The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 617 I hope Xiao Cao can still manage his own family

Chapter 617 I hope Xiao Cao can go home by himself
After that, no matter how much Liu Caiqiong cried and shook, Xiao Cao never woke up again.

Suddenly, Tan Jixia and the other women also collapsed and knelt down...

Even the foreign girl Lina collapsed and knelt down...

This seems to be a fact that none of them will accept.

The wild dog Heizi mourned in silence...

Their captain, Li Chen, was already feeling like a thorn in his throat.

At this moment, helplessness, helplessness, grief, and some inexplicable anger...

After a while, Li Chen, who was already at a loss, had no choice but to slowly and gradually put Xiao Cao down on the deck.

Then he turned around, picked up the AK47, and fired at the corpses of pirates floating in the sea...

'Da da da da da da...'

It seems that they can only vent their anger on this.

Other than that, there is no other way.

Damn, I don't know why such a group of pirates suddenly appeared?
But you must know that their inner appeal is actually very simple, that is... to live and go home!
The reality is already cruel, but such a bunch of pirates are still coming!
At this moment, I really want to kill all the pirates if I can!

Fuck, his mother!
Until the bullets in the gun were exhausted, Li Chen, as the captain, had no choice but to let it go.

Then, after throwing the ak47 in hand into the sea, he had no choice but to turn around and squat down beside Xiao Cao...

Then, in desperation, he had no choice but to light three cigarettes, and helplessly put them beside Xiao Cao.

"Smok, brother!"

The more this was the case, the more the hearts of those women collapsed...

Afterwards, seeing their Captain Li Chen, he had no choice but to light a cigarette by himself...

After puffing on his cigarette for a while, looking at the women, he said, "Okay. God's will, no one can do it. I hope...Xiao Cao can go home by himself!"

As he said that, Li Chen, the captain, had no choice but to kneel down suddenly, and then hugged Xiao Cao with both hands...

When he got up with Xiao Cao in his arms, turned around and walked towards the sea, Tan Jixia hurried to catch up: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Immediately, Tan Jixia asked again: "Aren't you going to bury it?"

Only then did Li Chen turn his head to look at this northern girl in gloom...

After a while, he finally said: "This is Xiao Cao's last wish. He whispered it in my ear. He said he... said he didn't want jackals to eat his body, understand?"

Suddenly seeing Captain Li Chen talking with a stick in his throat, suddenly, the women had no choice but to express their understanding and were dumbfounded——

Because since it was Xiao Cao's last wish, there was nothing they could do about it.

Looking at the women again, Li Chen said again: "I think...Xiao Cao wants us to throw him into the sea, so he can float home by himself?"

After finishing speaking, he took a painful look at Xiao Cao who was supported by his hands. In desperation, he had no choice but to throw his hands away...

The women suddenly saw that Xiao Cao had been thrown into the sea, and suddenly, they felt an inexplicable pain in their hearts!

Finally, with a sound of 'poof', Xiao Cao's body has fallen into the sea...

Suddenly, the cute girl rushed forward with tears streaming down her face: "Xiao should go home early!"

Liu Caiqiong ran over again in a burst of collapse, and with a 'plop', she knelt down on her knees again...

Kneeling by the side of the boat, she looked at Xiao Cao floating in the sea with teary eyes, and couldn't help muttering to herself: "Xiao Cao once told me... that his son Lele is very cute. I said... ...When I go back, I will be his son's godmother, and he happily said...OK."

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but burst into tears and rushed to the side of the boat: "Xiao Cao, I'm sorry! I once hated you, sister Meng, and Qiong'er very much, but... I don't hate you anymore. I really don’t hate it anymore! Because... I also know, I also want to understand, the situation at that are no different! If at that time...that all rushed out of the dense forest to save me , maybe you are already dead!"

Then, Qin Xiaowan cried again: "Captain Li Chen is right, God! Everything is God's will! Including what happened to me... It's all God's will! Now... now... I don't hate anyone anymore Yes! I am very grateful to you all! I also thank God for this time, let us be survive from death together!"


After a while, the foreign girl Lina couldn't help but stepped forward, and prayed for a while...

"My lord, may you stop my friend from the country of Hua from suffering! My lord, I earnestly beg you to take my friend from the country of China home! Let him see his wife, child, family!"


Afterwards, Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er couldn't help but come forward, both muttering words to each other.


After a while, their captain, Li Chen, suddenly turned around and went into the cabin, went to get two cans of luncheon meat, and threw them into the sea...

"Cao Xiaowei—you remember—the most important thing is to eat and drink—"



Tonight, Huaguo Yanjing, Yanjiao, a certain community.

In the middle of the night, Xu Huiyun suddenly got up trembling in a cold sweat...

Probably because the movement was too loud, it woke up his son Lele who was sleeping beside him.

Lele woke up in a daze, and couldn't help reaching out to turn on the light...

Then, under the light, Lele saw her mother looking out of her wits...

Like not noticing that he was awake at all.

After a long time, Lele asked in bewilderment, "Mummy What's the matter with you?"

Only then did Xu Huiyun gradually withdraw from the dream...

After staying for a long time, she turned her head and looked at her son...

All of a sudden, she said a little disorientatedly: "Mummy is fine, it was just a dream."

"Did you dream about your father?" Lele asked hurriedly.

"En." Xu Huiyun could only nod her head.

Then, Lele said: "Mum, don't hide it from me anymore. I already know that something happened to the HX714 that Dad was sitting on and lost contact."

Suddenly hearing what her son said, Xu Huiyun couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly broke down and burst into tears...

However, her son Lele said: "Mum, don't cry. Dad actually told me secretly in the dream that he will be back soon. He also said... he will give you a surprise. In the dream Here, Dad also said that there is a very powerful uncle among them who has already snatched the boat and will be able to go home soon."

Suddenly hearing what her son said, Xu Huiyun couldn't help but get excited, and hurriedly asked: "Then... what's the name of that uncle? Did Dad tell you?"

Lele frowned: "Let me think about it, Mommy. In the dream... Dad said... that uncle... Sorry, Mommy, I can't remember."


(End of this chapter)

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