Chapter 833 Be Prepared
At this moment, in the ocean, the fishing boat is about three or four hundred nautical miles away...

When an island finally appeared in front of us, on the northeast side, the two women were suddenly pleasantly surprised...

"Hey! Li Chenjun! Look! In front of... the island!" Ito Chuanxiang was particularly surprised and excited.

In fact, she didn't need to be so excited, Li Chen had already seen the island.

At this moment, under his heart, he finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief...

Especially looking at the island roughly, it seems that the area is not small, the island is green and green, and the green plants are very lush, Li Chen's heart... feels inexplicably happy.

Because this kind of island is good for them to hide.

Now, although the three helicopters are just a hypothetical guess, but this kind of damn thing... it's better to have more thoughts!
It can be said that for now, the three of them cannot afford to lose.

Because once you lose, all your hard work will be in vain.

Struggling in this ocean for nearly a year will lose its meaning.

To put it bluntly, to put it bluntly, if the person is gone in the end, then there is still a meaning to all this?

Although it is very depressing to catch up with such a damn thing, but there is no way...

At this moment, Li Chen can only prepare to drive the boat towards the island on the north side...

However, all of a sudden, based on some impressions in her memory, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help asking with a little joy: "Uh, by the way, Li there still three islands...we are about to go out to sea Is that the last island in the center?"

Hearing Quan Huiqiao's question suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being stunned.

Afterwards, after thinking about it, he replied, "It seems...the area in the center of the ocean...there are only the last three islands left?"

Suddenly hearing this, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help being pleasantly surprised: "Oh! So...we will have hope soon?"

It's just that Li Chen is still somewhat inexplicably gloomy...

After being stunned for a while, he said: "If there are no external disturbances and the ocean environment is stable, we will see hope soon."

After Quan Hye Kyo realized what he was worried about, she couldn't help but said, "Maybe those three helicopters...are they really rescue planes?"

Li Chen said: "If it is really a rescue plane, then we will berth on the island now, and there will be no delay."

As he spoke, he was already steering the helm towards the island on the north side...

As it happens, the island, to the southwest, is a large golden sandy beach.

At this moment, the two women looked at the golden beach, and they felt a little relieved.

At least you can have a good rest on the island for a while.

After a while, Li Chen drove the boat and was about to approach the southwest corner...

Suddenly, he couldn't help but said: "Okay. You two go out and prepare to break down."


Finally, after the boat finally approached the southwest corner of the island, Li Chen turned off the fire completely.

After he was done, he hurriedly went down to the bilge, went to find three backpacks and brought them up.

Then I saw him busy stuffing some food and drink into his backpack...

Canned lunch meat, canned corn, and beef jerky filled two backpacks.

The remaining backpack was filled with some bottled water, some cans of beer, and finally a cigarette was stuffed into it.

After finishing, he said to the two women: "Okay. That's fine. Each has a backpack. Leave the heaviest backpack to me."

This was under his arrangement and arrangement, and immediately, that is, each person had a backpack, and then he took all the guns on the ship off the ship.

As for Li Chen, he still did not forget to fasten the homemade hatchet and the tree branch on his waist, and he also took it off the boat.

After landing on the island, he hurriedly said, "Let's go. You can't just stay here on the beach."

Hearing what he said again, the two women had no choice but to keep up with him...

Afterwards, Li Chen led the two women across the beach, heading towards the green forest to the west...

After all, he is still unfamiliar with this island.

Therefore, we can only find a hiding place first.

However, the scenery of this island is not bad...

The green forest to the west is full of spinosa trees, jaune palms, and clam leaf palms.


Just when Li Chen led the two women into the green forest, he suddenly heard a roar coming from the sky west of the ocean...

As a result, the two women were startled somewhat curiously, turned around in the green forest, and looked up at the sky west of the ocean...

At this moment, Li Chen also turned around and looked in that direction.

Sure enough, soon, I saw the three helicopters returning...

Then, in the blink of an eye, I was surprised to see that a cannon shot {s} from the helicopter at the front...

When they were shocked to see the shell flying towards the southwest corner of the island, the eyes of the two women suddenly turned round in shock: "???"


A sudden explosion!
Then the two women trembled violently——

I saw a burst of sand and stones splashing beside the boat...

The fishing boat parked in the southwest corner also shook violently...

Just when the two women were about to scream out loud, Li Chen panicked and said with a dark face: "Shut up! Hold back!"

In fact, he already had a premonition that the cannonball just now was just the beginning of the other guy's venting.

Next... it should be even more intense?
Sure enough, soon, the other two helicopters also flew over with shells...

Seeing this, the two women's eyes widened in shock: "???"

'Peng, Peng...'

Several explosions sounded, startling one after another.

This time, after the two women trembled all over, they peed in fright.

At the southwest corner, there was a turbulent splash of sand and gravel, accompanied by a turbulent splash of water waves...

Amidst the bombardment, the fishing boat parked at the southwest corner was shaken left and right...

A lot of sand, gravel and sea water have splashed onto the ship.

Seeing such a scene with his eyes helplessly, for Li Chen, he naturally felt uncomfortable...

Grass, Tama!

The dog said it!
And all of a sudden, the two women realized that the prediction of the Hua country man was really accurate.

Even thinking about it, the two women were so scared that their backs felt chills...

If the ship was sailing in the ocean, it would be no wonder it wouldn't sink after being bombarded by shells like this!


At this moment, those guys in the helicopter are very crazy, almost crazy to the point of becoming too crazy.

They just don't smash the fishing boat with a single shot.

At this moment, those guys are laughing and asking each other, meaning: Are those guys on the boat scared to pee?
Asking each other, there was another burst of laughter...

Then, I saw those guys started to hold their guns, ready to fire at the fishing boat...

(End of this chapter)

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