Chapter 877 Brings out some truth

This afternoon, Country G.

Several military off-road vehicles suddenly drove into the pier owned by the John family...

Then, several military personnel got out of the car in a domineering and mighty manner...

Next, I saw these guys swaying towards the warehouse.

After entering the warehouse, two burly men in military boots stepped forward and dragged the pirate named Yalu over like a dead dog...

Although this guy named Yalu is the number two of the pirates, but now that he has fallen into the hands of these people, naturally he will no longer be regarded as a person.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of these people, he is just an ant.

Want to crush him to death, casual thing.

It's just that it's useful to keep this guy now.

Afterwards, I saw this group of military personnel take out a map of the islands dedicated to those pirates...

It means, if this guy named Yalu is to point it out, which island did the pirates stumble on?

After Yaru looked at it, he pointed out——

The island he was referring to was the island where Master Jue Zhi was going to hunt for treasure.

That is, now, the island where the big white ship is still.

After the position was locked, the military group was also a little dazed for a moment: "???"

Because they knew that there used to be a small tribe on this island...

However, that small tribe has long since disappeared.

Moreover, the direction of that small tribe is not in the direction directly south.

What's more, as for how that small tribe died, the people in the military have no idea.

As a matter of fact, the pirates were not responsible for the eventual demise of that small tribe.

There are naturally other stories here, as well as some conspiracies.

In short... the military guys have a clear mind.

Although what Nina told Li Chen at the time was that the pirates destroyed their small tribe, the truth was that a group of people from the G country military pretended to be pirates and went to destroy that small tribe.

Because at that time, it was actually the military of country G who went to the island to dump the corpse, but was seen by the people of that small tribe.

Just in case, later... Naturally, tragedy happened.

Whole tribes were wiped out.

Thinking about those dark things in the past, I saw this group of people in the military of country G... their faces were a little gloomy...

Then I saw them talking to each other.

In fact, it was doubting, maybe that small tribe was still alive?
Then, there were all kinds of guesses, which meant... Maybe Master Juezhi and others were probably wiped out by the survivors left by that small tribe?
After all these speculations and inferences, in the end, the group of people from the military of country G left in a panic...

One of the guys secretly called another heavyweight in the Congress of Country G and reported the situation.

Because the incident of dumping the body at that time was related to that heavyweight.

To put it bluntly, it is some dark side or dark side of G country's domestic politics.

Things here are a bit complicated.

In short, they are all some shady conspiracy incidents.

Of course, the people in the country G military did not expect that this matter... would become more and more complicated.

This gave them a headache too.


After a while, when the group returned to a certain military base, an emergency meeting was called.

The content of this meeting is naturally to discuss what to do next?
Because the island is huge, if it is really serious, the military will need all kinds of funds to do it.

Moreover, if the action is too big, you have to report it to your superiors.

Anyway, things are complicated here.

Of course, the core point of the meeting, of course, is that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Because this group of people is also afraid that they will eventually make a big mess.

If in the end, country G can't suppress this matter domestically and becomes the international focus, then it will naturally be a big scandal in country G.

In the end, one leader spoke to the general effect: This matter must be resolved within three days!


As for now, in the middle of the afternoon, in the ocean, on the Hukou Island, at the southeast corner...

Li Chen and the other four were naturally completely dumbfounded, and naturally they didn't know how big a mess they had made?
The only thing they know now is that the military of country G is dispatched, and things are far from optimistic.

Therefore, they urgently need to leave the island now.

As long as the person left and left, maybe this matter would be over?
It seemed that it was already half afternoon, and I felt that it should be safe, so Li Chen couldn't help but start to talk...

"Okay. Let's get those bamboos out now. We should be able to set up the makeshift hood before dark."

In fact, there are already ready-made bamboos, and it is still very fast to build a temporary hood.

Besides, for this kind of thing, I basically have experience.

Next, Li Chen was naturally the main player, and the three women helped him...

The four worked together and worked together, and soon, a temporary convertible shelf was built.

In order to save trouble, Li Chen also asked the three women to carry out the banana leaves that had been prepared in advance...

Then put these banana leaves on the top of the shelf, and a simple convertible is almost finished.

I can’t say enough to block the wind, but it’s okay to block the rain and dew.

Finally, roughly arrange some 45-degree obliquely inserted bamboo tips around the hood, which can basically play a simple protective role.

Just in time for twilight, it's all basically over.

Then, Li Chen lit a fire inside the hood...

Next, the four of them stayed in the hood, sitting around the fire...

After resting for a while, Li Chen couldn't help but took out a bottle of whiskey again when he had nothing to do.

Suddenly seeing the wine, the three women became strangely happy...

Seeing the appearance of the three women, Li Chen said: "Save your drink. There are only four or five bottles left. How long will you stay on this ruined island, don't you know?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Quan Hye Kyo felt a little disappointed: "By the way, Li Chen...our food...can be enough for four or five days at most, right?"

Li Chen frowned, and then said: "It's okay. Let's talk about it later. Let's pass these four or five days first."

However, Katerina suddenly worried: "Uh, brother Li Chen, what will happen if the four of us... are finally captured by the military of country G?"

Hearing this again suddenly, Li Chen frowned again...

It seems that he just realized that this matter seems to have to be prepared for the worst in advance?

At the very least...if they were really arrested by the military of country G, how could the four of them have to speak with one voice?
Otherwise... When the time comes to ask, it will be full of loopholes, wouldn't it be a foolish comparison?
(End of this chapter)

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