The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 916 Let’s talk about the captain

Chapter 916 Let’s talk about the captain
Seeing that everyone was voting for it, Ryder couldn't help laughing, and then whispered in Li Chen's ear: "Hey, brother, in the words of you Hua seems that you still have Mass-based, ha!"

"...???" Li Chen's face was dark, speechless.

Grass, this big black...Uncle Ni's!
In fact, as far as Li Chen is concerned, he doesn't want to be the ghost captain anymore.

After all, it has been almost a fucking year in this ocean, and he has already had enough of his fucking, so why would he want to be a ghost captain?

Du Ta Ma can't wait for a plane to come and pick him up directly from here.

What's more, there are now a total of 12 people in total. This is on this deserted island... To put it bluntly, everyone is like a baby waiting to be fed. Is it that good?

Then, in desperation, he looked at the six people again, thinking that there was still a Huaguo person among them, so Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Okay. The matter of the captain... let's talk about it. Personally, I think... or Let’s vote on it later.”

Speaking of this, he immediately changed the subject: "It's getting late now, I suggest... Let's go together and go to the dense forest here to collect some firewood first. This wilderness... There is no one at night. Build a fire, it won't work."

After hearing these words suddenly, that bastard Ryder hurriedly said cheerfully: "Hey, guys, ladies, do you understand? Now Captain Li Chen said, let's go collect firewood together!"

Immediately, the young foreign woman named Alice hurriedly echoed: "Hi! Gentlemen and ladies, let's all act! Now let's all listen to Captain Li Chen!"

Li Chen: "...???"

If he could, he really wanted to scold her right now.

Damn it, fuck me... didn't I just say it all... I'll talk about the captain later?
Next, the six people didn't say a word, they just went to the nearby dense forest to collect firewood...

However, the main reason was not because there was a captain and a leader suddenly, but because of the rucksack on Li Chen's back. They all looked forward to sharing some food and water in a while.

So at this moment, I can only obey obediently.

What's more, before you know it, it's really getting late.

From going ashore in the morning to now, before I know it... the day is almost over.

It is now past half-afternoon.

One by one... I haven't eaten or drank water for a whole day, can I not be hungry or thirsty?

So, at this moment, everyone hopes to settle down quickly, and then share a mouthful of food and water.



Right now, Country G.

That Lord John is currently looking for people around Raymond to understand the situation...

For an old guy like this to be able to do so well in country G, he naturally has his own way.

So with Raymond's little trick, it's still hard to get away with it.

To put it bluntly, the old man still doesn't quite believe Raymond's photos and that little video.

Besides, the old man knew exactly what Raymond wanted from John's family.

So just based on those photos and that short video... the old man easily believed Raymond's words, so he was no longer Lord John.

Of course, the people around Raymond had already been bought by Raymond.

Raymond wasn't that stupid either, it was impossible for him to let some guys he didn't trust mix with him.

So at this moment, Sir John did not get any useful information.

It's just that these guys... said different versions.

For example: Some guys say the same thing as Raymond, but some guys say something different from Raymond.

So according to the capture of this information, Lord John still feels... his suspicion is correct.

But now, there is no conclusion as to who the real murderer of his eldest son was.

It's just that the old man still understands in his heart that this matter...maybe that's it?

Maybe in my lifetime... I can't see the answer to the mystery?

However, the old man also knew in his heart that people like Raymond... still can't stay for long!
So the old man is also thinking now... how to kill Raymond?



At this moment, Huaguo Yanjing.

The six women who have obtained the visas are already preparing to leave for country G the next day.

Right now, six women are staying at a hotel near the airport.

Now several women are gathered in the room of the second child, Su Qian'er...

It can be seen that the second child, Su Qian'er, has indeed prepared meticulously and has done a lot of homework in advance.

Now, she's spreading out a new map to...

On the map, the small islands circled by her red notes are all small islands where they once stayed together...

So far, there is still no exact name for those small islands.

When these women saw this map, they couldn't help being surprised——

"Qian'er, where did you... get this picture...?" Qin Xiaowan asked in amazement.

Regarding this, Su Qian'er smiled somewhat complacently: "How is it? Is this picture detailed?"

Immediately, Tan Jixia was also very surprised: "Second... you can do it!!"

Su Qian'er smiled: "Okay. Let's study this picture quickly."

And Miao Keke suddenly said: "I don't think it's useless for us to study this now. The key is...we still need to know some information about G country."

Suddenly hearing this, Liu Caiqiong said: "As for country G, I have already inquired through one of my classmates. It seems that the military operation of country G has terminated?"

Suddenly, the foreign girl Lina looked surprised: " you still have classmates in country G?"

Liu Caiqiong said: "I didn't contact him at first. But... there is no way...I can't help it? I got in touch with my classmate through the omnipotent circle of friends. He happened to be doing business in country G. But the specifics I don't know any business, I just know...he seems to know a lot? But, if it's true or not, I don't know?"

Suddenly hearing this, the women all focused their eyes on Qiong'er...

Immediately, the second child, Su Qian'er, hurriedly said, "Then tell me, what else does your classmate know?"

Liu Caiqiong said conveniently: "He said...the military operation of Country G this actually...just an operation of the John family. It seems that the young master Juezhi of the John family went to an island in the ocean to hunt for treasure, and in the end...died on the island Come on, so...the John family is in a hurry. In fact, the John family has sent planes to the ocean long ago, but they never returned. So in the end...the John family...used the power of the G country military."


(End of this chapter)

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