Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 18 Dynamic Vision

Chapter 18 Dynamic Vision

A long-range bomber that has been idle for more than three years needs a lot of maintenance.

The long-range bombers at the air force base have a range of more than 7000 kilometers without weapons.

If a long-range bomber can be repaired, Shandy can fly it to Baizhou.

When there were no zombies, there were about one billion people in Baizhou. If 7% of them turned into zombies, excluding the zombies killed by survivors, there would be at least [-] million zombies, enough for him to make a lot of money by killing enemies.

Although there are still many zombies in the United States, the remaining zombies are distributed in various places, and the concentration is not high.

The survivors are getting stronger, and the zombies are getting stronger, and Shandy doesn't want to waste his time.

In his opinion, when he is invincible, it is the wisest choice to search for as many kills as possible.

The sound of "woo woo woo" came from far and near.

Shangdi looked up, but saw flies flying all over the sky and flying towards the military airport.

"My marksmanship is not very good yet, let me use flies to practice my marksmanship."

With bullet redirection off, Shandy aimed at a fly and pulled the trigger.

"The fly I aimed at missed, and I killed a dozen of the flies I missed."

After looking at the dozen or so flies that fell, Shandy continued to practice the gun with the flies.

Suddenly, he stopped.

"Dynamic vision? How did you get it?"

After recruiting the system, Shandi discovered that he got dynamic vision because he killed a fly.

He thought the system notification sound was too annoying before, so he blocked the system sound.

The thumb-sized fly has obviously mutated.

"Shooting flies does not kill enemies, but it can improve marksmanship."

After thinking about it, Shandy turned off the effective range. Environmental impact.

With dynamic vision, the flight trajectory of flies is clear at a glance.

Relying on the agility of 24.1, Shandy pulled the trigger as quickly as he could.

Flies were hit by bullets one by one, and then turned into debris and scattered.

As more and more bullets were consumed, Shandy's marksmanship improved rapidly.

Angelina and Winnie hid in the RV, while Li Hua, Alice and others hid in the bus.

While performing the falling leaf step, Shandy dodged the overwhelming flies, while shooting the flies with a pistol.

Although the Fallen Leaf Step has reached the highest level, he still wants to go one step further.

Avoiding flies helps to improve dodge ability, and shooting flies helps to improve marksmanship.

After firing thousands of bullets, seeing that he could hit every bullet without missing a beat, Shang Di switched to the black iron gun.

Ever since he came to this world and obtained the Gun God System, he has had an indissoluble bond with guns.

In the past year or so, he practiced shooting outside during the day and in the car at night.

If he doesn't practice the gun every day, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

"Rainstorm marksmanship!"

Shang Di, who was holding a black iron gun, stabbed more than eighty times in an instant.

The flies stabbed by the spear point fell like rain.

"The power control is not precise enough."

Thoughts flashed in my mind one by one, and Shandy's marksmanship changed accordingly.

With one shot, a fly exploded.

Another shot was fired, and a fly was bounced away.

Before he knew it, Shandy fell into an epiphany.

A moment later, the black iron gun stabbed dozens of times in a row, and a fly was repeatedly repelled by the tip of the gun.

In a blink of an eye, flies were exploded by the tip of the gun.

"It won't hurt if you touch it, but it will explode when you touch it."

Shangdi, whose marksmanship has improved to a higher level, swung the black iron spear as fast as lightning.

Densely packed flies fell to the ground like a torrential rain.

Not long after, Shan Di used the black iron gun to evade and kill the flies one by one while using the Fallen Leaf Step to dodge.

Using a gun as a knife, he began to evolve the rainstorm knife technique.

The black iron gun with a length of 1.8 meters is like a long knife, which can be chopped or chopped or lifted or swept.
The extremely sharp tip of the spear split each fly in half.

Using a gun as a hammer, a dozen flies were smashed into pieces with one shot.

With reference to the rainstorm spear technique, Shangdi developed the rainstorm knife technique, the rainstorm hammer technique and the rainstorm leg technique.

After an unknown period of time, the ground was covered with dead flies.

"That's what killed me."

Shangdi, who was still full of thoughts, calmed down and returned to the RV to take a shower.

After dinner, he practiced marksmanship for more than two hours, and then fell asleep in bed.

In the morning, Winnie, who was wearing silk pajamas, brought a breakfast: "Honey, try the steak I made."

"It tastes good." Shandy nodded.

After eating and drinking enough, he practiced marksmanship in the morning, feeling refreshed physically and mentally, and walked towards a long-range bomber.

"Boss, we are going to stay." Li Hua and others walked over.

All the zombies around were killed, and he didn't want to risk his life to go to Baizhou.

The air force base has a wide view, a solid defense network, and sufficient guns and ammunition.

The journey to Baizhou by bomber is very long and the risk is too high.

Within a few days after joining the team, Li Hua lived a happy life hugging left and right.

It is not difficult to survive with some crops on the site of the air force base.

Stay at the Air Force base, and in time, maybe he can create a race.

"Aren't you going back?" Shandi asked.

"We decided to stay." Zhang Qiang nodded.

"No one knows what's going on in Baizhou, and I don't intend to leave. If I stay here, I can enjoy one more day." Su Tao said slowly.

"Since that's the case, I won't force you either." Shangdi didn't care.

"Boss, we are going to farm." Li Hua said.

"Yeah." Shandy responded and continued to repair the plane.

After working for more than three hours, he returned to the caravan for lunch, and then continued to repair the plane.

Time passed day after day, and before I knew it, it was more than a month.

After driving a long-range bomber around the sky for a while, Shandy landed successfully.

"It's finally fixed."

At eight o'clock that night, Shangdi bid farewell to Li Hua and others, took a few parachutes, and put the RV into the storage space.

At a flight speed of [-] kilometers per hour, it would take about twelve or three hours for the bomber to reach Baizhou.

If you depart during the day, it will be dark when you arrive at Baizhou, and it is not convenient to find the airport for landing.

Shangdi, who came from across time, has never been to Baizhou, so he doesn't know where there is an airport.

Looking for the airport, I can only rely on Angelina and Winnie.

They don't have night vision, they can still see during the day, but they are blind at night.

"Let's go." Shandy laughed.

Angelina and Winnie boarded the bomber quickly.

Fly the bomber into the sky, and Shandy sets the autopilot.

"It's been a long time since I've been on a plane." Winnie sighed.

Being in the sky, accompanied by two beauties, and having nothing to do now, Shangdi decided to practice marksmanship.

As for whether he can successfully land on Baizhou, he is not sure, after all, the satellite navigation has failed.

"Honey, we've arrived at Baizhou." Angelina said in surprise.

"Do you know where the airport is?" Shandy asked.

"Fly straight ahead, about 400 kilometers, there is a civilian airport." Winnie said.

Shandy canceled the autopilot, changed to manual driving, and drove the bomber forward.

Half an hour later, a civilian airport appeared on the ground directly ahead.

Driving the bomber in a circle and descending, after [-] minutes, the bomber landed smoothly.

"Honey, you are amazing, we succeeded." Winnie was very excited.

"Let's go to Baisu Country, shall we?" Angelina asked expectantly.

"Okay." Shang Di nodded, there were zombies everywhere, and the other party's family members had almost no chance of surviving.

He who only wants to kill zombies does not matter where he goes.

After disembarking from the bomber, a string of earth artillery was released to celebrate.

After killing the zombies who joined in the fun, Shandy took out the RV.

After eating a seafood feast, I adjusted my body and mind.

Two hours later, Winnie left the airport in an RV.

Shandi stood next to the sofa in the cab with a Hunyuan stake.

Angelina, in tights, practices yoga alone.

The high-decibel horn sound continued to spread around.

Hearing the movement, the zombies ran out from the surroundings, tirelessly chasing the RV.

(End of this chapter)

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