Chapter 613 Friend, You Are Late
After he realized that the soil under the stone gate was very soft, Li Chen turned his head to the northern girl in a panic and said, "Uh, girl, hurry up and bring the torch."

Suddenly hearing this, Tan Jixia was still a little dazed. After a while, she was busy hanging the ak47 on one shoulder first.

After she was done, she turned around and pulled out the torch.

Next, after using a torch to light it, I was shocked to see that the soil under the stone gate showed signs of being dug...

So, Li Chen panicked and used the sharpened end of the bamboo pole to dig and plan the soil for a while...

Under the light of the fire, when a golden pointed corner was suddenly exposed under the soft soil, the northern lady became excited: "Hey! Do you see it? There..."

"I've seen it, bitch!"

At this moment, Li Chen was also a little excited, he squatted down there in a panic, and next, he used his hands to carefully plan the soft soil...

However, what gradually appeared was a piece of golden powder stone...


The Captain Li Chen at this moment is really almost scolding his mother.

However, when he suddenly saw that there were writings carved with a dagger on the golden powder stone, he was suddenly a little surprised——

At this moment, the northern girl also saw the handwriting on the golden powder stone.

So, Li Chen continued to dig the soil with his hands...

Finally, after digging out the golden powder stone, I carefully looked at the handwriting under the firelight...

It is a string of English...

[Friend, you-are-late, sorry! 】

Looking at the string of English, the northern girl couldn't help but translate: " are late...sorry!"

"???" And their Captain Li Chen almost scolded his mother again.

At this moment, I really don't know who to tell about the indescribable depression in my heart?

The northern lady was stunned for a moment, and then said: "So...there...was there really gold hidden here?"

Immediately, the lady said again: "This stone... these words... who left it?"

But all of a sudden, Li Chen was that depressed, and suddenly got up inexplicably angrily, couldn't help but kicked towards the stone door: "Hold the grass!"

It's just that after he kicked it up, suddenly, the stone door shook violently...

"Hey! The Shimen...moved!" the northern girl panicked and excitedly said.

"???" Their Captain Li Chen was also suddenly startled in a daze.

Looking at the stone gate again, he felt a little inexplicably flustered.

After a while, after thinking about it, he said to the northern girl: "Stand back. Put the torch in. Hold the ak47."

Hearing what he said suddenly, Tan Jixia also understood what he meant.

So, she panicked and followed suit.

After a while, I saw that the lady was already facing the stone gate with ak47 in her arms, so Li Chen used the bamboo pole to attack the stone gate, ready to knock down the stone gate...

Because of the kick just now, the stone door was visibly shaken, so it feels like it should be able to knock down this stone door?
Next, I saw that he had gathered all his strength and was about to knock down that stone gate with all his strength...

With the sound of 'ah', as soon as he exerted his strength, the stone gate began to tilt inward...

Finally, with a bang and a loud bang, the stone gate collapsed inward.


At this moment, the four people above and by the mouth of the cave suddenly heard such a loud noise from inside the cave, and they couldn't help getting excited...

"Hey! The Shimen seems to have fallen down?" The cute girl burst into excitement.

Qiong'er said: "Is there really gold?"

The foreign girl Lina was also excited: " seems that we are really going to develop!"

Xiao Cao showed a smile excitedly...


And at this moment, inside the cave.

The moment the Shimen collapsed, I felt a cold wind blowing towards my face...

Li Chen and the girls in the north couldn't help but shudder——

The torch they had planted there was nearly blown out.

After a while, after the torch light stabilized, Li Chen turned around in a panic to pull out the torch, and then shone into the hole...

But Tan Jixia suddenly saw a figure in a Chinese tunic suit standing there, and immediately, she saw the ak47 on her hand protruding...

'Da da da da da...'

"???" Li Chen was stunned for a while, because he hadn't seen it clearly yet.


At this moment, the four people above and by the mouth of the cave were stunned in a panic: "???"

"Gunshots!?" The cute girl was dumbfounded.

Xiao Cao's face suddenly changed drastically: "Damn, what else is there...?"

The foreign girl Lina screamed: "Oh... Oumaiga..."

Qiong'er immediately worried: "Captain Li Chen and sister Ji Xia, will something happen?"


Right now, inside the cave.

As the gunshots gradually extinguished, and then the firelight was used to illuminate the cave in the stone gate, Li Chen and the northern girl were all dumbfounded——

Because there was indeed a person in a Chinese tunic standing there, but it was already a zombie.

This situation made both of them feel stupid for a while——

It seems that for a while, I don't understand it at all.

After a while, I saw that the two of them looked at each other stupidly...

Then, Tan Jixia asked: "What's the situation...?"

Li Chen frowned sullenly: "Fuck, I don't even know, okay?"

Next, Tan Jixia had no choice but to frown her beautiful eyes pensively...

Then, she half-talked to herself: "A period of Chiang Kai-shek...Chinese tunic it be that what the so-called Tai Island people said is true!?"

Hearing this girl's chatter, Li Chen was suddenly startled——

After a while, he used the firelight to search carefully in the cave inside the stone gate...

And I didn't forget to use the bamboo pole to pry up the stone door to have a look.

But, not to mention gold, there is not even a golden hair.

Maybe it's his mother's... friend, are you late?
In the end, under the gloomy mood, Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Go, go up!"

"???" It's just that Tan Jixia was stunned a little bit unwillingly.

Seeing that she was still like that, Li Chen said: "Hold the grass, girl, why are you so dazed?"

Suddenly, Tan Jixia finally popped out: "Is there really not even a single gold bar left!?"

Li Chen was so depressed: "Fuck, I think so too! The key is that he really doesn't have one!"

And Tan Jixia couldn't help but said: "Uh, you said... It would be great if we came here earlier!"

Li Chen said: "Yes. We should have crashed the plane earlier. We should have survived on a deserted island earlier. It's best...before you, bitch, have that short-lived marriage, when you are still single, we should have It would be great if we crashed together and survived on a deserted island together."

Just hearing these words suddenly, Tan Jixia was still stunned for a moment...

Vaguely, she seemed to have realized that this guy surnamed Li still cared a little about her being a divorced woman.

(End of this chapter)

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