Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 124 Killing the Blue Blood Monster for the First Time

Chapter 124 Killing the Blue Blood Monster for the First Time

"Nix has turned into a blue blood monster." Wuying controlled the vibration of the smart watch, and an additional message appeared on the screen.

"Send the picture to the computer." Shandi said.

"The screen transfer is complete!" Wuying responded.

The computer in Shandy's room automatically turned on, and a video appeared on the screen.

But I saw Nix, who was in his twenties, standing in the room. A monster shaped like a combination of a spider and an ant emerged from his body. The blue blood monster, which was originally the size of a football, quickly grew to the size of a washbasin. .

"Monitor this blue blood monster." Shandi thought for a while and said.

"Yes!" Shadowless replied.

"Turn off the computer," Shandy said.

Under shadowless control, the computer shuts down automatically.

"The blue blood monster is more than eighty kilometers away from me. It's still daytime, so it's not suitable to go out!"

Looking at the time, Shandi gave up the idea of ​​going out to hunt the blue blood monster.

It's time for lunch. If he goes out now, his parents won't be able to find him later, it will be troublesome.

"The bottom line is that I am still too young. When I am seventeen or eighteen years old, I will be free."

Stepping away from the villa, Shandy came to the hotpot restaurant and had lunch with his parents.

After eating and drinking, he went back to the villa, lay on the bed, and shot into the sky.

In the dead of night, Shangdi asked Wuying to take over the monitoring and satellite, took off his clothes and pants, and hunted down the blue blood monster in hiding.

With Wuying providing the location, he easily found the blue blood monster.

With the talents of perspective and pupil of reality enabled, Shangdi took a closer look at the blue-blooded monster tens of meters away.

Seeing the blue-blooded monster find himself, Shandi flashed a pistol in a flash.

Just as he pulled the trigger, the blue-blood monster dodged like the wind.

The bullets fired out accurately hit the head of the blue blood monster.

The bullet had 270 points of Soul Destroyer added, and the blue-blooded monster instantly lost its soul.

"The blue blood monster dodges faster than ordinary people, and the bullet speed has to be faster."

"Twelve points for killing monsters. It seems that instead of killing a blue-blooded monster, you can only get one point for killing monsters."

After calming down, Shangdi headed for more than ten kilometers away.

"This guy has done a lot of bad things that hurt the conscience, so I just use him as an experiment."

Shang Di, who escaped from the ground, adjusted his additional ability and fired without hesitation.

The bullet that shot out hit Sith's forehead.

A faint sound sounded, and the Sith shattered into slag.

"Only a few monsters to kill? A young blue-blooded monster, so worthless?"

Shangdi, who fled into the land, looked at the gun god system, and resolutely fled back to the villa.

Young blue-blooded monsters are worthless to the system, so killing them in advance is like killing a chicken to get its eggs.

Back at home, Shandi often uses the computer to watch the metal giants in the island country vs. monsters, and the superman in Liguo vs. blue blood monsters. He calculates the strength of metal giants, monsters, supermen, and blue blood monsters again and again.

"The fastest monster and metal giant, the space speed is more than 500 times the speed of sound, and the ground speed is about three times the speed of sound."

"From the point of view of the degree of destruction, some monsters and metal giants have a huge force of [-] tons, but their power is very scattered."

"The strength of the blue-blooded monster and Superman are about the same. The fastest speed is 130 meters per second, and the maximum strength is about five tons."

"Whether the speed and strength data of monsters, metal giants, supermen, and blue-blooded monsters are authentic or not remains to be verified."

The air and ground speeds are vastly different, which is actually quite normal, just like the speed of fish in water is faster than that on land.

All the supermen in Liguo have joined the Superman Alliance, and the blue blood monsters that broke out will soon disappear.

The metal giants and monsters on the island country will return to outer space together for a few minutes every time they fight in the island country.

After reading the information collected by 'Wuying', Shangdi secretly complained.

"I'm too young, let's postpone the matter of making money from the system for now."

After practicing at home for more than a year, Shangdi, who was in his early seven years old, was forced by his parents to go to school.

Maybe it was because of his cultivation, or maybe it was because he ate too well, his height crushed all the children in the class.

At the age of seven and a few months, Shandi is taller than many ten-year-old children.

Feeling that elementary school was boring, Shandy joined the school's basketball and football teams.

When there is basketball practice, he plays basketball, and when there is football practice, he plays football.

During elementary school basketball games and elementary school football games, Shandy often went out for travel, no, he went out to play!
Every time he goes out to compete, he will look for opportunities to earn points for killing monsters.

Day after day, month after month, year after year.

"After practicing for more than ten years, my energy and spirit have increased a lot."

"Okay, high school is about to graduate, do you want to go to college?"

In order to go out and make a name for himself, Shandy decided to become a professional basketball player.

He has mastered everything in school, so there is no need to go to university.

He also learned the black technology of certain companies through Wuying.

With a height of [-], he needs strength and speed, and his skills are unmatched.

Thinking about the future, Shandi lay on the sofa, secretly thinking about hunting the blue blood monster.

Over the years, the total number of blue blood monsters killed by him is more than 500.

He kept all the monster kills he got, and planned to save his life.

"Wu Ying couldn't find the origin of the blue blood monster."

"The blue-blooded monster's lair, Wuying, was also not found."

"The island country has been free of metal giants and monsters for half a year."

After thinking for a moment, Shangdi went to the hot pot restaurant and told his parents about his plans to become a football player.

Time is like running water, and it is more than a month in the blink of an eye.

Join the Bulls' Shandy as a shooting guard.

According to his observation, among the athletes, there is not a single superman.

Condensing [-]% of his strength, Shangdi is still famous like a bamboo shoot.

With extraordinary physical fitness and various talents, playing basketball is too simple.

Steal?Talented with dynamic vision, fast and invisible, stealing the ball is easy.

Every time the game ends, there are beautiful fans and beautiful cheerleaders who send him notes.

He has never met a beautiful woman who meets the standard, and he has always kept himself clean and guarded himself like a jade.

Every time he took the opportunity to go out to play, Shandi quietly killed the blue blood monsters one by one.

Sometimes killing a blue-blooded monster will only give you a few kill points, and sometimes killing a blue-blooded monster will give him dozens of kill points.

"Finally make up the number of [-] kills, buy a life first!"

In one thought, the number of monsters killed decreased by 35 points, and the life reserve changed from 36 times to [-] times.

"Now you don't have to worry about losing money."

With his life at hand, Shandy was relieved.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Shandy opened the door and found that it was his manager, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Boss, here are a few endorsements. Take a look." Anthony, in his thirties, took out a document bag.

"I don't want to say the same thing again." Shandi said coldly.

"Sorry." Anthony apologized inwardly.

Shandy cameo as a basketball player, just to go to various places to hunt blue blood monsters.

When his parents get used to him being out alone, they can choose to retire.

The contract with Bulls is only for one year, and Shandy doesn't want to be a spokesperson.

At the age of 16, he got a bank card and opened a stock account.

The artificial intelligence life "Wuying" helps to speculate in stocks, and his personal assets already have billions of green coins.

He is not short of money, how can he have the mood and energy to accept the endorsement contract.

As an agent, Anthony wants to make more money, and he does it endlessly over and over again.

When the one-year contract expired, Shandy announced his retirement. The efficiency of killing the blue blood monsters was too low, and he planned to be a free agent.

After being a basketball player for a year, his parents have gotten used to him not coming home often.

After telling my parents about my going on a self-driving tour, Shangdi drove away.

"Free at last."

After leaving Xiacheng, Shangdi felt a lot more relaxed.

Travel from city to city, search for traces of blue blood monsters, and then shoot them.

 thanks. . .Brother's reward, thank you brothers and sisters for your votes and subscriptions

(End of this chapter)

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