Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 207 One Gun Becomes Strong

Chapter 207 One shot becomes strong

With far superior hearing ability, Shandy heard a lot of useful information.

The planet he lives on is known as the primordial star by humans.

The human cultivators of Chuyuan star are divided into warriors and magicians.

The cultivation of warriors and magicians, from low to high, is the first, second, third, and ninth ranks, and after that is the holy level, which is the so-called strong man in the sanctuary, and after the sanctuary is the god.

Warriors/magicians of the first to third ranks are low-level fighters/magicians, fighters/magicians of the fourth to sixth ranks are intermediate fighters/magicians, and fighters/magicians of the seventh to ninth ranks are high-level fighters/magicians.

The level of a monster is the same as that of a warrior/magician. A monster of level three or above has a magic core in its body.Demonic beasts above the seventh level possess higher intelligence, and holy level magical beasts can change their forms.

In addition to the human race, the Chuyuan star also has races such as dragons, seas, elves, dwarves, goblins, and orcs.

The strongest human race is the Seven Great Empires, namely the Empire of Earth, the Empire of Wind, the Empire of Water, the Empire of Fire, the Empire of Thunder, the Empire of Light, and the Empire of Darkness.

The Seven Great Empires believe in the Seven Great Gods, and many kingdoms and princes are attached to the Seven Great Empires.

The Chaos Land with a special geographical location is located at the junction of the Seven Great Empires. It was only because the Chaos Lord was powerful that it was not swallowed by the Seven Great Empires. Qingshan Town, where Shangdi was located, belonged to the Chaos Land.

Whether it is a cultivator of the human race, a cultivator of a foreign race, or a monster, it is the power of refining elements.

Chuyuan star has the power of elements such as earth, fire, water, wind, thunder, light, and darkness.

The power of elements refined by magicians is magic power, and the power of elements refined by warriors is battle qi. Human races, alien races, and monsters can either practice magic, or battle qi, or both battle qi and magic.

After a busy day, Shang Dashan and Zhang Xiaofang returned home with hoes on their shoulders.

My predecessor used to play in mud, and there was mud all over my clothes. When my parents came home, there was a burst of fried meat with bamboo.

After Shandy died and came back to life, even if he played in mud, his body would not be too dirty, and the number of times he was scolded and beaten became less and less.

Changes need to be gradual. After three months, he no longer plays in mud and is exercising in a decent manner.

The head of Heitu Village, Wang Changsheng, is a Tier [-] warrior. In order to increase the strength of the village, whenever he has free time, he will instruct teenagers over the age of eight to exercise.

Black Earth Village is not far from the World of Warcraft Forest, and low-level monsters often harass it.
Shang Di, who wants to become a god and a saint, intends to practice his guess, and has not practiced the Primordial Chaos Sutra.

He is only five years old, and his physical strength alone is no worse than a first-order fighter.

Once he uses his gun, he is confident that he can instantly kill the rare strong man in the sanctuary in the world.

"Cultivation techniques obtained from other worlds are not practiced."

"When you get the chance, shoot some monsters."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandi lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

A few days later, the grain was harvested and dried, and then handed over forty percent.

Farmers, hunters, and merchants in the chaotic realm must pay taxes to the lord.

This morning, a huge flying monster flew over from a high altitude in the distance.

Shandy pulled out a pistol, aimed and pulled the trigger in one go.

The invisible bullets shot out soundlessly.

In the blink of an eye, the flying magical beast in the air shattered into slag, turning into a rain of blood.

Pure spiritual energy suddenly poured into Shangdi's body.

The feeling of rapid strength improvement made him intoxicated.

"Strength increased by 451, agility increased by 621, mental power increased by 507, constitution increased by 486, and it became stronger with one shot!"

Shangdi, whose strength had increased dramatically, couldn't help laughing.

"Killing an eighth-level monster Thunderhawk has increased my strength so much, the plunder is too powerful!"

Looking at the monster forest in the distance, Shangdi retracted the pistol back to the exclusive space with unsatisfied desire.

"A pistol with infinite bullets can still be used normally."

"As long as my strength, agility, mental power, and physique are high enough, even if I don't practice fighting qi or magic, I can instantly kill the strong in the sanctuary with my fists, and even kill all kinds of gods with one move!"

After calming down, Shandi got acquainted with his skyrocketing physical fitness.

"Exercising? It seems unnecessary!"

"With the incomparably magical looting, you can become stronger by killing the enemy!"

After pulling the trigger, he killed an eighth-level Thunder Eagle, and he became the strongest in the Black Earth Village.

"It's a pity that in this world, there is no corresponding system money."

40.00% five plunder, how can it compare with [-]% plunder.

Although 40.00% plunder, after transformation, can only get part of the enemy's spirit, it is more than twice as strong as [-]% [-] plunder.

After waiting on the hillside for more than an hour, but did not find any monsters, Shandi left regretfully.

"The strength of the parents is too weak, and farming is also dangerous. Let's improve the strength of the parents."

"Cultivating magic and battle qi requires talent, and parents don't have talent."

"You can become a god by refining the godhead, but the only disadvantage is that you can't practice on your own."

Shandi returned home, picked up a teapot, filled it with some cold boiled water, and put some pure Yuanshi milk.

He came to the field with a teapot and asked his parents to drink some.

"As time goes by, the physical fitness of the parents will become stronger and stronger."

He was less than six years old, and he did not help his parents dig the ground.

He is too young, even if he offers to help, his parents will not let him do farm work.

A child who is only over five years old can suddenly use a hoe, and anyone will be suspicious.

Rather than asking for trouble, it's better to stay by the side.

Shang Dashan and Zhang Xiaofang drank the boiled water blended with pure essence stone milk, and felt full of strength.

Time flies, and before you know it, it is more than a year.

Six months ago, Shandi had a younger brother.

"Xiao Di, we are going to farm, take care of Xiaohua." Zhang Xiaofang said.

"Yeah." Shandy nodded.

Watching his parents go out, Shang Di took Shang Hua to the hillside not far away.

Today, his strength, agility, mental strength, and physique all exceed fifteen hundred points.

For more than a year, the monsters that appeared in his field of vision were all smashed into pieces by bullets.

"Too many mosquitoes, clean it up."

Take out a pistol, adjust various additional abilities, and pull the trigger around.

Mosquitoes shattered into slag, and in an instant, he wiped out all the mosquitoes in a radius of tens of meters.

The diameter of the wound is 550 cm, and a single shot will cover a large area.

"The effect of killing mosquitoes is great!"

Sitting on the hillside, Shang Di looked at Shang Hua while looking for the monster.

"The more monsters of the same level are killed, the fewer attributes they will plunder."

"In the main god's space, killing zombies and monsters will never reduce the plundered attributes."

"The main god's space is like a game space, and Chuyuan Star should be a real world."

After waiting for a long time to no avail, Shang Di and his younger brother Shang Hua returned home quietly, avoiding the sight of the villagers.

"I am seven years old, and next year I will be able to learn fighting spirit from the village chief."

Cook lunch and wait silently for parents to come home.

After eating pure Yuan stone milk for more than a year, Wang Dashan and Zhang Xiaofang's physical fitness is comparable to that of fifth-level fighters.

Black Earth Village is not far from the outskirts of the World of Warcraft Forest. There are many warriors and magicians passing by Black Earth Village.

With the help of the pupil of reality, Shangdi has a lot of understanding of the physical fitness of fighters from the first to fifth ranks.

The strength of the first-tier fighters is about [-] kilograms, the strength of the second-tier fighters is about [-] kilograms, the strength of the third-tier fighters is about [-] kilograms, and the strength of the fifth-tier fighters is about [-] kilograms.

The strength and speed of fighters who use grudge can be greatly increased.

Parents whose physical fitness has skyrocketed can easily handle the daily farm work.

Wang Dashan did not go to be a hunter, the forest of monsters was too dangerous, he was worried about the safety of his family.

He doesn't know how to do business, and has been farming, fishing, and collecting herbs for a living.

(End of this chapter)

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