Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 133 Shocking the world

Chapter 133 Shocking the world
Looking at the shadowless version of the magic robot, Shangdi said to himself: "72 magic robots are enough for the time being."

A few days later, Xinghai Industrial Park, office buildings, meeting rooms.

"My friends from the press, our Xinghai Robot Factory has produced a multifunctional intelligent robot." Shang Di, who played the role of guest host, started speaking with a microphone.

Xia Guo TV reporter Zhang Xia got up and asked, "Mr. Shang, can you demonstrate?"

"No problem." Shandy nodded and shouted, "Number one!"

An intelligent robot came over from a distance and shouted; "Master."

"Sweep the podium." After Shandy finished speaking, he made some shredded paper.

"Yes." No. [-] answered with a nod, found a broom and a dustpan, cleaned up the shredded paper, and dumped it into the trash can.

Liu Ying, a reporter from Tianhai TV Station, stood up and said, "Mr. Shang, I want to see him doing laundry."

Shandy had Number One do the laundry again.

"Mr. Shang, according to what you said, it can still play movies?" Zhang Xia said.

"You control it." Shandy smiled.

"Let me play the bloody battle in the Red Sea," Zhang Xia said.

"Yes." No. [-] turned off the light, threw it into the Red Sea, and asked again: "Are the dimensions, volume, and brightness appropriate?"

Zhang Xia was stunned, she didn't expect the intelligent robot to be so humane.

The rest of the reporters were also stunned and shocked.

"No. [-], I want to eat twice-cooked pork." Zhang Xia said.

"Please provide the kitchen utensils and ingredients." Number One said.

"Number two, bring the kitchen utensils and ingredients." Shandy called.

In just a few minutes, the No. [-] robot brought the gas stove, kitchen utensils, and ingredients.

"No. [-], I want to eat twice-cooked pork." Zhang Xia said again.

Robot No. [-] washes, cooks, slices and stir-fries the pork.
"It smells really good." Liu Ying couldn't believe it.

"It tastes good." Shandi tasted the twice-cooked pork.

Reporters one by one came to the stage and tried the twice-cooked pork made by robots, and they were pleasantly surprised.

"Let's go out." Shandi led everyone out of the office building.

"Mr. Shang, can it really drive?" Liu Ying asked.

"Number one, go and drive my car." Shandy threw the car keys over.

Not long after, robot No. [-] drove the off-road vehicle over.

"Who wants to get in the car and experience it?" Shandy asked.

"Me." Zhang Xia said.

"And me." The three reporters said in unison.

"I'll give you half an hour." Shandi laughed.

Robot No. [-] drove an off-road vehicle, took three reporters, and left Xinghai Industrial Park.

"No. [-], I'm going to the nearest pedestrian street." Zhang Xia thought for a while.

"The route has been planned, do you want to go immediately?" Robot No. [-] said.

"Yes!" Zhang Xia replied.

Robot No. [-] controlled the speed and went straight to the nearest pedestrian street.

"No. [-], take us back to Xinghai Industrial Park." Zhang Xia said.

"Yes!" Robot No. [-] drove back to Xinghai Industrial Park.

"Mr. Shang, how much is the robot you produce?" Liu Ying asked.

"The unit price is 100 million Xia Yuan." Shang Di thought for a while and said.

"Mr. Shang, is the price too high?" Liu Ying asked again.

"The per capita monthly income in Tianhai City is about 18, and after a year, it is [-]. With less than six years' salary, you can buy an intelligent robot," Shang Di said with reason.

"Mr. Shang, can I get a mortgage to buy a robot?" Liu Ying asked again.

One million Xiayuan can buy an intelligent robot that can drive, do laundry, sweep the floor, cook, and make phone calls. In this way, it is obviously high quality and low price. If she can get a mortgage, she will buy one back.

"Okay." Shandy nodded.

"Then I want one." Liu Ying smiled.

"I want one too." Zhang Xia and the others scrambled to say.

All reporters are invited to have a meal at Yunxiu Hot Pot Restaurant, and Shangdi asked the Qingtian factory to produce robots at full capacity.

In the evening, all major TV stations were broadcasting the Xinghai intelligent robot.

"It's amazing. You can do laundry and cooking, and you can also drive a car and put on the TV to make phone calls."

"It's really thick-skinned. It is obviously a robot produced by an island country, and it is said to be produced by Xinghai."

"Have you ever heard of Xinghai Factory? Xinghai Robot is obviously an OEM product."

"The robot technology of the islanders is really good. They can build such awesome robots."

Men, women and children who watched the video expressed their views on the Internet one after another.

Overnight, the news about the Xinghai intelligent robot spread throughout the entire Titan Star.

The island country officials found the Qingtian Robot Factory, and only then did they discover that the Qingtian Robot Factory is Shangdi's industry.

In order to eat a piece of meat, the island country decided to increase export taxes.

Shandy went to the island country, moved away all the machinery, equipment and materials, and closed the material factory, machinery factory and robot factory.

Xinghai Industrial Park has ready-made factory buildings, which can be put into production just by installing machinery and equipment.

Worker?With intelligent robots, are workers still needed?
Many wealthy housewives have bought Xinghai robots in order not to sweep the floor, do laundry and cook.

Some wealthy bosses also bought Xinghai robots in order to have a reliable driver.

In less than half a month, thousands of finished robots were sold off.

"Brother Chen, Brother Wang, let's crowdfund and buy a Xinghai robot?"

"Brother Zhang, why buy Xinghai robots? We don't need them."

"A Xinghai robot can unload fifty or sixty trucks a day without taking a break."

"A truckload of goods is two hundred, and fifty truckloads of goods are unloaded every day, and the gross profit is 1 yuan."

"I mortgaged my house, and I can probably get a loan of 10,000+"

Many far-sighted ordinary people began to raise money to buy Xinghai robots.

Certain battery factories, material factories, and robot factories spend money to buy robots to study their batteries, materials, and structures.

One software company after another shocked Xinghai Robot's program.
Some people are happy and some are sad. Those who have been robbed of their jobs by robots spare no effort to discredit Xinghai robots.

Shangdi didn't pay attention to the Xinghai robot. At this time, he was thinking about the robot hospital and the robot laboratory.
Using the shadowless version of the magic weapon robot as the person in charge, let some intelligent robots act as employees, he plans to build a biological laboratory, an optical electromagnetic laboratory, and a hospital where robots act as doctors and nurses.

Chen Xiyan is still in her senior year, and she attends classes at school during the day from Monday to Friday.

When Shangdi is bored, he either goes to work in the Xinghai Industrial Zone, or goes to the island country to practice marksmanship.

Tianhai is only more than 800 kilometers away from Hengdao. With his current strength, he can escape from Tianhai to Hengdao in only ten minutes.

After disposing of several factories in Hengdao, and Shangdi's industry in Hengdao, only one villa and one laboratory remain.

Ito Mitsuko and Ishihara Lisa were not suitable to be brought back to Xia Guo, so they had to stay in Hengdao.

He felt that it was enough to do things with a clear heart, and he didn't care about other things.

Theoretically, he still has 270 years to live, so why not have two more women?

Coming to the biological laboratory in the Xinghai Industrial Zone again, Shandi looked at the progress of the research on monsters and blue blood monsters.

"The progress is not as good as that of the Liguo Laboratory, and roughly the same as that of the Island State Laboratory."

"Go and buy a pharmaceutical factory. The medicines in the robot hospital are all produced by the pharmaceutical factory."

Let Wuying from the machinery factory be responsible for the production of medical equipment, and Shangdi went to Tianhai University by car.

"Let's go." Chen Xiyan got into the off-road vehicle.

"What would you like to eat?" Shandy asked.

"Eat barbecue." Chen Xiyan said.

"Yunxiu District." Shangdi gestured.

"Yes." The robot responsible for driving drove to Yunxiu Community.

The few clean and tidy barbecue restaurants in the community are all busy robots.

Except for Jiehai Supermarket and Yunxiu Hot Pot Restaurant, the employees of the clothing store and coffee shop in the community are all intelligent robots.

(End of this chapter)

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