Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 168 Mutated Water Snake

Chapter 168 Mutated Water Snake
Shang Di felt that solving Pan Jincheng now was tantamount to killing the chicken and taking the eggs, and killing the mutated animals now was equivalent to exhausting the pond to catch the fish.

He has no worries, in order to get more spiritual power, he should let Pan Jincheng live temporarily.

Thinking about the safety of Peach Blossom Island, Shandi decided to recover some mutated animals.

There is a satellite monitoring room on Peach Blossom Island, and the satellite is related to his starry sky project.

After pondering secretly for a moment, Shang Di was determined that it would be easy for him to solve the defense problem of Peach Blossom Island.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, the phone rang.

"Who?" Shandy pressed the answer button.

"Are you the forensic doctor Shang from the Baita Police Station?" A middle-aged man's voice sounded.

"Yeah." Shandy replied.

"Forensic Doctor Shang, can you come to Jianghe Hospital?" said the middle-aged man.

"No time." Shandi hung up the phone directly.

Within a few seconds, the phone rang again.

"Forensic Doctor Shang, I'm Zhou Shuwen from Jianghe Hospital." The same voice sounded again.

"If you have something to say, if you waste time, I will die." Shandi said.

"Doctor Zhou, let me tell him." A strange man's voice came from the phone.

"I'm a forensic doctor, not a doctor." Shandi said directly.

"Forensic Doctor Shang, I'm Zhang Beichuan, Captain of the Jianghe Special Operations Brigade," said the strange man.

"If the person is not dead, send him to the White Tower Police Station. I am now the leader of the special investigation team and cannot leave the White Tower." Shandi's tone softened a lot. In his heart, soldiers deserve respect.

"Forensic Doctor, Chen Jian's injuries are serious," Zhang Beichuan said.

"As long as he is not dead when he is sent over, I can keep him alive," Shandy said.

"Doctor Zhou?" Zhang Beichuan asked.

"No problem." Zhou Shuwen nodded.

"Okay, we'll come right over," Zhang Beichuan said.

Not long after, a helicopter gunship descended from the sky and stopped outside the office building of the Baita Police Station.

Shandy walked over and said, "I am Shandy."

"Forensic Doctor Shang, I'm Zhang Beichuan." Zhang Beichuan stretched out his hand.

Shaking hands with the other party, Shangdi looked at Chen Jian on the stretcher, took out a silver needle and tied it up for the other party.

Black and red blood came out from the silver needles.

"How did you get hurt?" Shandy asked.

"Slapped in the chest by a mutant bear." Zhang Beichuan replied.

"The internal injury is a bit serious, and it will take a while to recuperate," Shandy said.

"Can it be cured?" Zhang Beichuan asked.

"I'm only in charge of treating illnesses, and you can handle the rest by yourself." Shang Di seemed to answer with a half-answer.

"Thank you." Zhang Beichuan thanked him.

Shangdi took out a pen and paper, wrote a medicine list, and said, "I need these medicines."

"I'll let someone buy it right away." Zhang Beichuan nodded.

"Hello, I'm Wang Yunlong, chief of Baita Police Station." Wang Yunlong walked out.

"Zhang Beichuan, Captain of the Jianghe Special Operations Brigade." Zhang Beichuan returned a salute.

"Team Leader Shang, do you still know how to treat illnesses?" Wang Yunlong asked.

"I'm a forensic doctor, and I'm also a Chinese medicine doctor." Shang Di laughed.

"Jianghe Hospital's doctor Zhou Shuwen respects the medical skills of forensic medicine," Zhang Beichuan said.

"If Captain Zhang doesn't mind, I'll ask someone to prepare some dormitories." Wang Yunlong said.

"Then I will trouble Director Wang." Zhang Beichuan said with a smile.

Chen Jian was sent to a dormitory, and Shang Di began to make medicinal soup.

"Forensic Doctor Shang, when will he wake up?" Zhang Beichuan asked.

"I give him acupuncture one more time, and he will wake up. If he doesn't wake up, how can he drink the medicine?" Shang Di took out silver needles for disinfection, assisted with innate qi, and gave Chen Jian a few more needles.

"Are you awake?" Zhang Beichuan couldn't help laughing.

"Drink it while it's hot." Shan Di handed over the medicinal soup.

"Captain, is this place?" Chen Jian was stunned.

"You were hit in the chest by that mutant bear." Zhang Beichuan explained the situation.

"The rest of the bowl of medicine will be taken at eight o'clock in the evening, and the diet should be lighter." Shang Di turned and left.

"Forensic Doctor Shang, I will leave the matter of Chen Jian to you." Zhang Beichuan chased him out.

"You're welcome." Shandy smiled.

Back at the Forensic Medicine Center, Zhou Xiaolan asked, "Master, can you teach me medical skills?"

"Do you want to study Western medicine or Chinese medicine?" Shandi asked.

"I want to learn." Zhou Xiaolan replied.

"Western doctors read books by themselves." Shang Di said casually. Apart from surgery, western medicine can basically be taught by itself.

"I still want to learn Chinese medicine." Zhou Xiaolan said expectantly, Jianghe Hospital can't cure patients, but Master can handle them with ease. Now that she has this opportunity, she wants to learn more.

"Chinese medicine is very complicated and involves too many things. More than [-]% of Chinese medicine in the world have only learned a little bit. To learn Chinese medicine well, you need talent and time." Shang Di said.

"Master, can you teach me?" Zhou Xiaolan asked.

"Okay, I'll prepare some materials." Shandi nodded.

In the era when the aura of heaven and earth is revived, Chinese medicine is bound to shine.

In terms of treating internal injuries and regulating the body, Chinese medicine is far from comparable to Western medicine.

After get off work, Shangdi returned home and asked the intelligent robot to translate traditional Chinese medicine classics.

When night fell, he practiced marksmanship to his heart's content for a while, and fell asleep feeling refreshed both physically and mentally.

The next morning, I came to the forensic center again, and handed over the printed Chinese medicine classics to the sweet and well-behaved apprentice.

Shang Di stepped into the training ground of the special investigation team and continued to teach Zhou Yang their martial arts.

During the Saturday break, he and Shangguan Jingyun came to Peach Blossom Island.

Turning on clairvoyance and the pupil of reality, Shandy looks for mutant animals everywhere.

An empty bullet attached with loyalty disappeared, and a mutated water snake was subdued by him.

Subdue four mutated water snakes one after another, and use pure Yuan stone milk to enhance their strength.

After communicating with his mental power, he named the four mutated water snakes Snake One, Snake Two, Snake Three, and Snake Four.

"Safety in the water is settled. What do you use on land?"

There are no mutant animals on Peach Blossom Island, and Shangdi is too lazy to go outside to catch them. After thinking about it, he decided to get some laser cannons.

The laser cannon can target both the air and the ground. Under the operation of intelligent robots, it is not a problem to protect Taohua Island.

A shadowless version of the magic weapon robot is responsible for the production of laser cannons, and Shangdi and Shangguan Jingyun enjoy the world at the bottom of the lake.

Not long after, a cave at the bottom of the lake appeared in their sight.

"Go in and take a look?" Shandy asked with a smile.

"Will it be dangerous?" Shangguan Jingyun was a little worried.

"With our strength, we are invincible at this stage." Shangdi was full of confidence.

Enter the cave, break through the water, and use your phone as a flashlight.

The mobile phone Shandi uses is made by himself, and it is super waterproof.

"It's amazing." Shangguan Jingyun was amazed.

"Looking at the traces on the ground, someone once lived here." Shandi said.

"It should be a warrior who can leave such deep footprints on the stone." Shangguan Jingyun guessed.

At the end of the cave, there is a stone room, a dead bone, and a long sword.
Shang Di picked up a roll of animal skin, looked at the content on it, and said with a smile: "It's a martial art!"

"Can you understand?" Shangguan Jingyun couldn't believe it.

"The Haoyue Scripture contains inner strength and mental techniques, and there is also a set of Haoyue swordsmanship." Shang Di said.

"Is it great?" Shangguan Jingyun asked.

"Inner strength and mind can be cultivated to the innate level, and swordsmanship is not bad." Shang Di nodded.

With his strength and experience, he can see through the essence of Haoyue's scripture at a glance.

After thinking about it a few times, he had a thorough understanding of Haoyue's swordsmanship.

The masters and grand masters above the innate realm need to understand the artistic conception.

To a certain extent, being able to cultivate the inner strength method of innate true energy is already the best inner strength method of Green Star.

"It's been so many years, and the animal skin hasn't broken." Shangguan Jingyun asked doubtfully.

"The animal skin has been specially treated, and the environment here is also one of the reasons why the animal skin is not damaged." Shang Di laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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