The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 804 Restoring the Original Tranquility

Chapter 804 Restoring the Original Tranquility

Before they knew it, the sun was already rising in the east, and the three of them were completely relieved from the battle with the pirates earlier in the morning...

Although it was a complete victory, but this morning, they really risked their lives in exchange for the peace at this moment.

When everything returned to the original tranquility, the three suddenly realized that under the bright sun, the golden sandy beach directly south was very beautiful.

If there is no one to disturb, there is really an illusion of a beach vacation.

The two women looked at Li Chen again, flashed back his various heroic actions this morning, and then felt the original tranquility of this beach again, and the two women suddenly felt at peace...

This Chinese man... is their most powerful patron saint.

Of course, the two women also knew in their hearts that defeating the pirates was not only for himself, but more importantly, it was to protect the two women to the death.

Return the dignity of the survivors in the air crash!
Although each other is still dying on this deserted island, they must not live without dignity.

Suddenly, when the two women realized that there were scratches on the Hua country man's body, they couldn't help but startled in distress——

The most obvious one is that on Li Chen's left face, there is an obvious scratch mark from the thorns of firewood and vines.

Although the traces of blood marks are the medal of victory and the true qualities of a man, but at this moment, the two women are really hurting when they look at it!

In the warm sea breeze, this Hua country man couldn't help but lit another cigarette...

After looking at the two women again, he said, "Let's go. Let's go back to the jungle and pack up our spoils."

Saying that, just when Li Chen was about to turn around, Quan Huiqiao panicked and said, "Wait a minute!"

Li Chen turned around in a panic, looked at her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Quan Hye Kyo approached him very distressed, and couldn't help reaching out to caress the scratches on his left face...

"Does it hurt?"

Seeing that she was so distressed that she was about to cry, Li Chen smiled: "It's just a small injury. It's nothing, it will heal naturally in two days."

However, Jeon Hye Kyo was still so distressed that tears were shining, and she couldn't help standing on tiptoe and kissing him deeply.

From Li Chen's point of view, this was more or less a show of affection and dog food, so he was a little embarrassed to take care of Ito Chuanxiang who was beside him...

But unexpectedly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but leaned closer to him, and before he knew what was going on, Ito Chuanxiang had already kissed him on the face.

"???" Li Chen was a little confused.

Ito Chuanxiang looked at him affectionately, and said, "Thank you, Li Chenjun!"

In fact, at this moment, Ito Chuanxiang's heart is extremely complicated.

She wanted to kiss him passionately, but she was afraid that sister Huiqiao would be jealous.

After all, this H country actress is already his rightful woman.

Seeing that the two women were like this, Li Chen smiled a little embarrassedly, and then said: "It's okay, it's okay. It's still important."

Immediately, he added: "Let's go back to the jungle to pack up our spoils. Then prepare breakfast."


Originally, a dozen or so AK47s were seized, but in the end, after the war, there are still bullets, so there are only six or seven AK47s.

For Li Chen, there are those half-packs of cigarettes and those zippo lighters.

That's all for the so-called spoils.

Others are nothing.

As for the thousands of dollars that were looted, they are useless on this desert island.

Moreover, Li Chen also understood in his heart that whether these thousands of dollars can play a role depends on whether he can go back alive?
If you can't go back alive, this is just a pile of papers from Tamar.


After the three harvested the booty and returned to the south, where the original fire was, the three lit the fire again.

Now that there is a lighter, it is much more convenient to start a fire.

As for their food, those are still there.

The shark meat and the pirates didn't go along either.

At this moment, the three of them were also hungry, grilled some shark meat, and devoured each other's meal.

It seems that I have never felt so hungry.

After they were full, the three of them drank some fresh water evenly, only then did they realize that fresh water was still a problem.

As a result, Li Chen lit up a cigarette with a frowning expression, thinking, where should he get some fresh water?

And the two women suddenly felt a little inexplicably depressed.

Ito Chuanxiang suddenly said: "It's a pity! We didn't get the pirate ship!"

It's a pity to think about it.

If they had snatched a pirate ship during the battle with the pirates in the morning, then the three of them would be able to leave the island now, right?

But now, the good times have to continue to be wasted on this island.

Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but said to Ito Chuanxiang: "Don't think about the pirate ship. It's good that we can still live now."

Hearing what the two women said, Li Chen frowned...

Afterwards, he looked at the two of them again, and he said, "Okay. Let's think about it, where can we get fresh water?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, the two women realized that their current situation had not changed.

Seeing that their fresh water was almost gone, Quan Hye Kyo frowned: "I don't know...where is there fresh water?"

Li Chen looked up at the sky...

It was mid-morning at this moment, and judging by the position of the sun, it should be around ten o'clock in the morning.

So in terms of time, it's still early.

As a result, he couldn't help but stood up suddenly and said, "Go, take our water bottle and those empty mineral water bottles."

Hearing this suddenly, the two women were a little dazed...

Then, Jeon Hye Kyo hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

Li Chen said: "Of course it is to find fresh water sources."

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang also hurriedly asked, "Do you know where it is?"

Li Chen replied: "If you don't look for it, how will you know where it is?"

While talking, he had hung up an ak47.

Seeing this, the two women had no choice but to tidy up...

A rattan back pocket was freed up, and two water jugs and those empty mineral water bottles were put into it.

Afterwards, Quan Hye Kyo transformed into a virtuous married woman with the rattan backpack on her back.

Seeing that Li Chen had hung up his weapon, she did not forget to hang an AK47 on her shoulder.

Ito Chuanxiang also hung up an ak47.

Seeing that Li Chen still didn't forget to copy the branch, so the two of them followed suit and copied the branch as well.

After Li Chen fastened the hatchet on his waist again, he said: "Okay, let's go."

Just looking at the remaining guns at the side, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking: "Li Chenjun, these..."

Before she could finish asking, Li Chen said: "It's okay. Let's leave it here. This is our territory now, isn't it?"


(End of this chapter)

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