Chapter 220

Time is like running water, and a few months have passed quietly.

"The barbarian's exercise skills have reached the limit, and the human level is perfect. Strength 900, agility 900, mental power 900, and constitution 900. Every breath, every movement, eating and sleeping, will be automatically adjusted."

"The four attributes tend to be balanced and have become a kind of inertia, a kind of inertia driven by the body's instinct. Fortunately, none of agility, mental strength, and physique exceed strength."

After moving his body, Shandi took out a fishing rod, took a bamboo cage, and went fishing by the river.

In a single thought, the fishing rod of the highest grade spiritual weapon turned into a bamboo-like fishing rod.

With his [-]-point spiritual power, he was already able to use a little of the spirit weapon's ability.

He didn't want to attract attention because his cultivation was growing too fast, and he planned to learn the Huang-level qigong method after a while.

If he really wants to improve his strength, he has many ways to make his strength grow rapidly in a short period of time.

"New Year's Eve is coming soon. I don't know if Uncle and Second Uncle will call me this New Year's Eve?"

When he came to the river, Shandy sat on a stone, fishing and thinking about the meaning of life.

There are not many things he wants, one is strength, the other is longevity, and the third is beauty.

The goal of endless life, he has accomplished.

The dream of being invincible is currently far away.

Beauty is optional, just let nature take its course.

He also has few hobbies, except for fishing, he doesn't have many hobbies.

Before he got the gunshen system, as an office worker, he liked fishing when he was resting.

Fishing can be fascinating, especially when you catch a big fish, which can make many people excited.

Most fishing enthusiasts will think that the sound of the fishing line is more beautiful than Beethoven's music. Of course, in his era, few people have heard Beethoven's piano music.

In the information age full of luxury and wealth, countless people do not hesitate to create stars, even gods, for the sake of profit.

In the eyes of people who worship foreigners, no matter how bad overseas products are, they are still high-end and high-end. No matter how good domestic products are, they can turn a blind eye to them, avoid talking about them, and even find fault with them.

After thinking about life for more than two hours, Shang Di returned to his courtyard with more than [-] catties of fish.

I personally cooked braised fish, fish with pickled cabbage, boiled fish, and watercress fish, and ate a dinner to my heart's content.

"The dishes I cook are delicious, and the meals brought by the servants are barely edible."

Several large pots of hot water were boiled, and Shandy soaked in the steaming tub.

"Until I get the Huang-level exercises, I can't continue to practice."

Human-level exercises focus on body training, yellow-level exercises focus on refining qi, and mysterious-level exercises focus on refining qi, supplemented by refining spirits.
Shandi, who lives in seclusion, only talks a word or two with the servant who delivers meals every day.

Day after day passed, and before I knew it, it was another half a month.

On this day, near noon, the sound of firecrackers kept ringing one after another.

"Master Di, the patriarch asked you to go to the main house to celebrate the New Year." The servant walked into the courtyard.

"I see." Shang Di responded, changed his clothes, and walked quickly to the main room.

"Seventh brother." Shang Hu called with a smile.

"Fifth Brother." Shang Di called out, and the other party was the third son of the second uncle, who was two years older than him.

Grandpa has three sons, uncle, uncle and father.

The first cousin, the second cousin, and the sixth cousin all belong to the uncle's family.

The third cousin, the fourth cousin, and the fifth cousin belong to the second uncle's family.

"Seventh brother." Shang Liang called out proudly.

Shang Di calmly shouted: "Sixth brother."

With his current strength, without relying on external objects, he is capable of defeating Huang-level warriors.

Shang Liang is just a human-level martial artist, and to him, it's not worth mentioning.

A 16-year-old boy whose strength is far superior to his peers can't help but feel a little proud.

Shangdi, who has a lot of experience, doesn't care about the other party's expression of giving up.

Visiting the uncle, aunt, second uncle, and second aunt, Shangdi greeted several cousins.

There are a lot of red tape, but the general environment is such that he has to follow.

After a while, Uncle Shang Yi began to distribute money to the younger generation.

Not surprisingly, Shang Liang got the most, and Shang Di received the least, with only ten taels of silver.

Everyone has long been accustomed to it, and no one makes irresponsible remarks.

Shang Liang, who has reached the ninth level in the barbarian body training, has an outstanding talent in martial arts, so it is reasonable to get more money.

In the Shang clan of Wuliu Town, the better the talent in martial arts, the more resources they can get.

The income of the third-rank family far exceeds that of the second-rank family.

As the rank of the family increases, the income of the clansmen will also increase accordingly.

The focus is on cultivating people with outstanding talents, the family is like this, the sect is like this, and the royal family is no exception.

After lunch, the peers competed with each other, but Shandy did not appear on stage.

On the bright side, he is the person with the most mediocre talent in the main line.

Brother Shanghong in the lobby, Shangcheng in the third cousin, and Shang Ming in the fourth cousin have all reached the sixth floor in their barbaric exercise skills.Fifth cousin Shanghu's barbaric exercise skill reached the fifth level last year.

The talented sixth cousin, Shang Liang, has reached the eighth level of barbarian exercise, and the second cousin, Shang Ying, is already married.

When he reaches his full age, he will set up his own family.

If there is no accident, the second uncle will be separated after the year.

When Grandpa was around, the main artery was divided into the long house, the second house, and the third house.

Grandpa is gone, and the second and third bedrooms will leave the main house sooner or later.

Shang Di also knew in his heart that the situation of his second uncle was much better than him.

Competing with peers, Shang Liang won the first place, Shang Cheng ranked second, and Shang Hong ranked third
The outsiders who came to congratulate applauded from time to time.

Shandy, who was the audience, didn't applaud or applaud.

Several people are his cousins, applauding and applauding will offend others.

The relationship with each other is weak, why does he applaud, they are all his cousins, and he doesn't want to offend anyone.

Second Uncle Shangli smiled and said, "Xiao Di, are you not on stage?"

"Second Uncle, I won't make a fool of myself on stage with my humble skills." Shang Di said casually.

"You take this silver." Shang Li took out a silver coin with special meaning.

"Second Uncle, let's leave it to my cousins. I don't need these." Shang Di politely declined.

"Xiao Di, take this bank note for emergency." Uncle Shang Yi handed out a bank note with a face value of one hundred taels of silver. Now that there are outsiders present, as an uncle, he has to express it anyway.

"Uncle, I seldom go out, and my need for money is very small." Shang Di didn't accept it either, and he didn't accept the money given by the second uncle, so how can there be any reason to accept the bank note from the uncle?
In front of outsiders, the second uncle teased the uncle with ten taels of silver, and the uncle paid for it with a hundred taels of silver. With his rich life experience, he didn't know that this money could not be accepted!
Li Xiong, the patriarch of the Li family of the first-rank power, said with a half-smile: "Patriarch Shang, dog Li Gang."

The Li family is one of the first-rank families attached to the Shang family.

Everyone was shocked when they learned that Li Gang had become the disciple of Pang Yunfei, the master of the Qingyun Sect of the third-rank force.

Li Gang, who was only 17 years old, stepped onto the ring quickly, cupped his hands and said: "Junior Li Gang, I implore my peers to come on stage and fight!"

Shang Yi, who was angry in his heart, was caught in a dilemma. Letting the family's children take the stage, no matter whether he wins or loses, there will be disadvantages but no advantages.

Naturally, if you win, you can vent your anger, but you will offend the Qingyun sect, and if you lose, you will shame the Shang clan.

The furious Shang Hu stepped onto the ring without hesitation.

In an instant, Shang Hu vomited blood from Li Gang's beating.

Shang Liang came to the stage to meet the enemy, and with inexperience, he was beaten away by Li Gang in less than thirty rounds.

"Leave a line in life, so we can meet later!" Shang Di stepped onto the ring word by word. He is a member of the Shang family, and the family is intrigued. It is an internal matter of the Shang family. The dignity of the Shang family cannot be tolerated. trampled by others?
"Hahahahaha, you dare to fight with me?" Li Gang said sarcastically.

"I'll give you a chance to kowtow and admit defeat, otherwise, you will be at your own peril!" Shang Di said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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