Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 210 Breakthrough Sanctuary

Chapter 210 Breakthrough Sanctuary
After calming down, Shangdi rode Xiaolan and flew to Heitu Village.

The blue Fengleiying was named Xiaolan by him.

Arriving at the edge of the monster forest, Shandi fell from the sky, and then let Xiaolan move freely.

Back home on foot, stayed for a few days, and set off for Chaos City.

Sold all the third-order magic cores, and sold some fourth-order magic cores.

After buying a lot of things in the city and paying homage to the master, Shangdi returned to Heitu Village.

"My parents ate the top-quality longevity pill, and their life expectancy is still more than 100 years."

"You must get two godheads within a hundred years, so that your parents can live forever."

See father and mother, bothered by doing nothing all day long, and Shandy doesn't want them to farm.

After thinking about it, he got a set of distillation equipment and taught his parents to produce high alcohol.

"The house at home is so bad it has to be rebuilt."

With that in mind, Shandy went to town and hired some people.

Fifty acres of land were enclosed, and a wall more than six meters high was built.

After the house was repaired, Shandi took advantage of the dead of night and replaced it with the best spiritual weapon villa.

The new house that had just been repaired was taken into the storage space by him, and in the blink of an eye, the villa of the best spiritual weapon turned into a house.

"The sacred artifacts in this world are not as powerful as precious artifacts, and they can't hurt a top-grade spiritual artifact."

When he was in the central area of ​​the monsters, Shandi killed many monsters and got two holy artifacts.

In order to test the power of the holy weapon, he tried it with a treasure-level magic weapon.

As a result, the holy artifact with high hopes was broken by the treasure.

After everything was settled, Shandy began to study the field.

A ninth-level fighter/magician who has mastered the domain is a holy-level fighter/magician.

The life span of the fourth rank is 120 years, that of the fifth rank is 150 years, that of the sixth rank is 180 years, that of the seventh rank is 300 years, that of the eighth rank is 400 years, that of the ninth rank is 500 years, and that of the holy rank is 5000 years.

Whether it is self-cultivation to become a god, or refining a godhead to become a god, as long as one becomes a god, one's lifespan will be endless.

A god who has absorbed the power of faith, as long as the power of faith is not exhausted, can be resurrected even if he dies.

Everything has pros and cons, and the gods who absorb the power of faith have almost no effect of self-cultivation.

If it weren't for this, the Lord God of Light, the Lord God of Darkness, the Lord God of Wind, and the Lord God of Thunder would not have set off race wars again and again for the power of faith.

Demonic beasts have inheritance memories. I learned from Xiaolan that the gods in the God Realm are divided into lower gods, middle gods, upper gods, lower gods, middle gods, upper gods, and main gods.

After recalling the method of constructing the field, Shandi couldn't wait to try it.

In less than three days, a seven-series field took shape.

"It's not difficult at all, just take a look at the main page."

Recruiting the Spear God system, seeing that the limit life span has risen to 5000 years, Shandi confirmed that he has become a strong man in the sanctuary.

After reaching the holy level, he went to the Warcraft Forest again.

Arriving at the central area of ​​the Warcraft Forest, Shandi once again hunted down various high-level monsters.

"The four attributes can be increased again, and the speed of attribute increase is much slower than before."

One shot, one monster, one monster core.

Pull the trigger again and again, and the four attributes will increase again and again.

After more than three months of hunting and killing high-level monsters, Shangdi had no choice but to stop.

After the four attributes have soared to 1000 million points, killing monsters will not increase the attributes.

With previous experience, Shangdi knew that it was his own cultivation that limited the growth of attributes.

"Master Yang Tian is only a holy warrior, he doesn't even know how to become a god, let alone me."

After thinking silently for a moment, Shangdi took Xiaolan back to Heitu Village.

His cultivation had reached the bottleneck, he was idle and bored, and fed Xiaolan with the magic core.

After eating a lot of magic cores with wind and thunder attributes, Xiaolan successfully advanced.

"Ninth-level Fengleiying, the strength is the best at the same level."

Since there is no holy-level magic core with wind and thunder attributes, the matter of turning Xiaolan into a holy beast had to be shelved for the time being.

"Xiao Di, there are five thousand altars of strong fire wine, when will they be sold?" Shang Dashan asked.

"Find someone to build a tavern, and then you can sell alcohol." Shandi replied.

Chu Yuanxing's strongest wine is only in the [-]s.

The distilled strong fire wine is more than sixty degrees.

The parents continued to brew, and Shandy hired people to build the tavern.

More than a month later, the Hero Tavern opened.

"This is the wine a man should drink."

"Shuang, so cool, strong, too strong."

"I can't drink much of such spirits."

Seeing the compliments from customers, the parents smiled a little more.

Shan Di, who was sitting at the door, said with a blank face: "Give me the money!"

After drinking in his family's tavern, it's like leaving without paying, is it possible?
Eisen, a mercenary of the Violent Bear Mercenary Corps, said in a bad tone: "Master comes to your tavern to drink, that is to think highly of you, and you want money from him? Do you want to die?"

He had been to Heitu Village before, and he knew that the strongest village chief of Heitu Village was only a Tier [-] fighter.

As a sixth-level fighter, he can completely walk sideways in Heitu Village.

"Are you sure you don't want to give money?" Shandi asked.

"Looking for death!" Eisen drew out the big sword on his back.

Shang Di grabbed the Wanduan Black Iron Spear and threw it at it without hesitation.

The powerful and unparalleled power directly sent Eisen flying more than ten meters away.

Eisen, who vomited blood, lost his life before he had time to react.

"A mere sixth-level fighter dares to make trouble in my territory!"

Shang Di took away the other party's purse and big sword, and stretched out his hand to volley in the air, bursting out with fire-attribute grudge.

In the blink of an eye, Eisen's body was burned into nothingness.

In a world where the strong are respected, killing is the only way to stop killing.

People who are good are bullied by others, and horses who are good are ridden by others.

If you don't kill people, you will be terrified, there must be a lot of people making trouble in the tavern.

"Xiao Di, are you okay?" Shang Dashan asked with concern.

"It's okay." Shandy shook his head.

"I heard that the head of the Violent Bear Mercenary Group is a ninth-level fighter." Shang Dashan was a little worried.

"The enemy I can't deal with, isn't there still a master?" Shang Di didn't care.

His current strength far exceeds that of his master Yang Tian, ​​but his parents don't know it yet.

Shangdi, who is not in the mood to show his strength, is comparable to a seventh-level fighter in the eyes of his parents.

Parents whose physical fitness is comparable to that of ninth-level fighters have never fought before. How do they know their own strength?

Three days later, more than forty soldiers came to Heitu Village with a murderous look.

Louis, the head of the Bear Mercenary Corps, asked in a cold tone: "Who killed Captain Eisen of our Storm Bear Mercenary Corps?"

"Me!" Shandy walked out.

"Kill!" Louis shouted loudly.

Shangdi, who is holding a black iron gun for ten thousand forgings, can do one move with one move.

In an instant, more than forty corpses lay on the ground.

Scrape away the loot and use the fire-attributed vindictiveness to clear the traces.

Seeing that the head of the Violent Bear Mercenary Group was instantly killed by the little boss, the customers of the tavern were shocked and dared not drink Bawang wine again.

Louis, the eighth-rank fighter, was instantly killed.With their little strength, drinking Overlord wine in a tavern can only end in a dead end.

Back and forth, the news of Shandy's instant killing of Louis spread in the chaotic area.

This morning, Yang Tian came to Heitu Village alone.

"Master." Shandi saluted.

"I heard that Louis, the head of the Violent Bear Mercenary Group, was killed by you?" Yang Tian asked.

"Yeah." Shandy nodded.

"The Violent Bear Mercenary Group comes from the Empire of Earth," Yang Tian reminded.

"So that's how it is." Shangdi suddenly realized.

In the eyes of the Seven Great Empires, the Chaotic Collar is just a piece of fat.

It's just that the seven empires are full of conflicts, which allows the chaotic realm to survive.

If not, with the strength of Yang Tian's leapfrog battle, he is not an opponent of the Seven Great Empires.

The seven great empires are all within the sphere of influence of the main gods of the seven systems on Chuyuanxing.

The seven Holy Sees can contact the main gods of their respective beliefs. Even if the Chuyuan star is sealed by the seven main gods, the main gods of each department can also let the lower gods under their command descend to the Chuyuan star.

Yang Tian, ​​who cultivates chaotic grudge, can only deal with one lower god.

(End of this chapter)

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