Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 193 The Richest Man in the Cultivation World

Chapter 193 The Richest Man in the Cultivation World

After escaping into the ground for about a thousand meters, Shangdi searched for the spirit stone with great anticipation.

With the superimposition of the perspective and the pupil of reality, he who is underground can see more than 2000 meters away.

After fleeing for two hours, his true energy was exhausted, so Shangdi practiced on the spot.

After his true energy was completely recovered, he escaped again.

After an unknown period of time, Shangdi found a spiritual vein as he wished.

Reach out to pick pieces of spirit stones and throw them into the exclusive space.

"They are all low-grade spirit stones. Is this a middle-grade spirit vein?"

After collecting the spirit stones along the way, Shangdi came to Zhongpin Lingmai.

The spiritual consciousness wraps the middle-grade spiritual veins and collects them into the exclusive space.

Sweep the entire spirit stone mine, and then flee away.

"Fuck, there is a formation?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Shandi fled downwards.

Run a few hundred meters at top speed, and come directly below the spirit vein.

Fleeing several hundred meters upwards, Shangdi took away the middle-grade spirit veins, and then slipped away.

The Lingshi mine, which was isolated by the formation, was obviously owned by the owner.

Heaven, material and earth treasures, those who can get it, and those who are strong get it.

In his opinion, whoever has the ability can own the natural stone mine.

If Lingshi is an egg, Lingmai is the hen that lays eggs.

He who took away the spirit veins did not want to be hunted down by the nominal owner of the Lingshi Mine because of his greed.

"Spiritual stone mines without formations, as well as middle-grade spiritual stones, and high-grade spiritual veins are at your fingertips."

After finding the top-grade spirit veins and putting them into the exclusive space, Shangdi tirelessly picked the spirit stones.

Pieces of low-grade and middle-grade spirit stones were successively submerged into his exclusive space.

Shangdi, who traveled across the land, took the trouble to collect spirit veins, spirit stones, and refining materials.

"A high-grade spirit vein, protected by a formation, only take the spirit vein, not the spirit stone."

"One of the best spiritual veins, no one has discovered it yet, and it can make a lot of money."

"One middle-grade spiritual vein, and it's an ownerless thing, very good."

This afternoon, Shandy stopped in place excitedly.

"Cultivation in the early stage of leaving the body, can you break through automatic cultivation?"

Calling out the Gunslinger system, he glanced at the main page.

"The limit lifespan has risen to 2000 years."

"Inadvertently, I am 27 years old."

After calming down, Shangdi continued to collect high-grade spirit stones.

After sweeping the Lingshi mine in front of him and identifying the direction, he walked in hiding again.

Possessing a talent for spatial positioning, he is very clear about where Shandy has been and in what direction.

Not only that, he can even estimate how far the places he has been to before are from him.

After fleeing for more than an hour, an underground palace appeared in his sight.

Looking through the formation and the wall, Shandi was pleasantly surprised to find that the palace in front of him seemed to be a relic.

To put it nicely, it is a relic, but to put it bluntly, it is the tomb of a certain practitioner.

"It's time to show off my marksmanship."

From the exclusive space, he took out an unused Taiyi Spear.

Fleeing in front of the formation, Shang Di stabbed forward with the Taiyi Spear.

Gradually increase the strength, even with all your strength, the formation is still safe and sound.

"Spiritual weapon-level defense-breaking ability, 480 points of qi-breaking, but it didn't penetrate the formation?"

He made a passage and retreated about 500 meters. With a thought, Taiyi battle armor, Taiyi helmet, Taiyi boots, and Taiyi gloves flashed. He was fully armed and took out his exclusive pistol.

After raising all the additional abilities, aiming at the formation hundreds of meters away, Shandi pulled the trigger.

"The power is a bit weak, and then increase the speed of the bullet."

Increase the additional ability again and again, and attack the formation again and again.

A few minutes later, the formation shattered.

Shangdi, who escaped into the palace, took out a magic weapon robot to explore the way, with the idea of ​​sailing a thousand-year ship carefully.

"The pupil of truth can see through everything, am I being too careful?"

"There is no harm in being cautious!"

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandi followed the magic robot while peeking ahead with the pupil of reality.

Blowing away formations one by one with a gun, he came to the alchemy room not long after.

"The pills are all broken, but the pill furnace of the top-grade spiritual weapon is not broken yet."

After taking away the alchemy furnace and jade bottle, Shangdi turned and walked into the refining room.

"A top-grade spiritual weapon-level tripod, and a lot of various refining materials."

After scratching at will, Shangdi went to visit other places.

"There's only this stone room left."

Taking a closer look, he saw the situation inside the stone room clearly.

"One dry bone, one interspatial ring."

Entering the stone chamber, he stretched out his hand, and the space ring flew upside down.

With a sweep of consciousness, he saw that inside the space ring, various things were piled up like a mountain.

"Inside the space ring, the length, width and height are about [-] meters."

"The dead bones look crystal clear, and the cultivation level of the deceased was definitely not low!"

"This sword-shaped magic weapon is obviously higher in grade than a top-grade spiritual weapon. Could it be a fairy weapon?"

The volume of the space ring is a trillion cubic meters, which makes Shandi unbelievable.

With his talents in time and space, the volume of the space ring he refined is only [-] cubic meters.

"Even a cultivator in the Mortal Transformation Realm, as long as he doesn't have the talent for space, he can't refine this kind of space ring."

Casually put the interspatial ring into the exclusive space, looked at the battle armor and flying sword next to the withered bones, he was stunned on the spot again.

"The grade exceeds the top-grade spiritual weapon. Are the battle armor and flying sword both fairy weapons?"

After hesitating for a moment, Shangdi put the battle armor and flying sword on the ground into the exclusive space.

He can turn a blind eye to even the armor of the top-grade spiritual weapon.

If it was a fairy weapon, even if it was used by others, he would not dislike it.

Even if you don't use it, you can sell it.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, find a safe place, and then count the things in the interspatial ring."

As soon as he thought of this, Shangdi immediately ran away.

After fleeing for tens of kilometers, he came to a place several thousand meters underground, and took out the space ring again.

After recognizing the master with a drop of blood, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the interspatial ring was actually a low-grade fairy weapon.

"The fly in the ointment is that this interspatial ring cannot contain living things."

After calming down, Shandy began to check the contents of the interspatial ring.

"There are more than 30 billion standard-sized top-grade spirit stones. Is this a fairy stone?"

"There are hundreds of thousands of elixir, and there are even 37 elixir."

"The refining materials are piled up like a mountain, and there are two 170 jade slips."

After reading the contents of the interspatial ring, Shandi guessed that there was a real immortal in front of Withered Bones.

"Sanxian who is proficient in refining can only refine semi-immortal artifacts. A cultivator with three immortal artifacts, even if he is not a real immortal, is still a powerful Sanxian, Sanmo, and Sanyao."

Putting the space ring into the exclusive space, after Shangdi thought about it, he did not recognize the main battle armor and flying sword with blood.

With his current cultivation base, even if he recognizes the flying sword and armor with a drop of blood, he still has no ability to use them.

In addition to the storage magic weapon of the fairy level, only the Mahayana practitioners, demon cultivators, demon cultivators, or loose immortals, loose demons, and loose demons can use fairy weapons.

Using a fairy-level space ring is nothing more than access, and the consumption of spiritual consciousness and true energy is very small.

A cultivator with low strength, using the fairy weapon, armor, and flying sword, is tantamount to seeking his own death.

"The spiritual veins and spiritual stones I got are enough to cultivate to the realm of transformation, and becoming a fairy is just around the corner."

Shandy, who likes to hoard supplies, did not stop there.

As long as the strength has not reached the invincible state, it is possible to be killed by the strong.

Get more training resources now, even if he is instantly killed by a strong man, after the next rebirth, he will still have training resources.

Shandi, who was walking through the underground, was full of energy to find the Lingshi mine.

He patronized all the relics encountered along the way.

"I must be the richest man in the cultivation world now!"

The speed of the bullet can be increased by 1000 million kilometers per second, which is more than thirty times the speed of light.

With a bullet more than thirty times the speed of light, and a spirit-level defense-breaking ability of 480 points, each formation is vulnerable.

Shandi, who wandered underground, collected spirit stone mines and relics one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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