Chapter 761 Polar Environment
Although it was true that Duhu was killed in battle, frankly speaking, at this moment, the former Captain Li Chen still felt a little inexplicably uneasy, and he didn't dare to open the cave easily. Road bamboo fence gate.

After all, he also understands in his heart that this kind of damn can there be such a victorious general?

I really struggled with that big beast just now, but I still didn't know what to do.

But in order to appease the two women and try not to make the two women continue to be frightened, he also had to speak more fully.

But now, under his comfort, the two women gradually became a little bolder.

Moreover, at this moment, the two women are not sleepy at all, and they feel a little panicked if they continue to stay in this cave.

Of course, the more important thing is that the two women were both urinated in shock just now, so they naturally feel wet and uncomfortable at the moment.

Therefore, I really want to go to the beach to wash up.

But regarding this matter, the two women were ashamed to say it clearly, they could only frown each other's beautiful eyes in self-conscious shame...

After staying for a while, I felt really uncomfortable, so Ito Chuanxiang had no choice but to say: "Li Chenjun, now...can we go out?"

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen was also a little embarrassed——

Because he also realized that just now he was bragging quite loudly and comforted the two women, but in fact, sitting in the cave right now, he didn't dare to get out easily.

After turning his head to look at the two women, he originally wanted to ask something, but he hesitated to speak.

When he suddenly smelled a smell of embarrassment, he was surprised to see that the two women seemed to have peed in shock just now.

Therefore, he understood why the two women wanted to get out of the cave in such a hurry.

Thinking about it again, it was already after noon, and I woke up feeling a little hungry.

Therefore, it is still necessary to get out of this cave.

Thinking, no way, he had no choice but to pretend to be calm and move over, ready to open the bamboo fence door of the stone cave...

It's really nothing, so I have to go out if I bite the bullet.

After opening the bamboo fence door of the stone cave, I saw that he probed out of the cave with some trepidation to check the situation...

After he was done, he stretched out his hand and pulled the tree branch hidden in the hole, and he was about to lead the two women out.

Finally, after getting out of the cave, he straightened up, took the branch to his hand, and then looked around the dense forest vigilantly...

Seeing that there seemed to be no movement at the moment, he said to the two women in the cave: "Okay, it's all right, come out."

Hearing what he said, the two women came out of the cave nervously...

Then, Quan Hye Kyo said to him with a face of shame: "Li Chen... we... are going to the seaside."

Li Chen also understood what the two women meant, so he said: "It's okay. Then go down. You two go down first."


Next, he helped the two women's tree branches and threw them down into the sand below.

Then, holding a branch in his hand, he stood on the edge of the cliff and protected the two women to go down the rattan ladder first.

Damn it... To be honest, he was also afraid that the big tiger would kill the carbine again.

After the two women had gone down the rattan ladder, he had no choice but to get a rattan, went back to the cave to skewer three fish, and prepared to take it down to the beach for barbecue.

By the way, I didn't forget to grab some crystal salt and put it in my trouser pocket.

But thinking that there was still a lot of food in the cave, he turned around and blocked the bamboo fence door of the cave.

After all, there are still three dead wolves in the cave that haven't been cleaned up in time. It would be a pity if they were taken away by some beast in a while.

This thing... There is nothing to do with this kind of extreme extreme survival environment, and we can only be cautious everywhere.

After everything was settled, he walked towards the edge of the cliff and threw down the branch in hand first.

After he was done, he hung a string of fish and came down the rattan ladder on the cliff.

Relatively speaking, at this moment, the beach below is relatively safer.


The two women were at the beach, and they wanted to take off and wash, but when they saw Li Chen came down, the two women were very shy...

In desperation, Quan Hye Kyo had no choice but to pretend to be ashamed and said to him: "You are not allowed to look at the seaside!"

Seeing it, Li Chen said, "Don't worry. I promise not to watch it."

After he finished speaking, he was still very gentlemanly, ready to turn around and go to the dense forest by the beach to collect firewood.

Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang saw that he had already gone to work, and they shyly put on the beach and took off their clothes and pants, then walked towards the shallows, ready to wash up.

In fact, when the two women think about it, it's embarrassing.

"Uh, Sister Huiqiao, I feel... so shameful!" Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but whispered in shame.

Hearing what Ito Chuanxiang said, Quan Hye Kyo also frowned in embarrassment...

Then, Ito Chuanxiang whispered shyly again: "You said...Will Li Chenjun laugh at the two of us?"


But at this moment, Li Chen was busy picking up firewood, so he didn't mean to laugh at the two women.

Moreover, he also knew that a fire had to be built.

Because after the two women washed and washed, they had to dry their clothes and so on.

As for the beach at this moment, the two women are there, it is indeed a beautiful scenery.

Li Chen was busy for a while, and after picking up a pile of firewood, he frowned and thought about it. There was nothing to do, so he had no choice but to climb up the rattan ladder and go to the North Peak to get the dry log lump used to drill wood for fire...

In the end, after a fire was built on the beach, Li Chen also said to the beach: "Both of you, dry your clothes first."

After finishing speaking, I saw that he was very gentlemanly copying the branch of a tree, ready to walk towards the canyon.

Because he also knows that at this moment, he should not stay here.

After all, the two women are naked at the moment.

When Ito Chuanxiang by the sea suddenly saw such a gentleman like him, she couldn't help but secretly startled——

I feel that this really an incomparably honest gentleman.

In fact, for Jeon Hye Kyo, it doesn't matter whether he avoids it or not.

Anyway, she and him have even done that, so she is not afraid of him looking at her.

It's just that there is still Ito Chuanxiang after all, so she has no choice but to keep silent on this matter.

But regarding the fact that she was startled to urinate, she still felt very ashamed, after all, she also felt that Li Chen Ouba had made a joke of her.

As for Li Chen, he is guarding at the mouth of the canyon right now.

Because if those ferocious beasts want to come to this beach by the sea, they must come out of the canyon.

On the half of Beifeng's waist, at that height, those ferocious beasts dare not jump down directly.

(End of this chapter)

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