Chapter 678 What kind of boss are you?

Nina's three brothers and sisters suddenly turned their heads and looked back, and suddenly saw Li Chen coming again, they couldn't help but saw the three brothers and sisters turn around in a panic, kneel in front of Li Chen, and kowtow to thank...

Seeing these three brothers and sisters like this suddenly, Li Chen was a little dazed——

I even feel embarrassed.

Because after all, he couldn't do anything for them.

However, in the hearts of the three brothers and sisters Nina, he is now their benefactor!

Even, Ni Hao already felt some kind of totem spirit in Li Chen.

Because Nihao has already seen Li Chen's reverence for life, and his longing for being alive!
He even began to gradually understand why Li Chen would bombard those pirate ships with all his might.

In fact, the three brothers and sisters gradually understood that Li Chen was their leader.

Such an approachable leader seems to remind the three brothers and sisters of their former patriarch...

Because their former patriarch was so docile, peaceful, and even humorous.

However, when it came to the critical moment, when defending against foreign enemies, their patriarchs were fiercer than anyone else!
Even killing foreign enemies, the patriarch is so cruel and heartbroken!

In fact, the three brothers and sisters understood that it was just for a better life.

This saw the three brothers and sisters keep kowtowing their heads in thanks, Li Chen really felt that he couldn't afford it!
In desperation, he had no choice but to rush forward, trying to pull the three brothers and sisters up...

However, Ni Hao suddenly said awkwardly: "Li Chen..."

Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly said, "Say it."

"Oh, Aligu..."

"???" Li Chen was confused again.

Because I really don't understand!
Seeing Li Chen suddenly stunned, Nina couldn't help but gesture to him in sign language...

However, Li Chen didn't understand Nina's sign language for a while.

In fact, what the three brothers and sisters meant was that they wanted to beg Li Chen to stay and be their patriarch.

Because the three brothers and sisters also want to revitalize their tribe.

However, there is a language barrier and communication is impossible.

In the end, Li Chen had no choice but to express his helplessness and shook his head at the three brothers and sisters...

Meaning, I don't get it.

Nina was at a loss, she was busy thinking about it, and then she had to sign some simpler sign language...

This time, Li Chen roughly understood that what the three siblings meant was that they want him to be their boss.

It's just that Li Chen frowned embarrassingly...

Damn, let's not accept younger brothers and younger sisters, okay?

We don't mix in the society, what kind of boss should we be?

Next, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to gesture at the three brothers and sisters in sign language...

What he meant was that they were going home.

This made the three Nina brothers and sisters suddenly feel a little bit stunned——

It seems that the three brothers and sisters have also realized it. Maybe this is unrealistic?

After a while, Su Qian'er finally couldn't help but approached Captain Li Chen, and whispered in his ear: "Uh, Captain, what are they talking about?"

Li Chen whispered in Su Qian'er's ear depressedly: "They said they wanted me to be their boss."

"???" Su Qian'er was also dumbfounded.

I thought to myself, this... what is it?

After thinking about it, and looking at the three brothers and sisters, Su Qian'er whispered in Li Chen's ear: "Then you promise them. Anyway, you are our boss, aren't you?"

Li Chenke became depressed again, and hurriedly whispered in Su Qianer's ear: "Girls, I'm not your boss. I'm just your captain. Besides, just take you alone, you are obviously older than me Three years old, okay? I should call you sister."

Hearing what he said suddenly, Su Qian'er was also a little speechless.

After that, she had no choice but to look at him like a daughter-in-law, and then whispered in his ear: "What? Do you think I'm old?"

And Li Chen couldn't help but whisper in her ear: "Why do you sometimes look like a cute girl?"

Su Qian'er said, "Which woman can't be cute?"

"???" Li Chen was speechless.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to whisper in her ear: "President Su, let's be serious."

President Su! ?

This made Su Qian'er startled involuntarily——

Because such a title popped up all of a sudden, it really shocked her.

Because all along, she deliberately did not reveal which group's president or founder she is.

Because she really didn't want to talk about it.

What's more, she also understands that in this environment, it's nonsense that the president is not the president, and the founder is not the founder.

Moreover, she also understands that the more you mention this, the harder it is to blend in.

Maybe even encounter rejection?

But all of a sudden, the captain actually called her Mr. Su! ?

To be honest, Su Qianer is really puzzling!
After all...Even Sister Jixia, Keke, and Sister Wan'er don't know her identity.

After being stunned for a while, Su Qian'er had no choice but to look at him like a daughter-in-law...

Immediately, she whispered in his ear, "Uh, why do you call me Mr. Su? Am I not the second child?"

Then, she hurriedly said: "Also, don't you always call me a bitch?"

Li Chen finally couldn't help but whisper in her ear: "The founder and president of Jingchuang Group, right?"

"???" Su Qianer was dumbfounded again.

Immediately, she said anxiously: "Damn guy! How do you know?"

Li Chen smiled inexplicably: "You just say it, right?"

There was nothing left, so Su Qian'er had no choice but to ask, "Do they all know?"

Li Chen said: "Do they know, I don't know? Anyway, I know."

So, Su Qianer hurriedly whispered in his ear: "Then don't let them know, understand?"

Li Chen had no choice but to whisper in her ear: "Okay, girls."

"Hmph... you..."

Seeing that this President Su was in a hurry, Li Chen didn't say anything more, so he had to accept it as soon as he saw it.


And the three Nina brothers and sisters thought they were discussing the matter of becoming the patriarch.

Therefore, seeing that the two of them seemed to have finished their discussion, Nina asked Li Chen again in sign language...

Means, can you be our patriarch?
Li Chen was stunned again: "???"

No way, Li Chen had no choice but to sign Nina again...

Means, send their three brothers and sisters home first.


Afterwards, when Li Chen was about to turn around and go back to the cabin, Su Qian'er hurriedly chased after him.

She hurriedly whispered in his ear again: "Uh, dead guy, what else do you know about me?"

Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at her...

After thinking about it, he said with a half-smile: "I know you have a fiancé."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Su Qian'er froze for a moment, then looked at him inexplicably annoyed...

Immediately, she asked, "Then what do you think?"

Li Chen seemed to understand what she meant, but he just shook his head: "No. I have no idea."

Then, he added: "I don't dare to have an idea."


(End of this chapter)

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