Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 138 An Alternative Hospital

Chapter 138 An Alternative Hospital

After playing hard for over a month without the metal giant returning, Shandy decided to do something else.

Once a person is idle, he is useless, and he does not want to be a useless person.

"All kinds of medicines have been produced, and hospitals have been built."

Finding an auspicious day, Shangdi deliberately set off a few strings of firecrackers.

As the earth-shattering firecrackers stopped, Xinghai Hospital officially opened.

The staff of the entire hospital are all intelligent robots.

The name of Xinghai Hospital has already spread throughout the Titan planet, but no patients came to the hospital.

No one would easily believe in a hospital where doctors and nurses are intelligent robots.

After waiting for more than ten days, a middle-aged man brought a teenager to Xinghai Hospital.

"Hello." An intelligent robot greeted him.

Xu Da, a middle-aged man, said dumbfounded: "Hello!"

"Who is the patient?" the intelligent robot asked.

"My son Xu Qiang." Xu Da replied.

"His liver cancer is approaching the terminal stage, and he needs to be hospitalized for a period of time." After the intelligent robot finished speaking, he said again; "Your kidney stones are also a bit big, so I will hospitalize you first."

"How do you know?" Xu Da asked in disbelief.

"I am a medical robot" replied the intelligent robot.

"Can my son be cured?" Xu Da asked boldly.

"As long as it is not dead, our hospital can basically cure it." The intelligent robot said.

"How much does it cost to cure my son?" Xu Da asked again.

"Our hospital treats patients first and then collects money. If you have no money now, you will pay for medical expenses when you have money." The intelligent robot said.

"Aren't you afraid that we won't give you money?" Xu Da was surprised and delighted.

"Money has a price, credit is priceless." The intelligent robot said.

After Xu Da and Xu Qiang were hospitalized, another intelligent robot entered the ward to deliver water to them.

"Aren't you going to have an operation?" Xu Da asked.

"There is no need for surgery, and there will be a pair of medicine later." The intelligent robot turned and left.

"Dad, how long can I live?" Xu Qiang asked.

"Even if I sell the house, I will save you." Xu Da bit his lip.

"Dad." Xu Qiang called out with a heartbroken heart.

"Xiaoqiang, what do you want to eat?" Xu Da asked.

"I don't want to eat." Xu Qiang shook his head.

More than an hour later, an intelligent robot delivered a delicious meal.

"How much are these meals?" Xu Da asked.

"Lunch and dinner, ten yuan per person, breakfast five yuan per person." The intelligent robot replied.

"Can we go out for a walk?" Xu Da asked.

"Don't leave the hospital, you must return to the ward within an hour." The intelligent robot said.

"Thank you." Xu Da said thanks.

"You're welcome." The intelligent robot turned and left.

"Dad, it is a robot, and you still say thank you to it?" Xu Qiang couldn't stop laughing.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the intelligent robot brought two bowls of traditional Chinese medicine, one person gave a bowl, and then said: "Drink while it's hot!"

"Doctor, doctor, don't you need an examination?" Xu Da drank the steaming medicinal soup.

"I can see your physical condition." The intelligent robot said.

"Yes." Xu Da nodded.

Time passed day after day, and half a month passed away quietly.

"Here is your bill." The intelligent robot walked into the ward.

"Fifty-eight thousand 650 five?" Xu Da was stunned.

"You can leave the hospital. When you have money, remember to pay the bill." The intelligent robot said.

"Dad, am I alright?" Xu Qiang felt like he was dreaming.

"Let's go check it out." Xu Da packed up his things and left with his son.

More than an hour later, the two came to Tianhai Hospital, and Xu Qiang went to check again.

After waiting for several hours, Xu Da, who got the checklist, laughed excitedly.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?"

"My son's liver cancer was cured."

"Healer cancer cured? Where was it cured?"

"Xinghai Hospital under the Xinghai Group."

"how much did you spend?"

"More than 8000."

"It's not a lie, is it?"

"This is my son's inspection report some time ago, and this is today."

"Spaceships in the starry sky can be built, and the medical skills will definitely not be bad."

"I don't want to, go to Xinghai Hospital first."

Hearing this, many patients went straight to Xinghai Hospital.

But at the entrance of Xinghai Hospital, on the left side it says treat the disease first, on the right side it says pay later, and on the top it says people-oriented.

Led by their family members, the patients came to Xinghai Hospital one by one.

"Please queue up consciously." An intelligent robot said.

Patients and their families no longer crowded around.

"You just have a little inflammation, go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine, go in and turn right."

"You just have a cold, go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine, go in and turn right."

"You only have rheumatism, go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine, go in and turn right."

"You are in the middle stage of lung cancer, go to that window for hospitalization."

"Your leukemia is also hospitalized."

Each intelligent robot quickly diagnoses the cause of the patient.

Inflammation, cold and rheumatism patients came to the pharmacy one after another.

The intelligent robot inside the pharmacy said: "If you have money, pay the drug fee, if you don't have money, take out your ID card, I will register, and you will settle the drug fee when you have money."

"How much?" asked a patient with inflammation.

"35 yuan, you can use cash or scan the code." The intelligent robot said.

"How much is mine?" asked a cold patient.

"28, there is not enough change, please try to scan the QR code to pay." The intelligent robot said.

The patients who received the medicine walked out of Xinghai Hospital in a cloud of fog.

"It's so advanced that the robot can tell if there is any disease at a glance."

"When I catch a cold in the future, I will come to Xinghai Hospital, and I can have a full body examination for free."

"The cost of medicine is much cheaper than other hospitals, and it can be settled for only twenty yuan, but I just don't know if the effect is good or not?"

The patients who left Xinghai Hospital couldn't help taking out their mobile phones to take pictures and post them on Moments.

Xu Qiang's liver cancer was successfully cured, and Xinghai Hospital became famous in the first battle.

Three days later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Nixon from Liguo came to Xinghai Hospital.

"The treatment fee is 58, please pay first." The intelligent robot said.

"They can treat the disease first and give money later, why can't I?" Nixon asked angrily.

"They are from the country of Xia, and you are from the country of Li." The intelligent robot said bluntly.

"It's also in the middle stage of liver cancer, why does Xu Qiang only need more than 5, and I want 10,000+?" Nixon asked.

"Xu Qiang is from Xia, and you are from Li." The intelligent robot replied.

"You guys are treating them differently," Nixon said angrily.

"Xinghai is an enterprise of the Xia Kingdom, not a world enterprise, let alone a benefit country enterprise." The intelligent robot said.

"Did I give you money so you can cure my liver cancer?" Nixon asked through gritted teeth.

"The success rate is [-] percent." The intelligent robot replied.

In desperation, Nixon had to give money, he still wanted to live.

Looking at the Xinghai Hospital where people come and go, Shangdi nodded in satisfaction.

I drove back home, practiced marksmanship for a few days, and went to Hengdao.

This morning, after thinking about it, Shandy decided to build a few schools.

Spend money to buy 10,000+ acres of land, let the robot be responsible for building the school.

"In the future, all the teachers in the school will use robots."

"There is pressure when there is competition, and there is motivation when there is pressure."

"Robots can't be sold too much, otherwise people will be useless."

The work is done by robots, what do people do?
Eat and sleep, sleep and eat?Isn't this grabbing the second senior brother's job?
After thinking about it, Shangdi let Wuying announce to the outside world that due to lack of raw materials, the production of intelligent robots has been discontinued.

"People-oriented, robots are just tools."

"If you rely too much on tools, people will become useless sooner or later."

"The cultivation base has almost reached the limit of the foundation period, and the condensed golden core is just around the corner!"

 thanks. . .brother's tip
(End of this chapter)

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