Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 259 The Silent Recruit

Chapter 259 The Silent Recruit

Shangdi, who boarded the military truck, felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

He has died and resurrected more than a dozen times. He has been a policeman and a mercenary.

"With my current strength, I am even a super soldier king than a super soldier king."

After more than an hour, Shandy and the rest of the recruits transferred to a train.

On the way to boot camp, he barely spoke.

"Forget it, it's all here, let's feel the military life."

At this point, Shandi stopped thinking about it and listened to others' conversations silently.

When they arrived at the new barracks, they were divided into dormitories, and the recruit training began.

The physical fitness is extraordinary and refined, even if he deliberately restrains his strength, Shangdi's grades are not bad.

Every moment, many comrades-in-arms wailed, complained of suffering and tiredness.

Shandy is still reticent, such a little training intensity is not worth mentioning to him.

No one talks to him, and he doesn't initiate conversations.

"Xiao Chen, that Shangdi in your class seems a bit strange." Li Mingyuan looked puzzled.

"Company commander, he just doesn't like to talk, there's nothing wrong with him." Chen Liang said.

"How are the grades in each subject?" Li Mingyuan asked.

"Above average, he hasn't used his full strength." Chen Liang replied.

"Really?" Li Mingyuan was dubious.

"Every time the training ends, other people are panting and have sweat on their heads, but his breath is steady and there is no sweat at all," Chen Liang said slowly.

"Does he not want to be a soldier?" Li Mingyuan asked thoughtfully.

"Probably not." Chen Liang shook his head.

"Then why doesn't he go all out?" Li Mingyuan asked.

"Maybe I think the daily training is too simple." Chen Liang is not sure either.

"The military camp is a place where the capable go up and the mediocre go down. His mentality is unacceptable." Li Mingyuan said.

"Shangdi never makes trouble." Chen Liang felt helpless like a dog biting a hedgehog.

"You think of a way, I want to know his limit." Li Mingyuan said.

"Yes!" Chen Liang nodded in response.

"That's it." Li Mingyuan turned and left.

After lunch, Chen Liang ran to the training ground with three squads of twelve recruits.

A few minutes later, twelve recruits started to practice grappling in groups of two.

Shang Di, who didn't want to fall, knocked his 'opponent' Zhang Yuanfei to the ground again and again.

"Get out of the way, I'll come!" Chen Liang asked Zhang Yuanfei to step aside.

"Squad leader, you are not my opponent." Shandi reminded friendlyly that it had just rained and the ground was covered with mud. He didn't want to wash his clothes, so he had to let his 'opponent' fall to the ground.

"The tone is not small. If you can beat me, you can rest for today's training." Chen Liang said.

"Come on!" Shandi said calmly.

"You are a recruit, I will give you three tricks." Chen Liang said.

"Then I won't be polite." As soon as Shangdi finished speaking, he walked over unhurriedly.

Chen Liang stared at the other party intently, and was about to dodge.

Unexpectedly, Shandy's speed was too fast, and he was knocked down before he could react.

After losing three times in a row, Chen Liang was convinced.

After the fighting training was over, everyone returned to the dormitory.

At noon that day, Chen Liang knocked on the door and walked into the company commander's office.

"Have you figured out Shangdi's limit?" Li Mingyuan asked.

"Gripping and fighting are very powerful," Chen Liang replied.

"Put you down in an instant? Can you hit a moving target with a hundred shots?" Li Mingyuan couldn't believe it.

"Yeah." Chen Liangliang nodded, and said, "Shangdi's only shortcoming is that he doesn't like to talk much."

"How about this, isn't it necessary for each class to elect a deputy squad leader? Your third class will let him be the deputy squad leader. People are forced out. As long as he becomes the deputy squad leader, are you afraid that he will not speak?" Li Mingyuan said .

"That's one way." Chen Liangliang nodded.

"Where do you think Shangdi is suitable?" Li Mingyuan asked.

"With his strength, there is no problem entering the reconnaissance company. Whether he can become a special soldier depends on how much strength he retains." Chen Liang thought for a while and said.

"You have so much confidence in him?" Li Mingyuan smiled.

"Physically, marksmanship, fighting, he is better than many scouts." Chen Liang said.

"Unexpectedly, there are such good seedlings among the recruits this time. It would be perfect if we can cultivate a special soldier." Li Mingyuan sighed.

Special forces are selected among the best, and the probability of special forces being born among recruits is very small.

Almost every special soldier in active service is selected layer by layer from hundreds of veterans.

"Yes." Chen Liang echoed.

"That's it." Li Mingyuan said.

At five o'clock in the morning, when they were assembled, Chen Liang publicly announced that Shang Di would be the deputy squad leader.

The deputy squad leader during the recruit period is only a temporary position.

Shang Di, who became the deputy squad leader, was busy all of a sudden.

The squad leader is in charge of the outside, and the deputy squad leader is in charge of the inside.

"Squad deputy, how is your technique?"


"Don't give me a horse to bite my head."

"rest assured."

Shandy, holding a clipper, cameos as a barber.

Outside of training, he has a lot to do.

I didn't want to talk before, I just didn't want to talk nonsense.

Now that he has become the deputy squad leader, he must treat the deputy squad leader well.

"Li Yong, exhale for three steps, inhale for two steps, don't breathe through your mouth."

"Chen Fei, don't go too fast. Ten kilometers of cross-country is not full of [-] meters."

While running, Shandi pointed out one by one comrade-in-arms.

Li Mingyuan, who was holding a binoculars, said with a smile; "That's the way to look!"

"Unexpectedly, he knows a lot." Chen Liang smiled knowingly.

"I'm afraid that with an additional [-] kilograms of weight, he can also run ten kilometers." Li Mingyuan said.

"The speed remains the same, and the body shape is not chaotic at all. He still has a lot of energy left." Chen Liang felt incredible.

"Even in the reconnaissance company, the scout with the best physical fitness will not run for three or four kilometers with a heavy load like him." Li Mingyuan was shocked.

"Company commander, I think Shangdi has the ability to pass the special forces assessment." Chen Liang said.

"To become a special soldier, it depends not only on physical fitness, marksmanship, fighting, but also on mental flexibility." Li Mingyuan said.

At the end of the ten-kilometer cross-country, Li Yong said weakly: "Finally finished."

"Stand up and move your body." Shandi said loudly.

"Squad deputy, let me lie down for a while, just for a while." Fade Chen said.

"The results of the recruits' assessment will determine where they will be assigned." Shang Di said slowly.

"Yes, my parents are still farming." Fade Chen gritted his teeth and got up.

"Now work harder, even if you leave the army in two years, you can still have a good body, and even if you go to the construction site to move bricks, you can earn more money than others," Shangdi continued.

Hearing this, Li Yong and others stood up one after another.

"I'll teach you a pile method. As long as you practice it well, you can increase your energy and blood. The stronger your energy and blood, the greater your strength, and the stronger your endurance." After Shang Di finished speaking, he stood on a Hunyuan pile.

"Squad deputy, do you know martial arts?" Fade Chen asked.

"This is martial arts, national art, not martial arts!" Shang Di corrected.

The current martial arts of the Donghua Empire are not so much martial arts as dances.

"Squad deputy, can such a movement really increase strength?" Fade Chen questioned.

Shan Di held the other party in his left hand, took a few rounds with ease, and then said, "How is it?"

Li Mingyuan, who was watching from a distance, was stunned.

"Isn't his strength too great?" Chen Liang said dumbfounded.

"When you have free time, you can stand on this posture more often. Even if you can't have the strength of a thousand catties, your physical strength can reach three to four hundred catties." Shang Di said with a smile.

"Squad deputy, how strong is your strength?" Fade Chen asked curiously.

"It should be able to carry three or four bags of cement." Shandi said casually.

"One bag of cement is one hundred catties, class deputy, you should become a weightlifter." Li Yong joked.

Shang Di stopped talking, and instructed everyone one by one how to stand on the Hunyuan pile.

(End of this chapter)

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