Chapter 142

One by one, intelligent robots and construction machinery took the starship to the No. [-] planet of life to build a new site for Xia Guo.

The first step of the star immigration plan is to build a city on Life Planet No. [-].

Human beings can reproduce on Life Planet No. [-] only when there are houses and food.

The Wushan Island dedicated to Shangdi is also under construction in full swing.

Both Xinghai Hospital and Xinghai Institute of Intelligence are expanding.

Father Shang Yunfeng and mother Zhang Xiufen focus on the business of Yunxiu Hot Pot Restaurant.

Father-in-law Chen Hai and mother-in-law Li Jie are in Jiehai Supermarket all day long.

His wife Chen Xiyan has gradually become a lawyer full of justice.

Shangdi, who didn't want to go to work, started a journey to travel around the world.

The exercises work automatically, no need to actively practice.

The mutated version of the Chaos Yin-Yang Scripture has been named by him as the Chaos Scripture.

The skill that can cultivate eleven kinds of energy is named the Chaos Scripture, which is well-deserved.

Shangdi's gun intent has twelve artistic concepts, but the energy in his body has only eleven attributes, lacking the corresponding energy to destroy the artistic conception.

The self-operating technique continuously devours and refines the aura of heaven and earth and the power of the stars. When eating and sleeping, his cultivation level will also improve. He didn't want to go to work, so he decided to explore the Titan star.

He is gifted with the supernatural level of escaping the earth, and is accelerated with his true energy. When Shan Di performed the escaping earth, his limit speed was more than 500 kilometers per hour.If he uses the thunder escape technique, he can escape more than 5000 kilometers per hour.

"The coffin made of golden nanmu, and the funerary objects of suet and white jade, please keep it for someone with predestined relationship!"

Walking through the mud and rocks, Shandi found one coffin after another.

All the resentful souls encountered along the way were shot by him, and the number of monsters killed by a few points, a dozen points, or dozens of points can add up to a lot, right?
A few days later, Shangdi escaped into a majestic underground palace.

"There is no record of such a place?"

Looking at the dense crowd of resentful souls, Shangdi took out his exclusive pistol.

Pulling the trigger again and again, pieces of resentful souls were wiped out, and the number of monsters killed increased accordingly.

After slaughtering all the resentful souls, Shandi began to search the underground palace.

"Soul-gathering wood and three-yin stone, why are they a bit like the Demon Dao sect?"

After searching the entire underground palace, Shangdi obtained a soul refining formula from a stone tablet carved with dragons and phoenixes.

"If there is no accident, there were also practitioners in the ancient times of Titan Star."

Soul Refining Jue is a soul practice, with a total of nine levels, the highest level is comparable to the mortal state.

After searching the entire Xia Kingdom, Shangdi found a few stone tablets, got some exercises, and killed many resentful souls.

After resting to his heart's content for more than a month, he went out early and returned late again, searching for territories outside Xia Kingdom.

"A beautiful woman with a nine-yin physique, her personality is not suitable for me, so let's leave it to someone who is destined."

"With my current cultivation, only beauties with spiritual physiques can assist me in my cultivation."

In the Yin-Yang Scripture of Chaos, special physiques are divided into mortal, spiritual, and immortal.

Traveling across thousands of mountains and rivers, traveling around the world, Shangdi earned more than 3 million monster kills and picked up many dispensable exercises.

The beauties he met were countless, and there were quite a few that moved his heart, but he didn't put his heart into action.

Chen Xiyan, who has reached the golden core stage, has reached the point of transcendence in terms of appearance, figure, and temperament.

"I'm 27 years old, and the next time, it seems that I can only practice and practice."

Quietly came to Hengdao, with the help of Shangdi, Lisa Ishihara and Mitsuko Ito broke through to the foundation building stage successively.

Today, the starry sky immigration program has entered the second round, and the factories and office buildings on Wushan Island have also been built.

After the machinery factory and material factory moved to Wushan Island, Shangdi let the intelligent robot produce a portable factory.

The volume has increased to 1000 million cubic meters of exclusive space, and it is easy to install the machinery and equipment of several factories.

The machinery factory was in full swing, and all kinds of machinery and equipment were manufactured continuously.

"The equipment of a machinery factory is finished."

"The equipment of a material factory has also been completed."

"The production line for guns and ammunition is also done."

All the machinery and equipment of the machinery factory, material factory, and weapon factory were collected into the exclusive space, and Shangdi collected 36 shadowless magic weapon robots and [-] intelligent robots.

After collecting tens of thousands of tons of various raw materials, Shangdi refined Taiyi fine gold again.

"When the temperature reaches a certain level, the gold and silver can be incinerated, leaving Taiyi fine gold."

With this in mind, Shangdi began to tinker with the smelting furnace for refining Taiyi fine gold.

Referring to refining methods and technological means, he spent more than three months building a melting furnace.

Start the smelting furnace, let the intelligent robot continuously pour the piles of gold ore into the smelting furnace, and the Taiyi fine gold with a purity of 90.00% is continuously extracted.

"More than 6000 cubic meters of gold ore are extracted every day, and the efficiency is more than 100 times higher than that of my own extraction."

Shangdi, who has nothing to do, sometimes refines Taiyi fine gold, and sometimes makes gold ingots, silver ingots, and gold bars.

"One tael, ten taels, 20 taels, 50 taels, and one hundred taels, made into five weights."

In many worlds, gold and silver are currencies. In order to have money in the future, Shandi made many gold ingots, silver ingots, and gold bars.

At nine o'clock this morning, Smith from the other side of the ocean called him.

Shan Di went to Liguo to get the formula of the strengthening potion.

The strengthening potion developed by Smith can improve the physical fitness of ordinary people, with a success rate of 90.00%.

Looking at the experimental data, Shandi pondered for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

The reason why the success rate of the strengthening potion extracted from the blue blood monster did not reach [-]% was simply that the purity was not enough.

I went to Hengdao, practiced marksmanship for a while, and went to the laboratory for a while.

"The enhanced potion developed by the team led by Yoshinan Yagyu is about 70.00% more effective than the enhanced potion developed by the team led by Smith, but the success rate is a bit low, only about [-]%."

Returning to Wushan Island, looking at the strengthening potion developed by the intelligent robot, Shangdi fell into deep thought.

Drawing on the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine from the Hunyuan Daluodanjing, the strengthening medicine is deduced again and again.

After personally making ten strengthening potions, Shangdi found ten heinous villains for experiments.

"Ten doses of enhanced potions are all successful. The limit movement speed is 150 meters per second, and the limit force is about ten tons. It takes about three months to completely digest one dose of enhanced potions."

After killing an experimental product with one shot, Shandi made tens of thousands of strengthening potions and put them into the exclusive space.

"On Titan Star, the enhanced potion can allow the user's limit speed to reach 150 meters per second, and the limit force to reach about ten tons. In other worlds, the enhanced effect may become stronger, or it may become negligible."

"Just like ordinary people jumping high on different planets, they can jump more than one meter on some planets, and they can jump a few meters, tens of meters, hundreds of meters, and thousands of meters on other planets. In essence, the gravity of different planets It can't be the same."

The enhanced potion for the blue blood monster gene met expectations, and Shandy asked three more laboratories to study the monster gene.

In the vast starry sky, he had killed countless monsters, and there was no shortage of monster corpses.

"The research and development of immortality potion and immortality potion must not be left behind."

With this thought in mind, Shangdi set up six more laboratories, three of which were developing potions of longevity, and three of which were developing potions of immortality.

"Time flies, I'm already 28 years old."

After staying at home for more than a month, Shandi set off for the vast starry sky.

Riding in the palm of the top metal giant, you can practice the chaotic scriptures without distraction.

After traveling in the starry sky for more than three months, Shandi resolutely returned to the Titan star after his poor harvest.

More than two months later, a mid-level metal giant landed in the vast sea.

Shangdi used the escape technique and came to the bottom of the sea. After some questioning, he couldn't help laughing.

The metal giant finds a galaxy full of Zerg, and with luck, he can get a lot of kills.

(End of this chapter)

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