Chapter 892 My Name Is Alice

Then, looking at Li Chen again, Kerry said apologetically, meaning: Sorry, Mr. Li!

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Li Chen hurriedly smiled, and then said something, meaning: When you arrive in Huaguo, I will treat you to a drink!

Hearing this sentence all of a sudden, for no reason, Kerry really felt a sense of brotherhood.

So, Kerry said something awkward in Chinese: "I want to drink Erguotou!"

Li Chen was suddenly surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Do you know Chinese?"

"Oh...a little bit!"

After saying this sentence, Kerry immediately switched to English, meaning: We were mercenaries at that time, and there were two Hua brothers in the army, but we learned to speak Erguotou.

Then, he said again, meaning: I drank that kind of wine at that time, and that kind of wine was super fragrant and refreshing.

It wasn't until he felt that Kai Rui was still a bit upright in his bones, Li Chen tentatively asked a sentence in English, which meant: Which bastard fell in love with my wife?
Suddenly hearing this sentence, Li Chen felt a little angry, so Kerry hurriedly said, meaning: You don't need to worry about this matter, we will take care of it!

Afterwards, as soon as Kerry left, the three women suddenly became inexplicably flustered...

"Uh, brother Li Chen, is there any problem here?" Katerina asked hurriedly.

Li Chen also frowned somewhat inexplicably, and then said: "Don't worry about it so much for now. It's really a last resort."

Immediately, he was busy looking at the Russian girl again, still a little worried that this Russian girl who dared to fight would speak harshly...

So, he hurriedly said: "Linna, listen. We are on this cruise ship now, talk less and observe more. Understand?"

Then, he said again: "Especially... don't speak harsh words to others in advance. You must know that people who speak harsh words often die quickly."

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina hurriedly said: "Don't worry, brother Li Chen. I know. A real ruthless character will never speak harsh words to others."

However, listening to the conversation between the two of them, Quan Hye Kyo said inexplicably worried: "Then...then...what shall we do?"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang also hurriedly said: "Yes, Li Chenjun, next... If the situation is not right, what should we do?"

Seeing that both of them were so worried, Li Chen expressed some relief and said, "Don't worry, it's fine. It looks... After all, it's a relatively regular cruise ship. At least that guy named Kerry Not bad indeed."

Then, he continued: "You should know that on this cruise ship, there are 2000 crew members alone, so... some friction is normal. At least Kerry, who is directly in charge of us, is more worthy."

Suddenly hearing what he said, the three women were inexplicably shocked: "???"

Because from the beginning to the end, I haven't entered the interior of the cruise ship yet, and I don't know what's going on inside?
So when I suddenly heard that there were so many people in the crew alone, I was naturally a little shocked.

Next, Li Chen said again: "It's okay. After today, we still have four days left before we can disembark in country T. So in just a few days, we should still be able to get through?"

They were talking, suddenly, they could only hear voices coming from the ship corridor above...

This somewhat distracted the attention of the four of them.

As a result, the four of them looked up and saw several graceful and luxurious women chatting and admiring the view of the ocean on the boat corridor on the second floor...

Suddenly, there was a young woman in her thirties who was still very curious and seemed a little inexplicably excited. She couldn't help but waved at the four of them: "Hi——Hi——you are from Huaguo --"

Suddenly seeing that blond-haired and blue-eyed European and American woman can speak Chinese, this made the four of them a little surprised, and also a little surprised...

So, Li Chen hurriedly raised his head and smiled at her: "Hello, ma'am! That's right, we are Chinese!"

"Oh—nice to meet you! It's all so wonderful! What do you think?"

Li Chen smiled again: "That's right! All this is really wonderful! I wish you a pleasant journey!"

"Oh—thank you! I love you all! I love Huaguo too! My next to go to your Huaguo. I'm going to...climb the Great Wall, see the Forbidden City, oh...of course, the Summer Palace !"

Li Chen had no choice but to smile again: "Thank you! We Chinese people will definitely welcome you!"

"Oh, thank you! Oh yes, my name is Alice! Excuse me... how about you?"

"Li Chen!"

"Li Chen? Oh...a nice name! Is that your wife next to you?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen turned his head and glanced at Quan Huiqiao, and then replied: "That's right! My wife!"

The woman named Alice smiled again: "Oh... congratulations! Your wife is beautiful!"


After such an inexplicable chat, I actually chatted with the woman named Alice for almost half an hour.

It didn't end until the woman named Alice said that she was a little tired and wanted to go back to her room to rest.

However, in Li Chen's view, this kind of big ocean horse is really sexy.

Including Lena in memory, a very sexy foreign girl.

It's a pity...

Suddenly, he couldn't help lighting a cigarette again.

At this moment, inexplicably, I saw a group of people walking towards the deck of the bow...

It seems to be a big boss, with four or five entourages.

Li Chen glanced roughly, but didn't pay much attention to it.

In fact, it was Mr. Ma En who came suddenly, with five entourages.

This guy was wearing a pair of sunglasses. He smiled at Li Chen and greeted him in English, meaning: Hi, hello, Mr. Li!

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but secretly froze...

At least he realized that this group still knew some information about the four of them.

Then, that Mr. Man said again, meaning: Your wife is very beautiful!
Hearing this sentence again, Li Chen was startled secretly again, and then looked at that guy's wretched smile, Li Chen seemed to understand what was going on in his heart.

Then, that Mr. Man smiled inexplicably, and said again, meaning: Don't be nervous, Mr. Li!I just want to buy your wife a drink!That's all!Excuse me... can I show you some face?
In fact, this guy named Marne has negotiated with the people on the cruise ship.

The people on the cruise ship said that it was inconvenient to come forward forcefully.

Then what they mean is that they can turn a blind eye and close one eye. On this cruise ship, it depends on Mr. Man's own ability.

Hearing what this guy said again, Li Chen understood what was going on.

Then, he finally replied in English, meaning: Sorry, my wife can't drink!
So, the guy named Marne asked, meaning: so what, does your wife drink alcohol?
(End of this chapter)

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