Chapter 835 Is Your Wish Now?
Suddenly, I heard this man from the Hua Kingdom say forcefully and forcefully, let others bully and not fight back... I can't do it. Suddenly, the two women were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help being stunned— —

Next, the two women couldn't help but turn their heads to stare blankly at this Huaguo man...

It seems that this is the real and typical Chinese man in their eyes.

It's like that sentence... If people don't attack me, I won't attack, but if people attack me, I will attack!
No matter what the situation, when and where, what he shows will always be a typical Chinese man.

That kind of neither humble nor overbearing... the kind of stalwart revealed, really became fans instantly, and made the two women admire this Huaguo man again.

I really... love it!
Unexpectedly, this time, it was Ito Chuanxiang who couldn't help turning around first, stood on tiptoe, and couldn't help kissing the cheek of this Huaguo man.

"???" Li Chen was momentarily stunned.

Damn, what's wrong with this oriental beauty writer...?

Hye Kyo is right next to her. Is it appropriate to be so close?

At this moment, Quan Huiqiao was stunned and anxious: "Hey! Li Chen! Our boat..."

Hearing this sound suddenly, the two of them panicked and looked at the ship moored at the southwest corner...

At this moment, I saw that their boat had completely sat down on the underwater beach at the southwest corner...

However, only the top of one cabin was exposed above the water.

"???" Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang panicked and became stupid...

The feeling at this moment is simply indescribable...

Panicked and helpless, wanting to cry but no tears, and at a loss for what to do...

Then, the rest is depression, despair...

"What, what should I do, Li Chenjun!?"

Suddenly hearing this oriental beauty writer ask so anxiously, Li Chen seemed a little calm instead.

Next, he couldn't help but lit another cigarette...

But, what to do, he doesn't know what to do?
Maybe it can only be Tamar's salad?
After thinking about it, and looking at the sunken ship, he couldn't help but simply sat down on the beach, put down his gun, and said, "Okay. Take off all the equipment you're carrying on your back." Bar."

"???" The two women were a little confused again.

Seeing the two women like this, Li Chen said: "I can't leave now, why are you just standing there stupidly with those equipment on your back?"

Suddenly, the oriental beauty writer couldn't help screaming "Ah"...

It seems that she can only use this to vent?

Because if you want to scold someone, you don't know who to scold?

After all, the other party's three helicopters had also been shot down by Li Chenjun.

Now it seems... Maybe it's a situation where both sides suffer.

Their ship was also ruined and could not sail.

Afterwards, Jeon Hye Kyo remained silent, just depressed for a while...

After a while, she had no choice but to follow Li Chen's instructions and start unloading the equipment she was carrying.

After finishing, she turned around and had no choice but to sit next to Li Chen on the beach.

Then, I saw her eyes were gloomyly looking at the sinking ship...

After a while, after Ito Chuanxiang also unloaded the equipment and sat down next to her, she turned to look at this beautiful oriental writer...

"Is it as you wish now?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence from the actress of country H, Ito Chuanxiang was somewhat embarrassed——

Then, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but said: "When you were on the boat, didn't you keep yelling that it was too difficult? Didn't you always want to find an island to anchor and take a good rest? Now, don't we Can you finally rest well?"

Oriental Beauty Writer: "..."

It seems that at this moment, besides being speechless, she doesn't know what to say?

Just blushing...

After a long time, there was nothing left to do, so she could only turn her head to look at the H country actress...

"I'm sorry, Miss Hye Kyo! I was wrong!"

Then, she couldn't help but added: "I still think... it's better to stay on the boat."

Quan Hye Kyo said: "Now I want to stay on the boat, but I don't have to."

Hearing the conversation between the two women, Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at them...

At this moment, he could only express a distressed smile.

Then, he got up suddenly and said, "Okay. Work."

"???" The two women were a little confused again.

Immediately, Jeon Hye Kyo asked, "Can you fix this boat?"

Li Chen said: "It's full of wounds, why don't you fix it?"

"Then..." Ito Chuanxiang also looked at him puzzled.

Seeing the two women like this, Li Chen said: "Isn't there still food on board? Let's go and see how much can be rescued?"

While talking, he also walked towards the seaside in the southwest corner...

The two women watched and had no choice but to keep up.

When we got to the beach, Li Chen took off his shirt and said, "It's fine for you two to stand by the side. I'll go in and have a look."

Seeing this, the two women had no choice but to bend down to roll up their trousers after thinking about it...

As for Li Chen, he boarded the boat while drenching, and was about to enter the cabin.

After a while, I saw some canned luncheon meat coming out, and handed it to the two women standing beside me...

After the two women took it, they had no choice but to move to the beach temporarily.

In this way, back and forth, the three finally rescued a pile of canned luncheon meat, a pile of beef jerky, and canned corn...

There are also a few cigarettes, some cans of beer, and some bottled fresh water.

Finally, back on the beach, Li Chen let out a long sigh, looked at the pile of food again, and said, "Okay. Let's eat something first."

While talking, he squatted down, reached out and picked up a can of beer. After opening it, he first poured a can of beer...

Seeing this, the two women had no choice but to surround him and squatted down close to him.

Then, after Li Chen opened two cans of luncheon meat, he couldn't help but said again: "Eat it. Let's talk when we're full."

Right now, before you know it, it is already afternoon.

According to the position of the sun, it should be two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

Thinking that I couldn't leave anyway, suddenly, that beautiful oriental writer couldn't help opening a can of beer...

"Come on! Let's toast!"

Seeing this, Quan Hye Kyo was not to be outdone, and couldn't help opening a can of beer...

"Come on! Cheers! Cheers! We can't go anyway!"

This shows that the two women are like this, whether Li Chen is laughing or crying?
He could only frown in distress, so he had no choice but to pick up a can of beer: "Then... come on, let's do it!"


(End of this chapter)

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