The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 620 I Will Marry You When Zhenzhang Kingdom Comes

Chapter 620 I Will Marry You When I Really Return to China

As for which island it was, Li Chen didn't know, and couldn't answer.

Because on that map, there is no name for the island.

And judging from the map, this island is just a little bit on the map.

So which island this is, who knows?

With such a central location in the ocean, no country is interested in these small islands.

Anyway, it is a small island that no one cares about for ten or eight years.


After a while, under the moonlit night, when Qin Xiaowan and Liu Caiqiong were about to enter the cabin, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but cast an inexplicable and ambiguous look at the captain Li Chen...

It seems that whether a woman is married or unmarried, as long as she falls in love with a man, she will be a little sticky.

It's just that as a married woman, she still has some scruples, and she still has a little more reserve in her heart.

It is also impossible for her to love without scruples like an unmarried girl.

After all, she still had a lot to consider.

There are still many problems to be faced.

Anyway, more or less still have to consider the existing family.

Therefore, the heart is actually full of contradictions.

Of course, Qin Xiaowan knew in her heart that this kind of love affair would not bear fruit.

Besides, when it comes to marriage, she still feels that she is no longer worthy of this Captain Li Chen.

Therefore, in her heart, all kinds of contradictions are mixed together.


In fact, when watching Deputy Captain Qin enter the cabin, Li Chen couldn't help but look at her inexplicably...

This woman, in my heart, is still beautiful.

In fact, she is indeed a beautiful young woman.

Frankly, he's still obsessed with her body.

It's just that I have to restrain myself.

After lighting another cigarette, suddenly, this captain Li Chen also had some complicated thoughts...

In fact, he doesn't dare to expect too much when it comes to emotional matters.

In his heart, he was still worried about whether he could go back?
After a while, the wild dog Heizi who woke up in the middle of the night suddenly came to him.

Seeing that the master Li Chen's expression was full of gloom, the beast also kept silent.

After a while, turning around to look at the wild dog Heizi, Li Chen couldn't help squatting down, reaching out and stroking {fu} its back hair...

In the end, he returned to the cabin, thinking that those women had all gone to the bilge to squeeze, so he also went to the cockpit, planning to go to the cockpit to make do for the night.

Anyway, being on a boat, whatever you do, is better than taking a nap by a fire.


The next morning.

The first to come to the bow deck was the cute girl and the foreign girl Lina.

Looking at the sunrise suddenly, it seems that the mood has also improved.

Those who are alive must continue after all.

Suddenly seeing many beautiful shells on the beach where the boat was moored, the cute girl couldn't help jumping off the boat with great interest.

Surprised by this, the foreign girl Lina couldn't help but jumped down...

"'s so beautiful here!"

The cute girl panicked and kept looking for more exquisite shells...

Then, she said to herself: "Bring this back, my brother will definitely like it."


After a while, Lina was surprised to see that there was a stone step that seemed to be artificially built in the southwest corner of the rocky mountain on the island...

"Oh... my God..."

Immediately, Lina hurriedly said: "Coco—look—the stone steps—"

When the cute girl looked up in the direction shown by Lina, she was also stunned——

At this time, Lina guessed again: "This island... seems to be inhabited by people?"

Immediately after that, the cute girl turned around and ran towards the boat after a jolt...

After Lina was surprised, she hurriedly asked, "Hey, Keke, where are you going?"

"I'll call Captain Li Chen."


Next, the cute girl ran towards the cockpit with a whoosh.

Because when she came out of the cabin, she had already taken a look and knew that Captain Li Chen was sleeping in the cockpit.

After rushing into the cockpit, the cute girl shook Li Chen's arm in a panic...

"Hey, Li, wake up!"

After being shaken by the cute girl for a while, Li Chen finally hummed, then woke up in a daze, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The cute girl said excitedly: "Stone steps! There are stone steps on this island! They go all the way up the mountain!"

"???" Li Chen was startled in a daze.

After waiting for a while, he suddenly got a shock and sat up in shock: "What did you say?"

The cute girl hurriedly said: "I said there are stone steps on this island! They go all the way up the mountain!"

"Is it true or not?" Li Chen was dubious.

The cute girl is anxious: "Oh! The dead surname is Li! Don't you know if you go out and see for yourself?"

"...???" Li Chen was in a daze again.

Looking at the cute girl again, I don't think she is lying...

So, he had no choice but to get up suddenly: "Go! Go out and have a look!"

However, just as Li Chen was about to leave, unexpectedly, the cute girl hummed suddenly and inexplicably: "Uh, wait a minute!"

Li Chen turned around to take a look, he was very dazed, and asked, "What's wrong?"

And the cute girl's ghostly thought was that there were only the two of them in the cockpit now, so she had to take the opportunity to stick together and make waves.

So, I saw the cute girl pretending to be annoyed, and then tenderly gestured to her lips: "Yeah!"

It means to ask him to kiss her.

Li Chen frowned: "I just got up! I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

The cute girl couldn't help stamping her feet coquettishly: "Hmph! I don't care!"

In desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to say, "Don't make trouble."

The cute girl said: "Who messed with you?"

Seeing her appearance, Li Chen had no choice but to look at her seriously, and then said: "If you really wait until you return to the country, I guess you won't be like this?"

The cute girl was stunned in a panic: "The surname is Li, what do you mean?"

Immediately, she hurriedly said again: "Hmph! You really think that he is playing tricks on you, don't you?"

Li Chen also replied: "Then who knows?"

So, the cute girl also said: "If I really return to China, I will marry you, believe it or not?"

"I don't believe it." Li Chen shook his head.

"???" The cute girl was a little anxious.

Immediately, in desperation, she said: "Well, the dead surnamed Li, tell me, what do you have to do to believe it?"

Li Chen said: "I won't know until I return to my country."

The cute girl suddenly got angry and said: "You are surnamed Li, do you have so little confidence in yourself?"

Li Chen said: "This has nothing to do with confidence. It has to do with the environment."

So, the cute girl said: "Then will you kiss me or not?"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the other side of the aisle, so Li Chen said, "Someone is here."

The cute girl said: "What are you afraid of? We are in free love! It's not cheating! You are not married and I am not married, so what is there to be shameful?"


(End of this chapter)

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