Chapter 151
Shangdi, who has been away for more than a year, feels that it is time for his "retreat" to end this time.

In the dead of night, he rode a metal giant and returned to the palace silently.

In the morning of the next day, Shang Di pushed out the door and once again cameo as the Emperor of the Four Realms.

After practicing marksmanship, he felt relieved and secretly pondered what to do next.

"The area of ​​the Four Domain Stars is huge, and the places I have found are less than one-billionth."

"The perspective distance is limited, and I haven't cared about the area above 300 meters underground."

"Treasure hunting can still be obtained, but it takes too long, and you have to rely on your own luck and God's will."

After deliberating for more than ten minutes, Shangdi decided to stay in the palace for the time being, learning from each other's strengths and refining the exercises.

"The essence of cultivation is nothing more than body refinement, Qi refinement, and spirit refinement."

"The essence of martial arts is to attack, dodge, and resist."

"A world without heaven and earth aura is only suitable for self-cultivation."

The internal boxing, external boxing, and state of strength in Chinese martial arts, the external and internal skills in the world of martial arts, and the physical training and internal strength methods in the current world are all about self-cultivation, and the same is true for body training methods.

"Externally practice the muscles, bones and skin, and internally practice breathing, external strength, internal strength, and body skills."

Abandoning the messy thoughts, Shangdi began to practice a series of external exercises to temper the body.

"Dragon Elephant Divine Art is extremely powerful, and its ability to enhance strength is even stronger than Canglong Art."

It took more than a year for Shang Di to practice all the secrets of external skills that he had never practiced to the extreme.

"The first layer of the body training chapter of the Chaos Yin-Yang Scripture, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not needed in the early stage of cultivation."

After pondering carefully for a while, Shang Di used a part of the body training chapter of the Yin-Yang Scripture of Chaos as the basis, and integrated an outside skill.

"This technique borrows from the Primal Chaos Yin-Yang Sutra, so it's better to call it Dragon Elephant Exercise."

After taking a comfortable hot bath, he practiced his marksmanship to his heart's content. After waking up from sleep, Shangdi continued to improve his skills.

The current him has a wealth of cultivation experience, after all he has cultivated to the limit of the Golden Core stage.

"Inner strength, inner strength, and stellar energy are all their own energy, energy transformed from the body!"

"Cultivating different exercises, internal strength and internal strength have attributes, but only Gang Qi can accommodate all rivers."

"When the state of strength reaches Gang Jin, the body will give birth to Gang Qi, how about using Gang Qi as the foundation?"

It took Shangdi more than three months to get the integration of inner strength.

"Dragon Elephant Exercise and Zhou Tiangong have been deduced, let's improve the body."

With reference to the various agility and lightness skills obtained, Shangdi deduced the violent agility to the No.12 floor.

"Dragon Elephant Exercise has 27 levels, Zhou Tiangong only has three realms of Qi, Blood, Essence, and Stellar Qi, and Berserk Body Art has [-] levels. The human body is full of vitality, so there must be no weak point left. It's over."

Based on Soul Restraining Jue and Soul Refining Jue, combined with some of the god-refining methods in the Chaos Yin-Yang Sutra and Zixiao Shenlei Jue, Shangdi created a Tiangang God-refining Jue with 36 layers.

"Dragon Elephant Physical Training Kung Fu, Zhou Tian Kung Fu, Berserk Movement, and Tian Gang God Training Art are all deduced, let's try it out!"

After exercising his body, Shangdi began to practice dragon and elephant body exercises.

"The first floor is done."

"The second layer is finished."

"The third layer is easy."

"There is something wrong with this layer. It is too difficult and the effect is too poor."

Practicing, reforming, practicing again, reforming again, Shangdi optimized the dragon-elephant exercise skills again and again.

"Dragon Elephant Exercise has reached the seventh level of No.20, and both strength and agility have increased by more than 300."

After eating delicacies from mountains and seas, and practicing marksmanship for a while, Shangdi, who was refreshed physically and mentally, tried to practice Zhou Tiangong.

"There is innate true energy in the lower dantian, and stellar energy in the body, there is no way to practice Zhou Tiangong!"

"Practice running through the meridians and acupuncture points, and accumulate some experience for the next practice."

The state of strength does not involve meridians and acupoints, and it is not necessary to open up meridians and acupoints to practice Gang Qi.

Shang Di's self-created Zhou Tiangong combines internal force and inner strength mentality, and has more routes for the movement of gang qi.

Mental power, clairvoyance, and the pupil of reality peek at the meridians and acupuncture points around the body, mobilize the innate qi in the body, penetrate the meridians, break the barriers between the acupoints, and connect the acupoints and meridians.

"I can see the meridians and acupoints, and it doesn't take much effort for Xiantian Zhenqi to open up the meridians and acupoints."

"If I didn't have the innate qi to run through the meridians and acupuncture points, it wouldn't be so easy."

Returning the innate zhenqi to the lower dantian, Shang Di mobilized the gang qi in his body to attack the meridians and acupuncture points again.

All the meridians and acupuncture points running through the whole body, a wonderful feeling filled my heart.

"Human body universe, celestial body universe, harmony between man and nature?"

Shaking his head, Shang Di restrained his thoughts and practiced the Tiangang Alchemy Art.

After eating soul pills one by one and refining them, the Tiangang God Refining Art has improved rapidly.

"There is a small problem with this layer, please modify it."

"There is also a little problem with this layer, and the effect is a bit worse."

"The cultivation of this level is too difficult, and it must be changed."

After an unknown amount of time, Shandy stopped with a smile on his face.

In an instant, the main page of the Gunslinger system flashed.

Name: Shandy

Lifespan: 29/200
Power: 1565
Agility: 1565
Mental Power: 3076
Life reserve: 47 times

"My strength has increased so many times, and the limit lifespan has only increased by 50 years?"

"Tiangang's Divine Art, Zhou Tiangong, and Dragon and Elephant Exercise are all beyond the scope of ordinary martial arts."

"My theoretical lifespan is still about 170 years. Let's rest for a while, and then go out to hunt for treasure."

After moving his body a bit, Shandy stepped out.

"Emperor of Heaven." The noble concubines bowed and saluted.

After staying in the Heroes' Tomb for more than ten days, Shandi declared "retreat" again and left the palace quietly.

Wander through the lush forest, while looking underground, while slaughtering various animals,
Killing beasts, he can get soul power, killing animals, there is a chance to get talents.

"The lightning enchantment outside the atmosphere is essentially a layer of energy. Perhaps by increasing the Qi breaking, it can break the lightning enchantment."

With this thought in mind, Shangdi was full of vigor to kill the Quartet.

The animals that appeared in his field of vision were either killed by Taiyi gun or killed by bullets.

"More than 100 million points of soul power, breaking Qi can increase another ten points."

With a heartbeat, the soul power decreased by 100 million, and the broken energy increased from 390 points to [-] points.

Shangdi, who turned over the mountain and spent the night eating and sleeping, came to the beach again.

"Earn more soul power and increase the power of the firearms. Only in this way can it be possible to break through the lightning barrier."

To cheer up, Shangdi entered the vast sea, constantly hunting fish, shrimp and crabs.

A few days later, a huge sea monster rushed over from far and near.

Without dodging or evading, Shangdi rushed over with the Taiyi gun in his hand. With one shot, the monster shattered into slag.

"The fragments of 390 points can't even be held by a starship battleship!"

"More than 5000 points of soul power can be regarded as a small profit."

Swimming in the colorful underwater world, Shandi tirelessly slaughtered all kinds of marine life.

He wanted to live forever, become a fairy and become a god, and he didn't want to wait for death in the Four Realms.

If you can't break the barrier of thunder and lightning, becoming a fairy and god is like a dream!
He couldn't find the book of the formation, so the hope of breaking out of the world could only be pinned on the firearms.

If there is enough soul power to increase the additional ability of the firearm and break through the lightning barrier, there is absolutely no problem.

"A dilapidated palace, scattered bones, I hope to find something good."

Looking at the ruins ahead, Shandi walked over quickly.

Using clairvoyance and the pupil of truth, he focused on looking for usable things.

"It's been too long, and all the magic weapons on the ground are broken."

After digging and scratching the ground three feet, Shangdi found some exercises.

"The level is too low, it's useless to keep it, it's like a chicken rib."

(End of this chapter)

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