Chapter 784 Alright, let's go!
Afterwards, I saw Li Chen, who was still firmly holding the tree branch on the ground with his hands, and when he looked up at the fierce tiger again, he saw that this ferocious beast finally showed signs of dying...

For this reason, he couldn't help but feel a long cry from the rest of his life: "Huh—"

The originally ferocious big beast was now stunned by a tree branch at the head end, and a tree branch was stabbed at both sides of the abdomen, and its hostility was finally contained.

The originally rebellious demeanor of the king is now starting to look like a sick cat, dying, and his eyes are starting to close slightly...

It is estimated that this big beast is still unwilling?
Because it absolutely did not expect that it would die right away.

The original extremely fierce debut, but now it is dying.

It's just that the two women are still a little scared of this big beast...

Subconsciously, the two women stepped back timidly to the sides...

It seems that he may still have not subdued this big beast?
Li Chen, who was half squatting, suddenly got up and kicked down the tree branch standing on his pole...

Then there was a sound of 'Peng', and the big ferocious beast fell down.

This movement frightened the two women into shivering——

Until the end, when it was confirmed that the big beast had fallen to the ground and had not moved, the two women couldn't help but startled with a sense of victory——

Immediately, the two women couldn't help cheering with joy...

"Ah - yay - Yay Butterfly - we made it -"

Suddenly seeing two women like that, as if they were the biggest contributors to killing this big beast, Li Chen could only smile happily in cooperation.

Next, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help another burst of excitement, suddenly turned around and rushed over happily, hugged Li Chen, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him passionately.

Just seeing it suddenly, Quan Huiqiao, who was smiling happily, was stunned suddenly with jealousy: "???"

The trouble made Li Chen feel a little embarrassed at the moment, he didn't know what to do?

In desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to turn around suddenly, and took out the self-made hatchet pinned to his waist, as if he was about to cut the tiger's flesh...

This made the two women startled in surprise: "???"

Then, seeing Li Chen cut off a large piece of tiger meat from the tiger's ass...

Originally worried that there would be no supplies on the ridge, but now, this large piece of tiger meat is enough for the three of them to eat two or three meals.

Since the three of them had to go on their way, it was unrealistic to take away all the tiger's meat, so they could only leave such a large piece.

Afterwards, Li Chen took off the rattan back pocket on his back, and was about to put it back and put the piece of tiger meat in it.

Seeing this, the two women were stunned again: "???"

Afterwards, after Li Chen put on the rattan back pocket again, he bent down to pick up his own tree branch without returning to the hatchet, and said to the two women: "Okay, let's go."

The two women were stunned again...

Because for the two of them, their hearts were still ups and downs.

But to Li Chen, it was as if this incident had never happened, he was still so calm and composed.

Afterwards, no matter what, the two women had no choice but to go forward trembling and frightened, and then bent down to pick up their respective branches...

Seeing that Li Chen had climbed the sloping ridge to the highest peak, there was nothing to do, so the two of them had no choice but to keep up with him.

However, at this moment, Li Chen actually still has lingering fears.

While climbing up, he was also looking up vigilantly...

I was also afraid that another big animal would come down again.

After all, this thing... He also knew in his heart that it was impossible to be so lucky every time.

So it is better to be vigilant.

At the same time, he was also a little puzzled. He thought that there was no potential danger on this mountain ridge, but who knew that the big beast just jumped down from this mountain.

At this moment, the two women following him have been looking up at the peak anxiously...

But seeing Li Chen walking up to the top, the two of them felt a little at ease.

Now looking at the back of the Huaguo man, in the eyes of the two of them, he is no longer just a stalwart.

Now in the eyes of both of them, he is a god-man.

An absolute god-like existence!

The two of them couldn't even figure out how much energy this Huaguo man possessed?
For such an extremely ferocious beast, he was able to stab its lower jaw with a fork of a tree and stun it. Only a god can do this.

In fact, in Li Chen's heart, he felt that he was not that godlike, nor was he that great.

At the critical moment, he was only relying on a bit of courage and wit.

Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but whispered in Quan Hye Kyo's ear: "Sister Hye Kyo, if we really wait until we go back, and there will be no Li Chenjun in the future, will we feel that there is something missing around us? "

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Quan Hye Kyo was really stunned for a moment——

Suddenly, she was seriously thinking about it too.

In other words, there is no permanent feast in the world.

So there will be a day when we say goodbye.

Thinking of this, and looking at the back of the climber in front of her, Quan Hye Kyo stared thoughtfully again...

In fact, many things still have answers in her heart.

It's just about the future... She can't promise anything.

After all, for her, if she really goes back, maybe she still has to abide by some constraints of the company she signed with?
On the surface, he is a famous star, but in fact, he is also subject to many constraints of the contracted company.

It is also impossible to think of the freedom like being on an island.

After thinking about these practical issues, Jeon Hye Kyo had no choice but to whisper in Ito Chuanxiang's ear: "It's too early to talk about it now. Let's talk about it when we really go back."


After a while, after Li Chen climbed the highest peak first, he let out a long sigh of relief: "Huh—"

When he regained his breath, he stood on the highest peak and looked around, feeling that everything had been trampled under his feet, and he couldn't help being suddenly happy like a young boy who is not afraid of tigers...

"Ah—I'm going to Tamar's Broken Island—"

The two women who were still at the waist of the peak couldn't help looking up in panic——

Seeing Li Chen suddenly like that, the two of them felt incredible, but at the same time couldn't help but want to laugh a little.

It's like seeing another side of him.

In fact, Jeon Hye Kyo understands that this Huaguo man was originally funny and humorous, but because there are too many things in his heart, he has not been able to fully release and be truly happy.

And what she has been working hard for is to hope that he will be truly released, happy, and happy...

(End of this chapter)

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