The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 942 Are you sure this is edible?

Chapter 942 Are you sure this is edible?
As far as this moment is concerned, looking at the cobra poking its head inside the yacht, Captain Hua also has a headache...

After all, this guy...can also spray {p}venom, so naturally he doesn't dare to get close easily.

I dare not confront it head-on.

And judging by the size and shape of the head, this cobra must be at least about three meters long.

It is quite a big cobra, and it has great fighting power.

If this guy gets angry and jumps up with a 'hiss', it is very likely to attack the face.

After thinking about it, the helpless Li Chen turned his head and glanced at the grass beside him...

Then, I saw him picking up a small stone, ready to tease the cobra...

But just in case, he still couldn't help but say: "Then all stand back."

Suddenly hearing what Captain Hua Guo said, they all panicked and stepped back...

It's just that their respective eyes are still staring nervously at the big cobra inside the yacht.

Afterwards, they saw Captain Hua carefully throwing the pebble into the yacht...

With the sound of 'boom', unexpectedly, there was a sudden 'hiss' sound, and another big cobra poked its head out of the yacht...


The women trembled and screamed in panic.

Ryder couldn't help cursing tremblingly: "Oh...Fuck——"

At this moment, Li Chen, who is the captain of the international team, couldn't help feeling timid——


At this moment, he was even more depressed and frowned.

Damn...two cobras that big!

Obviously, it has been a long time since this yacht has been stranded here.

Already rusty...

So it's no surprise that the two cobras used the yacht as a nest.

Under such natural conditions, it is not surprising that a good yacht can be corroded like this.

If he didn't want to get some metal pieces from that yacht, it is estimated that the Hua Guo captain would not be bothered to fight wits and courage with those two cobras.

This kind of cold-blooded beast is dangerous, but generally speaking, if you don't provoke it, it will not take the initiative to attack.

Immediately, Ryder got annoyed and couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Hey, brother, where is the gun? Isn't the gun with you?"

Suddenly hearing this, Li Chen said: "Uncle Ni! Just a few bullets, don't keep thinking about using a gun to make a fuss?"

But Ryder said anxiously: "But... the problem is... these two beasts... how to deal with them?"

Li Chen said: "Just step back a little bit."

As he said that, he couldn't help picking up a small stone again, ready to tease the two cobras again...

The main reason is that he is not sure whether there is a third cobra in the yacht?

If Nima had a nest of cobras hiding in that yacht, it would be troublesome.

With these two alone, it can still be dealt with.

Later, when he was about to throw a pebble in the past again, he saw those women retreated subconsciously in a panic...

'Boom! '

After another pebble smashed into the yacht, the two cobras shrank their heads first, but the next second, with a 'hiss' sound, the two guys poked their heads a little angrily...


The women couldn't help but let out a timid cry.

Seeing that the two cobras had been enraged, Captain Hua suddenly felt a little uneasy...

It is mainly Tamar's two. If there was one, he would have stepped forward to subdue it.

Afterwards, I saw him vigilantly looking at the tree trunk in his hand...

Just right, at the end, there is a tree...

Just when he was about to attack, unexpectedly, one of the cobras was so furious that it suddenly "hissed" and jumped up...


The screams of the women exploded.

Fortunately, Captain Hua Guo reacted quickly, and in a panic, a tree trunk smashed past...

'puff! ' With a sound, the cobra was thrown into the grass above.

But, immediately, another cobra also rushed over with a 'hiss'...

Seeing this, Captain Hua Guo panicked, and accurately shot Kazuki over...

Finally, with a sound of 'Pu', the cobra was pushed to the grass by the fork.

Taking advantage of the situation, he stepped on it and firmly stepped on the seven inches of the cobra...

It's just that, with a swish sound, the trampled cobra flicked its tail in a panic and wrapped itself around his feet...


The women screamed again.

That hairy body!

All of them felt the clanking and tingling of their scalps...

But Captain Hua Guo let him pester him, just waiting for the cobra that was thrown into the grass above to attack again...

Sure enough, soon, whoosh, that cobra came over again...

Seeing this, the Hua Guo captain is a tree fork to go up...

After the cobra was also pressed on the grass by the fork, it also made a swish, flicked its tail and wound up around the tree trunk.

If it wants to be entangled, let it entangle.

Anyway, the key position has been held down by the fork.

Then, Captain Hua Guo said: "Hey, Dahei, come here, hold the tree!"

However, I didn't expect that cowardly Ryder to be startled tremblingly: "Ah!?"

Seeing this, Katerina couldn't help but rolled her eyes at him: "Hmph! You bastard!"

While talking, Katerina stepped forward, reached out and caught the tree trunk in Li Chen's hand, and then continued to press the cobra fork into the grass.

This made those women stunned for a while in shame, as if they never thought that this girl from Russia was so kind.

Afterwards, Li Chen turned his head and said to his daughter-in-law: "Hey, Hui Qiao, go over there and pick up a stone for me."

After hearing this, Quan Hye Kyo seemed to understand what he was going to do, so she hurriedly turned around and picked up a sharp piece of stone...

Captain Hua Guo took the sharp stone and chopped it down...

'Crack! ' With a sound, the head of the cobra he stepped on was chopped off...

It's just that seeing such a bloody and cruel scene suddenly, the corners of their eyes and mouths couldn't help twitching.

Then, Captain Hua Guo let go of the cobra's body from his feet, and said to the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying: "Well...give me the rattan back."

"Ah!?" The woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying was still a little dumbfounded.

Captain Hua Guo said: "Ah what? This is our food!"

Suddenly hearing this, Ryder trembled all over his body: "Oh... Oumaiga... my Huaguo captain, are you sure you can eat this?"

Immediately, the foreign woman named Alice hurriedly asked, "That's right, Captain Hua, is this... can I eat it?"

(End of this chapter)

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