Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 230 The Normal Universe

Chapter 230 The Normal Universe

In these days, many people in the village have bought cars. The cheap ones cost tens of thousands of yuan, while the expensive ones cost more than 20 to [-] yuan.

When a strange car entered the village, many villagers came over out of curiosity.

"Jianguo, have you bought a car?" Wang Zhenguo asked.

"Shangdi bought it." Shang Jianguo said.

"Graduated?" Wang Zhenguo looked at Shangdi.

"Just graduated," Shandy replied.

"When did you come back?" Wang Zhenhua asked.

"Just came back." Shandy smiled.

"Have you made money?" Wang Zhenguo asked curiously.

"I made some money." Shandy said casually.

Taking out a pack of cigarettes from the car, Shangdi distributed a pack of cigarettes to the elders in the village.

"It's still a temporary license, buy some artillery to celebrate?" Wang Zhenguo joked.

According to the usual practice, when someone in the village bought a car, they had to treat guests to dinner, and relatives, friends and neighbors gave money, cannons and red cloth.

"Alright." Shang Jianguo nodded.

"How much is this car?" Wang Zhenhua asked.

"Three 10,000+." Shangdi did not hide anything, and the prices of many things can be found on the Internet.

"Would you be willing to buy three 10,000+ cars and make a lot of money?" Wang Zhenguo laughed.

"He sold a song and didn't make much money," Shang Jianguo said.

"Didn't Shangdi study finance? Can he write songs?" Wang Zhenhua was stunned.

Half an hour later, the spectators left one after another.

Grandpa who went fishing, and grandma who went from house to house came back one after another.

"Dad, how is the harvest today?" Shang Jianguo asked.

"I caught over ten catties of crucian carp." Shang Botao laughed.

"Grandpa," Shandy called.

"What do you plan to do in the future?" Shang Botao asked.

"Farming at home," Shandy said.

"You are a college student, go home to farm?" Shang Botao asked doubtfully.

"Uncle of a classmate of mine" Shandi made up a story with ease.

My mother, Chen Shuzhen, has gone to my grandpa and grandma, and she won't be back until tomorrow.

During the meal, Shangdi took out a jar of mincemeat and drank a few glasses with his father and the others.

To build a house in rural areas, each person has [-] square meters of land and can build up to three floors.

There are five people in the family, including Shangdi's future marriage and childbirth, the upper limit of the land use area is [-] square meters.

I got a blueprint, found some acquaintances, demolished the old house and built a new one.

The new house has one basement floor and two floors above ground, with a single floor area of ​​360 square meters.

During the construction of the house, Shandi and his family lived in the neighbor's house.

There are dozens of households in Wangjiaba Village, and only a dozen people stay at home all year round.

More money is more powerful. In less than three months, the main body of the new house was built.

Shangdi replaced all the [-] mu of land in his family to the right side of the house.

In Wangjiaba Village, each person has an average of [-] mu of paddy fields and [-] mu of dry land.

There are fewer and fewer people farming, and it is easy to replace land, just give some money.

Hire people to enclose the land with a wall, and install a lot of surveillance cameras on the wall.

Shangdi hired people to dig a third of the family's ten-acre paddy field with an excavator.

After a round of repairs with reinforced concrete, the half field and half fish pond were done.

The market price of one hundred catties of ordinary rice is only 120 yuan, and there is no way to grow ordinary rice.

The land and climate in Datang Town are not suitable for growing high-quality rice.

Even if the yield of rice per mu is [-] jin, the [-] mu of paddy field at home can only harvest [-] jin of rice.

After deducting the costs of seeds, film, pesticides, plowing, chemical fertilizers, and harvesting, the harvest of rice planting for a year is not as good as working for a month.

Transplanting rice seedlings, drying them in the sun, and weeding them all take a lot of time.

If the pay is not proportional to the harvest, there will naturally be fewer and fewer people who grow food.

Shanfu is mountainous, and there are hilly areas everywhere, so it is impossible to use mechanization to grow food on a large scale.

It took more than five months before and after, and the new house, orchard, and fish pond were all completed.

After ordering some fry and fruit seedlings, and once they were planted, Shangdi was free.

In the dead of night, he escaped underground to build an underground base.

Knowing that his parents were going to go out to work again, Shangdi bought a store with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters and opened a supermarket for them. Seeing this situation, his parents gave up the idea of ​​going out to work.

"The retail store is 230 million, and it costs 10,000+ to open a supermarket, 120 million for a house, 10,000+ for an orchard, and 10,000+ for a fishpond."

Calculating silently, Shangdi has spent more than 500 million in the past five months since returning home.

"There are still more than 5000 million deposits."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandi escaped into the ground and continued to build the underground base.

The mud and rocks dug by the robot were all put into the storage space by him.

After working hard for more than a month, he built an underground base with an area of ​​more than 3000 square meters.

After finishing the underground base and the satellite monitoring room, Shandi took advantage of the dead of night to launch satellite bombs again and again.

"The upgraded version of satellite bombs only needs four to cover the entire ancestral star."

According to the data provided by the intelligent robot, Shandy modified additional capabilities and continuously launched satellite bombs.

Raise fish and weed during the day, and launch satellite bombs at night.

When the new year was about to come, he had built a satellite network covering the solar system.

"Everything is normal in the solar system, is this a normal universe?"

Let 'Wuying' block the artificial satellites and drones of the ancestral star, Shandi came to the orchard quietly, released three high-level metal giants, let them look for life planets, ore stars.
In the blink of an eye, three metal giants soared into the sky and disappeared into the vast starry sky.

"The man-made universe, the main god's space, the artifact star world, the game world, and the rebirth ability of the gun god system are too powerful. They can actually bring me back to life in these weird places."

Sighing secretly, Shandi returned to the room and woke up naturally after sleeping.

"It will take another two years for the fruit trees to bloom and bear fruit, and the fish in the fish ponds will not be sold until next year."

After breakfast, Shandi carried a bamboo basket, cut some grass on the slope, and threw it into the field to feed the fish.

After having lunch at home, he drove an off-road vehicle and accompanied his grandfather to go fishing.

Father, mother, and grandma are all in the supermarket in the town, and they eat in the town at noon.

66-year-old Shang Botao has never played poker in his life, and his only hobby is fishing.

People at his age either play mahjong, grow vegetables, or go fishing everywhere.

Came to Tantan near Datang Dam, Shangdi and grandpa were talking and laughing while fishing.

After waiting for half an hour, not a single fish was caught.

Shandy likes to catch fish and doesn't like not to catch fish.

No matter how much you like fishing, if you can’t catch fish for several months, you will definitely lose interest in fishing.

"Forget it, I'll cheat!"

As soon as he thought about it, Shangdi turned on the perspective to look for the fish.

With a precise throw of the lifting rod, the hook appeared directly in front of a big black fish.

Gently dragging, then pulling hard, the fishhook pierced Heiyu's upper lip.

The sound of the fishing line humming followed, and the fishing rod was pulled out in a large arc.

The strength of the fishing rod, fishing line, and fishhook can be compared to the best spiritual weapon, but the toughness of the fishing rod is very good.

"Caught a big fish?" Shang Botao laughed.

"It's estimated to be more than ten catties, but I don't know what kind of fish it is." Shang Di said.

After sneaking for more than ten minutes, he took the opportunity to use the water choking technique, and a big black fish weighing about [-] jin was dragged to the shore.

"What a big mullet." Shang Botao was pleasantly surprised.

"I couldn't catch any fish just now, so it should be this guy." Shandi said.

"The mullet entered the nest, and the other fish ran away." Shang Botao echoed.

Putting the big black fish into the fish guard casually, Shangdi continued fishing.

Not long after, crucian carp broke through the water one after another.

Fishing until four o'clock in the afternoon, the two returned home with their catch.

The big black fish was left for extra meals, and the remaining [-] catties of fish were all thrown into the fish pond.

A few days later, when approaching noon every day, I could hear people setting off firecrackers.

"It's better to be in the countryside. During the Chinese New Year, you can still set off artillery."

"The Chinese New Year in Xincheng has always been quiet."

A few days after the new year, Shandy's troubles came.

(End of this chapter)

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