Chapter 811 Is the sky going to change

Before I knew it, it was night again.

At this moment, all three of them were sitting around the fire in front of the thatched hut, roasting food.

This night, what was used for dinner was the marinated and smoked wolf meat left over from before.

Suddenly feeling a little idle, Li Chen couldn't help but think, if he could have a jug of shochu, it would be another beautiful dinner.

As for the two women, at this moment, they don't know whether they should be happy or sad.
The current life on a deserted island... everything is in place.

It's just that when we can wait for passing ships here is still unknown?

The three people under the light of the fire were all expressionless.


It wasn't until after dinner that all three of them looked up at the sky that they realized...there is no moonlight tonight.

As a result, the two women suddenly became sentimental...

"Li Chenjun, is the sky going to change?" Ito Chuanxiang suddenly couldn't help asking.

Li Chen frowned, and then said, "It's hard to say?"

Quan Hye Kyo suddenly said: "It's okay if it rains. But don't let the tide rise or the tsunami. Otherwise, our thatched cottage today will be useless."

Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly said: "Sister Huiqiao, can't you hope for something better?"


After a while, it felt windy, and the sea breeze suddenly became a bit cooler, Li Chen also frowned worriedly...

He waited and looked at the sky again, but he thought to himself: God thief, don't play with us anymore!

Don't you think you haven't played enough?
At this time, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but said again: "I don't think it's going to rain, is it going to rain?"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "I think we should hurry up and hide in our thatched hut?"



This night, in the middle of the ocean, next to another small island, there were several G country fishing boats floating, and those fishermen also keenly sensed the change in the weather.

They are also worried that the weather will suddenly turn bad.

Although they can catch all kinds of precious fish in the waters they come to, they are also risking their lives.

Because of this oceanic climate, sometimes the weather forecast is not very accurate.

If you really catch up with the inaccurate time, you may die here if you come to fish here.

However, as for them still willing to come here to fish, it is natural to come here, and they can earn more than half a year's expenses.

At this moment, these fishermen are also discussing with each other, is it better to return to the voyage quickly?
Some said that no fish had been caught yet.

Some said that returning may be more dangerous?

Others said that they should stay by the island for the time being and wait and see what happens.

Because for them, returning to the voyage without catching fish is really painful.

After all, it costs a lot to come here.

First of all, the round-trip fuel cost is a lot.

What's more, the food and whatnot are prepared, which are a lot of expenses.

If you return empty-handed, then you really have a feeling of being a dog.

Especially thinking that the first batch of fishermen who arrived here had already returned with a full load, they were even more inexplicably anxious.



Suddenly, feeling that the night wind was getting colder and colder, Li Chen and the three had no choice but to retreat into the thatched hut.

After lowering the door curtain woven of rattan and firewood, and then compacting the bottom with stones, the three suddenly realized that this is really a warm hut.

But, now, Ito Chuanxiang feels a little embarrassed.

After all, in the current trio, Li Chen and Quan Hye Kyo are already a legitimate young couple, so she seems a little redundant.

In fact, Quan Huiqiao was also thinking in her heart, if there was no Ito Chuanxiang, then she and Li Chen could do whatever they wanted.

In order to avoid this kind of embarrassment, Li Chen also said: "Okay, go to sleep, it's not too early anyway."

While talking, he just lay down here next to the very edge.

Then, Quan Huiqiao originally wanted Ito Chuanxiang to sleep next to Li Chen, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was wrong. Now that she was Li Chen's woman, why did Ito Chuanxiang sleep next to Li Chen?

Thinking, thinking, she couldn't help but lie down next to Li Chen.

Seeing this, Ito Chuanxiang had no choice but to lie in the innermost position alone.

Suddenly, that inexplicable sense of loss really arises spontaneously.

Originally, she had always slept next to Li Chen.

Now this feeling... as if she was suddenly thrown into limbo.

At this moment, her heart was full of deep regret, regretting that she didn't take the opportunity to have a story with Li Chen during those nights when she slept next to Li Chen.

Otherwise, then she has become Li Chen's legitimate woman, right?

At this moment, she has been thinking in her heart, that H country actress... When exactly...had secretly slept with Li Chen?

Afterwards, in the quiet night, without knowing it, the three people in the thatched cottage also fell asleep.

It's just that in the middle of the night, Quan Hye Kyo was suddenly awakened by a nightmare, but she couldn't fall asleep anyway.

In desperation, she had no choice but to act like a baby, and went straight into Li Chen's arms.

Forget it all, and she still has some extra small movements on her hands.

Then, after Li Chen woke up, she simply kissed him directly.

The sleepy Li Chen couldn't help but frowned, panicked, thinking what's wrong with her?

In the middle of the night...what's the matter?

He was also afraid of waking up Ito Chuanxiang, who was sleeping in the innermost part, so, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to whisper in her ear: "Don't do this. A little while... If Chuanxiang wakes up, it will be bad."

However, Quan Hye Kyo whispered in his ear: "Isn't it good if we move lightly?"

"???" Li Chen seemed completely speechless.

But think about it, now this country H actress is his daughter-in-law again, so it's hard for him to say anything.

Besides, it is completely legitimate for her to have something to do with him in the middle of the night.

After all, she is his daughter-in-law. If she doesn't do this to him, who else can she do it to?
After thinking about it, Li Chen had no choice but to whisper in her ear: " about we go out?"

But Quan Hye Kyo whispered in his ear: "It's cold outside. Listen, the night wind is blowing outside."

Li Chen frowned again: " about forgetting about it? Tomorrow night? Okay?"

However, Quan Hye Kyo whispered coquettishly in his ear: "But...he just can't sleep right now."

Then, she whispered in his ear again: "It's all right. Take it easy."

And Li Chen whispered in her ear: "But you..."

Quan Huiqiao panicked and shyly said: "I hate you, you! Wait a minute...Isn't it okay if I hold back and keep silent?"

"You... can you really hold back?"

"Oh, don't you hate it? Come on, hurry up! Come on, come on!"


(End of this chapter)

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