Chapter 948
About this moment, country G.

Six women including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer returned to the Hilton Hotel.

Then, they gathered together again in the room of the second child, Su Qian'er...

According to the photos provided by the old man named Jiao En, the women took out the pictures of those islands and studied them...

It's just research and research, and in the end, there is still no progress.

However, what puzzled them the most come there are so many people all of a sudden?

Was that on some desert island?
However, those photos... show that they are on a beach by the sea.

There is no complete picture of the island.

Unexpectedly, this time it was the cute girl who suddenly had a big brain hole and said: "Uh, you said... then... Could it be that a certain cruise ship was killed, and that's why so many victims went ashore?"

Suddenly hearing what Mengmeizi said, these women really suddenly realized...

Immediately, the second child, Su Qian'er, said, "Let's check right away to see which countries' cruise ships have passed through the ocean recently?"

Qin Xiaowan suddenly said: "By the way, didn't that old Mr. Jiao En say... There is a cruise ship passing through the ocean from country Y to country P?"

Tan Jixia said: "Let's look up relevant information right away. We should be able to find some information on the official website?"

However, Liu Caiqiong said: "The key point is...the captain is not in those photos. There is no actress from H country. There is no Nina, Nicole, or Nihao. We have no way to prove it now." Our captain is on that cruise ship, isn't he?"

The foreign girl Lina said: "Could it be...Mr. Li has been tossing around for so long...and finally died?"

Hearing this, Miao Keke immediately said hurriedly: "Bah, bah, bah! How is it possible? Our captain... will definitely not die! His life is at stake!"


As for the second child, Su Qian'er, she is a practical person, and immediately turned on the laptop, and has been searching for some relevant information...

After a while, she said excitedly, "Hey! Look! I found it! The Mir from country Y! It departed from the port of country Y on the 27th of last month!"

Hearing this suddenly, several women gathered around to take a look excitedly, and then each of them was stunned thoughtfully...

After waiting for a while, Liu Caiqiong half-muttered to herself: "I don't know if the captain has boarded this cruise ship?"

Miao Keke hurriedly said: "Then let's assume that the captain boarded this cruise ship, how about it?"

So Qin Xiaowan asked Miao Keke, and she asked, "And then?"

Hearing such a question suddenly, Miao Keke couldn't answer it all of a sudden.

Su Qian'er was a little confused when she waited...

They are also thinking about the next thing...

Suddenly, Tan Jixia said: "This so messy! It's so hard to sort out the clues! And...those photos...those people...seem to be shot and killed! So here...will it be What kind of conspiracy is there?"

The second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help but said: "The point is...we don't know the location of that island? If we know the location of that island, we can fly to have a look, and then we will know what's going on?"

However, Qin Xiaowan said: "I the time we know the location, there may be no signs at all?"

Then, she added: "Don't we know what's going on on those deserted islands?"

This is true.

Once on a desert island, they also saw dead people.

It's just... those dead people will soon disappear.

Soon it will be eaten by some unknown beasts.

Thinking of this, suddenly, the women felt anxious again!

It's just... who doesn't know what to do?


Late at night, in the ocean, on that uninhabited island.

In the sandy beach next to the mouth of the valley...

Under the silent moonlit night, watching them doze off next to the fire one by one, taking the opportunity, the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying couldn't help but look at Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo who was still standing by the sea...

At this moment, Li Chen, who was still standing by the sea, was actually inexplicably anxious in his heart.

He doesn't know why?
It just seems a little hard to sleep tonight.

Maybe thinking about these bad things, I feel that enough is enough, right?

After such a long time, I still don't know when I can dock?
The more I think about it, the more depressed I feel...

After waiting for a while, I saw that Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying couldn't help but silently came to his side...

Li Chen thought it was Hui Qiao, but when he turned his head and saw that it was the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment——

Frankly speaking, until now, he still seems to have no feelings for this woman?

Don't even want to talk to her.

Just for the sake of fellow countrymen, try to protect her in the team as much as possible, that's all.

At this moment, Sun Jiaying turned her head to look at him, and saw that she also seemed to have an inexplicable shyness in her heart, and she didn't know how to speak for a while?
In order to shorten the distance between each other, Sun Jiaying had no choice but to smile cheekily: "My fellow..."

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then glanced at her again...

After adjusting his mentality as much as possible, he forced a smile and said, "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Sun Jiaying smiled shyly: "No. Actually, it's fine. I just can't sleep. I think you can't sleep either, so I came here."

"Oh." Li Chen had no choice but to respond to her.

And looking at him again, Sun Jiaying stared thoughtfully, then couldn't help asking in a low voice: "My fellow...then...Miss Quan it really your wife?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was stunned again...

However, in the end, he still said truthfully: "In terms of name, it is considered. I and her...we have a private life. Because...I was on one of the islands with her, and we have used the sun and the moon as matchmakers. A simple wedding was held."

Hearing what he said, Sun Jiaying seemed embarrassed to say anything next.

It's just that she was thinking in her heart that if he had any thoughts about her, she wouldn't mind him sleeping with her.

In fact, in terms of heart, this woman named Sun Jiaying is still down and out.

She also wanted to find a kind of spiritual comfort.

Seeing that she suddenly stopped talking, Li Chen asked, "What's wrong? Why didn't she speak again suddenly?"

Sun Jiaying smiled shyly: "No. I was just thinking... I can't sleep... Don't you have any ideas?"

"???" Li Chen was suddenly a little confused.

Seeing that he still didn't quite understand, the woman named Sun Jiaying whispered shyly again: "I... this month... the menstrual period has passed."

(End of this chapter)

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