second child, Su Qian'er, kept saying that she already had a fiancé, her first kiss was dedicated to Captain Li Chen.


Afterwards, watching Captain Li Chen and the six people, with the prepared torches and two AK47s, they really headed for the dense forest on the north side, so Su Qianer also said: "Let's go!" , Sister Wan'er, let's go to the beach first."

After Qin Xiaowan looked at the disappearing figures of the six people, she turned her head and looked thoughtfully at the second child, Su Qian'er...

Taking the opportunity, she asked tentatively: "Oh, right, Qian'er, what do you think... how is Captain Li Chen?"

Suddenly hearing such a question, Su Qian'er immediately blushed for no reason...

At this moment, it seems that she can't tell the real feeling in her heart?
After a long time, she said: "Anyway, when I first saw him, I really didn't think he was handsome."

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but burst out laughing...

Then she asked, "And then?"

Su Qian'er also replied shyly: "Then the more you look at it, the more pleasing to the eye."

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help laughing again, and then asked tentatively: "Then you... like him now?"

Unexpectedly, the second child suddenly curled his lips like a cute girl, and said, "Humph! Which round will you get me? Haven't you seen Ke Ke's stickiness now?"

Then, she said again: "Also, Qiong'er is also quite clingy to Captain Li Chen, okay? And that Lina, she kisses Captain Li Chen's mouth every now and then!"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help smiling again, and then said: "Didn't you kiss too?"

"...???" Su Qian'er suddenly blushed embarrassingly.

Immediately, she hurriedly said, "My... doesn't count!"

And Qin Xiaowan said with a slight smile: "The sweet tongue has reached Captain Li Chen's mouth, so it doesn't count?"

Su Qianer: "..."

Suddenly her cheeks were blushing and she was speechless, but at the same time, she was so ashamed that her beautiful eyes wrinkled...

It seemed that she was thinking in her heart that this was her first kiss with a man like that.

Su Qian'er, who was suddenly too shy, had no choice but to change the subject in a panic: "Okay, let's go to the beach first. If our boat is lost, then we will be in trouble, okay?"


Right now, in the dense forest.

The six people walking in the northeast direction were still a little unusually excited and excited.

After all, I thought, if there is gold, it will be really developed.

Suddenly, the cute girl couldn't help but said, "Oh, by the way, if there is gold, why don't we go to Dubai for a vacation and then go back?"

Liu Caiqiong said: "I think Maldives is also good."

Lina said: "Oh...Mr. Li, at that can open a presidential suite and enjoy your pussy to the fullest."

Suddenly these words really made Captain Li Chen start to yearn for something comfortably...

At least, a thought really flashed through his mind, that is, if these girls are really together, what would it be like?

Will it be too exciting?

The girls in the north suddenly looked over with angry eyes like a charming daughter-in-law: "Look at him like that, is he really dreaming?"

This made Xiao Cao couldn't help but smile...

After this Captain Li Chen also smiled, he said, "If there is gold, why don't we dream of gold?"

After Liu Caiqiong laughed, she said shyly: "At that time, it depends on whether you can serve your girls well?"

The cute girl said: "Hmph, with his small physique...Is it enough for me?"

Lina said: " doesn't matter, when the time comes, you can use medicine and enjoy it to your heart's content. With gold, what else can't be done?"


(End of this chapter)

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