Chapter 918 My name is Kelly
Next, more than a dozen people sat around the fire and chatted, but Li Chen still refused to be the captain of this shit.

In desperation, both eyes had to be focused on this Chinese man...

It seems that he is still looking forward to some miracles or some positive energy that this Chinese man can bring.

However, Li Chen's eyes were only paying more attention to the three women including Quan Hye Kyo...

Obviously, it is not difficult to see that he also hopes that it will be good for the four of them all the time.

The sudden addition of eight people is really a bit of a burden.

As for bringing Ryder's okay.

And looking at those unfamiliar European and American faces, there is always an indescribable feeling in my heart.

In fact, there are three other European and American faces who have not yet introduced themselves.

I don't know if those three don't understand Chinese, so they can't participate in the topic?

However, Li Chen suddenly noticed that one of them... was still a little familiar.

That guy... seems to be the doctor from the previous cruise ship?
It's the doctor who was on the cruise ship before, muttering (nasty orientals)...

This guy... Now that there is a pair of glasses missing from the bridge of his nose, he looks a little cowardly.

It seems that I have lost the high-spiritedness I had on the cruise ship.

Maybe this guy... is really nearsighted?

In other words... poor people must have something to hate.

Looking at this guy now, Li Chen still doesn't like it very much.

Besides him, there is also a guy with stubble...

Even this stubble-faced guy is a little cowardly.

There is another... a European and American woman who looks... a bit like a royal sister.

As for her name, at present, Li Chen doesn't know yet?

It feels like these three... just want to fish in troubled waters in the team.

When the young foreign woman named Alice noticed... Li Chen's eyes were focusing on these three, suddenly, she had some complaints about these three....

At least it feels like these three are a bit rude.

Because everyone has introduced themselves, these three have never said anything.

This young foreign woman named Alice also realized that if some guys don't fit's really not a good thing.

Suddenly, Ryder also realized something...

At least Ryder suddenly understood why Li Chen was carrying that rucksack all the time, and why he was unwilling to distribute food and water to everyone...

In such a Tamar environment, no one would be the savior.

Guys who don't fit in and don't know how to be grateful are naturally not welcome here.

Looking at those three... Ryder also had some complaints in his heart.

After thinking about it, suddenly, Ryder said: "Hey! Guys, women, I said... everyone don't be so dull, okay?"

Immediately, this guy changed the topic: "How about this... I suggest that if you don't want to have one team, then you should divide into two teams... or three teams are also fine. But, I declare, I will naturally cooperate with my Huaguo A team of brothers."

Hearing this suddenly, the young foreign woman named Alice hurriedly said, "Of course I will be on the same team as Li Chen."

Immediately, the blond girl named Jessie also hurriedly said: "I also choose to be on the same team as Li Chen!"

The woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying said: "My boyfriend Jerry and I will naturally be on the same team as Li Chen! Because...we are all Chinese! And...Li Chen is also Jerry's natal family!"

It can be seen that they all expressed their opinions one by one, and suddenly, those three were a little inexplicably embarrassed——

In desperation, the three of them couldn't help but look at that Chinese man...

Then, the European and American woman of Yujie type finally couldn't help but said, meaning: Sorry, Mr. Li!I don't speak Chinese, so I never know how to express it?But, I am willing to be on your team!Oh yes...sorry, Mr.Li, my name is...Kelly!
The young foreign woman named Alice thought that Li Chen didn't understand, so she hurriedly translated: "Li Chen, she said her name is Kelly, and she is willing to follow you..."

However, before she could finish speaking, Ryder was busy and cheerfully said: "Hey! Girl! My Hua Guo brother can understand English! It's just that he doesn't like to speak English, OK?"

Suddenly hearing this, the foreign young woman named Alice suddenly looked embarrassed: "???"

At this time, Li Chen finally couldn't help but said: "Okay. Let's not talk about this. Now... let's nominate a few candidates for the captain. I think Ryder or Alice are suitable to be the captain. So..."

Before he finished speaking, Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, brother! I said...don't dig a hole for me! Besides, it's useless for you to dig a hole for me! Because I don't have a mass base, what!"

Unexpectedly, Li Chen said directly: "Raise your hand if you agree with Ryder being the captain!"

As soon as the words fell, he was the first to raise his hand...

Seeing this, I saw Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women are busy raising their hands high...

Suddenly, four hands were raised, and Ryder suddenly panicked: "???"

"Hey hey hey! I'm really not suitable to be the captain!" Ryder said in a hurry.

But, next, the situation is indeed a bit embarrassing...

Because apart from Li Chen and his four votes, no one will continue to vote.

That young foreign woman named Alice just refused to raise her hand to vote.

The woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying and her foreign boyfriend Jerry did not raise their hands to vote for a long time.

The blond girl named Jessie was also not voted by show of hands.

The European and American woman named Kelly didn't understand, what's the matter?
So, she panicked and whispered in Jessie's ear, what's the matter?
When she realized that she was going to vote for the big black guy as the captain, she also panicked and refused to raise her hands to vote.

The remaining two guys are now busy quietly asking Kelly, what's the matter?
However, after understanding what was going on, the doctor on the original cruise ship suddenly raised his hand to vote...

Suddenly seeing that guy raised his hand to vote, Ryder was annoyed, and immediately said: "You, go, away..."

"???" The doctor immediately looked embarrassed.

The clever guy with the stubble all over his face hurriedly said, meaning: Sorry, everyone!I can not speak chinese!But I still agree with Mr. Li as our captain!Oh, by the way... My name is Li En, everyone can call me Li En from now on!
Immediately, it was Ryder who laughed: "Hahaha! Brother Li Chen, I'm sorry to disappoint you, ha! Because there are only 5 votes in total, not more than half, it seems... I still don't have a mass base, Ha ha!"

Li Chen: "...???"

(End of this chapter)

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