Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 155 This forensic doctor is really good at fighting

Chapter 155 This forensic doctor is really good at fighting

Seeing this situation, Shangdi took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera function, and asked, "Do I know you?"

The thin Huang Maoqiang reminded: "Boss, he took pictures of us."

The sturdy Cai Hu shouted loudly: "Brothers, arrest him!"

"You dare to attack the police?" Shandi said coldly.

"Are you a policeman?" Cai Hu was stunned.

"Boss, there is no surveillance here." Huang Maoqiang looked around.

"The opportunity to make a fortune is here, let's go together." Cai Hu waved his hand.

Shang Di went up to meet him, one move at a time, and in the blink of an eye, the seven people on the ground screamed again and again.

I uploaded the video to my personal space on the chat software, and made two phone calls one after another.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yang rushed over with a few policemen.

"Group leader Zhou." Shandi called.

"Forensic Doctor, what's going on?" Zhou Yang asked.

"A few of them." Shandy talked about the situation.

"Officer, that's not the case, he hit us." Cai Hu slapped him.

"I have a video to testify." Shandi took out the video he shot.

"Take them all back, Forensic Doctor Shang, you go back with us too," Zhou Yang said.

"Yeah." Shandy nodded.

In the interrogation room, Zhou Yang asked, "Why did you kidnap Shangdi?"

"He made money betting on stones, we want to borrow some from him." Cai Hu said boldly.

"He has already revealed his identity, how dare you do it?" Zhou Yang asked again.

"He is alone, and there are seven of us. That location is not monitored, and we just want to make some money." Cai Hu did not shy away.Others have videos, and it's useless to cover up, so it's better to say it out loud.

"You seven, can't beat a forensic doctor?" Zhou Yang asked doubtfully.

"He is too powerful, we are unlucky." Cai Hu was very depressed.

"Is he very powerful?" Zhou Yang asked curiously.

"Isn't that obvious?" Cai Hu said.

At the Serious Crime Squad Office, Shandy is taking a statement.

"Forensic Doctor, tell me the cause of the incident." Xu Fei asked.

"When I passed the stone gambling street in the morning, I felt that I was lucky today. I made a little money gambling stone, and then I was targeted by them. You all know what happened after that." Shandi said.

"Forensic Doctor Shang, how much money did you make betting on stones?" Xu Fei asked curiously.

"I don't need to talk about this?" Shang Di looked at the other party with a half-smile.

"En." Xu Fei reluctantly agreed.

"If there's nothing else, can I go back?" Shandy asked.

"Okay, sign it." Xu Fei handed over the record. They all work at the Baita Police Station. If they offend the other party, the serious crime team's inspection report will most likely be delayed reasonably.

After the interrogation, Cai Hu and others who robbed, kidnapped and attacked the police were all locked up.

"Team leader, the new forensic doctor at our police station seems to be very good at fighting!" Xu Fei said.

"It's not very good at fighting, but it's very good at fighting. A seasoned gangster is much better than you." Zhou Yang said.

"Didn't he graduate from Jianghe University?" Xu Fei asked doubtfully.

"I also find it strange that he didn't graduate from the police academy, why is he so good at fighting?" Zhou Yang was puzzled.

"Team leader, he must not be able to beat you. Back then, you beat nine of them one by one," Xu Fei said.

"I heard that we, a forensic doctor, made at least several million dollars betting on stones today." Zhou Yang changed the subject.

"How many millions did he earn?" Xu Fei couldn't believe it.

"If it weren't for this, Cai Hu and the others wouldn't do anything," Zhou Yang said.

"He's tall and handsome, and he's so lucky that he can't let people live." Xu Fei couldn't help complaining.

"I'm unlucky, who can I blame?" Zhou Yang laughed.

Shandy left the police station and went to a home sales center.

Seeing the battery car he was riding, most of the salespeople ignored him.

Shandi looked at the model, and a salesman in his 20s walked over.

"Hello, sir, I'm Zhou Ting." The salesperson smiled.

"Is there any house like this?" Shandi pointed to the villa model.

"There are still a few sets." Zhou Ting said.

"How big is the area and how much is the unit price?" Shang Di asked.

"It covers an area of ​​680 square meters, and the unit price is about 2000 million." Zhou Ting replied.

"Can you show me?" Shandy asked.

"No problem." Zhou Ting nodded.

Taking a car to the villa area of ​​Cuizhu Community, Shangdi took a look and decided to buy the NO.16 villa.

Go back to the housing sales center, confirm that there is no problem with the contract, and pay the money to sign the contract immediately.

"It took more than 100 million yuan to buy a house, and there are more than 300 million yuan left."

Holding the key to the villa, Shandy left on a battery car.

"The house is bought, and there is still a car."

Came to a car sales center, Shangdi bought a domestic off-road vehicle priced at 10,000+.

Driving back to the Wanshun community, he walked around and found someone selling the store. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he planned to buy the store.

Both parents work in the factory. Although the work is easy, the working hours are not free and the wages are not high.

After buying a retail store and opening a supermarket, parents don't need to go to the factory.

"Little brother, my store is close to [-] square meters, if it is not in a hurry to spend money"

"Haggling is meaningless. Buy it now, 800 million. If you agree, sign a contract and transfer the money. If you don't agree, forget it."

In less than half an hour, Shangdi bought the store.

"The work efficiency is very high. In the morning, I made more than 3000 million gambling stones. In the afternoon, I spent nearly 3000 million buying a car, a villa, and a retail store. There are more than 400 million left in the card. The money comes quickly and is used quickly."

After calming down, Shandy went home to cook.

After eating a piece of braised pork, Shang Zhiyuan asked, "How long has it been since you cooked?"

"What's wrong?" Shandy asked.

"The cooking skills are good." Shang Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Dad, Mom, I went to the gambling stone market today." Shangdi said frankly.

"Ten bets and nine loses. If you don't want your family to be ruined, don't gamble. You are lucky today. You made money betting on stones. It doesn't mean your luck in the future. You can still be so good. If you continue to gamble on stones, you will go bankrupt sooner or later!" Shang Zhiyuan reprimanded.

"Yeah." Shandy nodded.

"Come out with me tomorrow." Chen Jie said.

"Mom, I just went to work." Shandy frowned.

"Now that you have a house, a car and a job, it's time to find a girlfriend." Chen Jie said.

Things were often unsatisfactory, and Shangdi, who didn't want to go on a blind date, felt somewhat helpless.

In this world, he has parents, and he can't go his own way in many things.

After enjoying the warmth from the family, it is natural to lose some freedom.

The next morning, Shang Di followed his mother, Chen Jie, to a tea house.

A few minutes later, my mother's colleague Luo Suzhen walked over with a woman in her 20s, talking and laughing.

"Aunt Luo." Shandi called out.

"Sister Luo." Chen Jie called.

"Wen Xue, this is" Luo Suzhen introduced.

Ten minutes later, the two elders left.

"Where do you work?" Wen Xue asked.

"White Tower Police Station." Shandi replied.

"What do you do?" Wen Xue asked again.

"Forensic," Shandy said.

Knowing that the other party is a forensic doctor, Wen Xuexiu frowned slightly and said, "I don't think the two of us are suitable."

"I think so too." Shandy nodded.

"I still have something to do, waiter, check out." Wen Xue beckoned.

Without asking the other party to pay, Shang Di settled the bill and left the teahouse in stride.

Seeing him come back, Chen Jie asked, "How is it?"

"Inappropriate." Shandy shook his head.

"Why?" Chen Jie asked.

"Maybe she doesn't like my job." Shandy made an excuse casually.

"Why don't you change jobs?" Chen Jie suggested.

"I want to be a good forensic doctor." Shandi said sanctimoniously.Working as a police forensic doctor can scare away many blind dates, and continuing to work as a forensic doctor can save a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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