Chapter 157
At nine o'clock in the morning, Wang Yunlong, the director of the Baita Police Station, looked at the crowd and said, "From next week, our police station will implement a four-week rotation training, and three people will be assigned to each group for rotation training."

The intense applause ended and everyone left the meeting room.

"Old Chen, the new forensic doctor is good." Wang Yunlong said.

"Well, he's very capable." Chen Bo echoed.

"I'm going to upgrade him to one level." Wang Yunlong said again.

"Based on his education and achievements, it is reasonable to be promoted to a senior police officer." Chen Bo nodded.

"Old Chen, don't you want to go up another level?" Wang Yunlong asked.

"Even if I am promoted to another level, I am still in charge of the forensic center? Besides, I am almost 60 years old. If I have not reached the retirement age, I would have wanted to retire a long time ago." Chen Bo sighed.

He suffered from experience and lack of education, if not for this, he would have been an inspector long ago.

Chen Bo understood very clearly that even if he was promoted to inspector, his salary would not increase much.

As a senior sheriff, his salary is no less than that of an inspector, and he has technical subsidies.

"Shangdi is one of them for this rotation training." Wang Yunlong said.

"Alright." Chen Bo responded.

A few days later, the Baita Police Station began rotation training.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are fights.

Under the Fucheng police station in Jiangnan Prefecture, there are dozens of county-level police stations. Which police station does not want to compete for the first place?

Job rotation training plays a big role. Only by being familiar with the work of other departments can we cooperate better.

When he was in the anti-drug team and the anti-pornography team's serious crime team, Shandi played a taciturn student as a cameo.

He used to be a policeman in Haixing, so he knew the police work very well.

He didn't want to show off the current job rotation training, so he just dealt with it casually.

"Doctor Shang, can you shoot a gun?" Zhou Yang asked.

"Yes." Shandy nodded.

"How about marksmanship?" Zhou Yang asked again.

"It's okay." Shangdi replied ambiguously.

"Try?" Zhou Yang asked.

"Alright." Shandi agreed.

"Compare?" Zhou Yang suggested.

"Forget it." Shandy shook his head.

"Afraid of losing?" Zhou Yang asked.

"Team Chen said that I am a natural gunslinger." Shangdi said solemnly.

"Old Chen said that you are a natural gunslinger?" Zhou Yang was stunned. Old Chen from the Forensic Medicine Center used to be one of the best marksmen when he was in the crime team, but after becoming a forensic doctor, Old Chen didn't use guns much.

"Shang Forensic Doctor, let us see the marksmanship of a natural marksman." Xu Fei urged.

"If they know that my marksmanship is very accurate, they will have more chances to get a gun in the future, and maybe kill the criminals with a gun, and they will get spiritual power." Shang Di nodded and said, "Okay, let you experience it. "

A group of people went to Wang Yongsheng's place and got guns and bullets.

"Who will come first?" Zhou Yang asked.

"I shoot fast," Shandy said.

"Then I'll throw bricks to attract jade first." Zhou Yang skillfully loaded, aimed, and fired.

"97 rings, team leader, you are amazing!" Xu Fei gave a thumbs up.

Shangdi adjusted the target paper to 50 meters and pulled the trigger in one go.

"Ten rings, that's wrong." Xu Fei was puzzled.

"Ten bullets have the same bullet hole, and the distance is still 50 meters. I have never heard of this kind of marksmanship." Zhou Yang looked horrified.

"It's just a 50-meter static target." Shandi disagreed.

"You are using a pistol, not a rifle." Zhou Yang was speechless.

"I have good eyesight and great strength," Shandy said.

"I heard that forensic doctor Shang is very capable in fighting, can you show us?" The marksmanship is not as good as that of a forensic doctor, and his losses are terrible. Zhou Yang wants to win once. He is the leader of the serious crime team.

"Let's forget it." Shandy shook his head.

"A barbecue." Zhou Yang tentatively asked.

"I don't want to do anything." Shandi resolutely said.

"Three barbecues." Zhou Yang gritted his teeth.

Seeing the other party's reluctance, Shang Di nodded: "OK."

A group of people came to the training ground, Xu Fei and others stood around.

"Come on!" Zhou Yang hooked his hands.

"I like to beat the enemy with one move," Shandy said.

"Really?" Zhou Yang asked with a half-smile.

Shandy walked over in a hurry.

Seeing that he underestimated him so much, Zhou Yang was furious and punched an empty punch with his left hand.

As soon as Shan Di grabbed, pulled, and pressed, the opponent was knocked down by him.

The people who were watching the battle were stunned on the spot.

"I'm not ready." Zhou Yang stood up.

"I'll do it when you're ready." Shandi didn't care.

"I'm ready." Zhou Yang said.

Shang Di walked over unhurriedly, and when the opponent made a move, he made another move to counter the enemy.

"How did you do it?" Zhou Yang asked.

"Your speed is too slow, I can come first." Shandy said.

"Come to our serious crime team, how about it?" Zhou Yang asked.

"The serious crime team is too tired, and the forensic doctor is more relaxed." Shandi shook his head and refused.

"I'm better at marksmanship and fighting than I am. It's obviously a waste for you to go for forensic medicine." Zhou Yang said.

"Group leader Zhou, when will we have barbecue?" Shandi changed the subject.

"Team leader, don't forget about us when you're eating barbecue, we're always on call," Xu Fei said.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat in a day, I only invited the forensic doctor, I didn't ask you." Zhou Yang scolded.

"Team leader, did you hear the sound?" Xu Fei asked.

"What sound?" Zhou Yang asked suspiciously.

"Broken sound." Xu Fei said solemnly.

"What broken sound?" Zhou Yang asked again.

"Our hearts are broken, you didn't hear the sound, eh." Xu Fei put on a look of lovelessness.

"I know the skin." Zhou Yang kicked it.

"I'm off work now, I'm leaving first." Shandi looked at the time, turned and left the training ground.

"What a weird person." Zhou Yang said to himself.

"A forensic doctor is so powerful, why don't you let us live?" Xu Fei smiled wryly.

Zhou Yang looked at the crowd, and said righteously: "I told you guys, when you have time, you can go to the forensic doctor Shang and let him teach you marksmanship and fighting, do you hear me?"

Xu Fei asked boldly: "Group leader, aren't you going?"

"It's all your business to charge and fight. As the team leader, I should be in command." Zhou Yang laughed.

The next morning, people from the serious crime team and the anti-drug team and the anti-pornography team came to the forensic center one after another.

Chen Bo played a guest role as a teacher and spoke to everyone for over an hour.

Not long after the rotation training, Shandy was promoted.

"Forensic Doctor, congratulations." Xu Fei ran over.

"I invite you to dinner tonight." Shandi said directly.

"You can see my little thoughts." Xu Fei said with a sneer.

Invite familiar colleagues, go out for dinner, and Shandy walks home.

As a police officer, driving after drinking alcohol is a crime of knowing the law.

"Senior police officers, technical subsidies, bonuses and benefits, and a monthly income of [-]."

After soaking in a hot bath, Shandy fell asleep comfortably.

On Saturday the next day, he didn't have to go to work, so he drove to the riverside.

"Others like to sing and dance, but I don't like those."

Taking out the fishing gear, Shangdi was thinking about spiritual power while fishing.

"The system money in every world almost comes from killing enemies and monsters."

"The spiritual energy has recovered for about half a year, and the animals and plants have not become much stronger."

"The law and order in Yanhuang Kingdom is very good, there are very few gangsters, and there are too few opportunities to kill the enemy."

Shangdi, who was preoccupied, looked at the thing that surfaced, and secretly called out unlucky.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call. In less than half an hour, several police cars arrived.

"I'm Yang Tie, the leader of the serious crime team of Lingshan Police Station. You reported the case?" A middle-aged policeman asked.

"Yeah." Shandy nodded and said, "I'm here to fish."

 Thank you, brother Chun, who likes to read the dark series of novels, the rudder master of brothers, thank you brothers and sisters for your collection, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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