Chapter 914
A few hours later, Country G.

John family, mansion.

The guy named Raymond suddenly took a stack of photos and a small video, which he was showing Sir John...

Presumably everyone still has a little impression that this guy named Raymond is the bodyguard next to Sir John, and also the head of the security department of the John family.

This guy used to be in the army and was the chief instructor of the special arms.

This time, he showed these to Lord John, just to prove that he had made great contributions to John's family.

It means that he has avenged the John family.

As for this guy doing this, he naturally has a very strong purpose.

First of all, it is natural to want to get a reward from Lord John.

As for the second thing... Maybe this guy is a little wild?
After all, the John family is one of the four major families in country G, who wouldn't want to get some substantial benefits from here?
At this moment, Lord John felt shocked when he looked at these photos and that small video...

After all, more than [-] or [-] people were killed on the island, and the scene was bloody and shocking...

It's just that Sir John still had some doubts after watching these: "???"

After looking at Raymond again, Sir John asked, meaning: Are you sure that this group of people killed Master Sir Sir George on the island?

The guy named Raymond said: Of course.

"???" Lord John still had doubts on his face.

Although he is indeed a bad old man, Lord John is not old.

Therefore, for some things... I still have my own skepticism.

But, after all, he was getting old, and if he went to those islands in the ocean again...he wouldn't go again.

It's just that he is still secretly analyzing this matter in his heart...

Before and after this incident, Raymond indeed played a crucial role...

In fact, Sir John suddenly gave up his belief in the strength of the military of country G about before, and there is a reason for this.

That was naturally because Raymond had already told him that he had locked the island where the group of people were located, and was fully capable of annihilating them without the need for the G military to intervene.

It's just that Lord John also emphasized to Raymond at that time that some survivors must be captured and brought back for interrogation, and this matter has been confirmed.

You can't let your eldest son die in an unclear manner.

However, unexpectedly, in the end, Raymond just showed him these photos and this short video.

More than [-] or [-] people did die on a certain island, but who knows if this group of people did it?
Then, after looking at Raymond again, Sir John asked again, meaning: No one was caught alive?

Lei Meng, who was somewhat guilty, frowned slightly...

Then, the guy explained, meaning: Sorry, Lord John!At that time, we also wanted to catch some survivors, but this group of people... are too strong, and they also have weapons, our people can't land at all!

Then, the guy said again, meaning: the exchange of fire was very intense at that time, and our losses were also heavy!

In fact, after returning to country G over the ocean, Raymond did kill three planes from his side.

And, now, all of this will be dead without proof.

If you think about it, you will know that after the three planes that were killed fell into the ocean, there was no sign of anything, so... who the hell knows what happened?

That's why Raymond said that the exchange of fire was intense and our losses were heavy.

Let's wait and see Raymond again, Lord John doesn't seem to know what to say anymore?

It's just this matter... the old man is still hesitant.

But, in the end, looking at Raymond again, the old man couldn't help but say, meaning: Thank you, Raymond!
Raymond: Sir John, you are welcome!Playing for John's family is just what I should do, what I should do!

Hearing this, he looked at Lei Meng's loyal appearance, so the old man said, meaning: I think... maybe you are only in charge of the security department... a little inferior?I will consider letting you enter the group management later on!
Hearing these words suddenly, Lei Meng secretly rejoiced, but on the surface, he just said: I am willing to work for John's family forever!



At this moment, in the middle of the ocean, on that unnamed island.

Li Chen and the others have already swam out of the depression, and returned to the sandy beach directly south...

At this moment, looking at the horrific bloody scene on the beach, apart from frowning tightly, they didn't seem to know what to do?

Originally...we were living together on this strange and nameless island, although it was not a good thing to have too many people, but now...seeing everyone died in the hail of bullets, I couldn't bear it!
Even the young foreign woman named Alice couldn't help but explode angrily: "Fuck—"

Ryder couldn't help but asked very sadly: "Who can tell me why this happened!?"

Li Chen and the three women remained silent.

Because right now, the four of them don't know what to say?
Although it has been floating in the ocean for nearly a year, this is the first time I have seen such a shocking scene.

But, as for the specific situation?
Why is this happening?

The four of them didn't know for a while?
For all of this, the four of them were completely ignorant——


As for the surviving men and women, they are still hiding in the dense forest by the beach...

Although so much time had passed, they still seemed afraid to come out easily.

After all... They are also afraid that if they come out, those planes will come again.

In the end, there was really no one alive.

However, suddenly, when those men and women suddenly saw that Huaguo man, that big black man, and the other four women had appeared on the beach, they couldn't help being a little excited and stunned for a moment: "?? ?”

It seems that they are thinking that the Huaguo and the big black man... are still alive! ?
To be honest, just at this moment, I feel that someone is still alive, and I feel very close...

It was as if I saw a loved one!

After all, everyone knew in their hearts, and also subconsciously realized that they were living together on this unnamed island, but in fact they shared a common fate.


Suddenly, Li Chen and the others couldn't help but startled vigilantly when they heard a rustling sound from the dense forest beside them: "???"

Immediately, Ryder took out his pistol in a panic...

Seeing this, one of the men in the dense forest hurriedly said, realizing: No!My own people!

"???" Li Chen and the others were stunned again.

He seems to be thinking, is there someone else?

Think about it, too, no one knows who the hell, why are you not your own?

(End of this chapter)

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