Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 268 Heart power?

Chapter 268 Heart power?

People are tall, low, fat, and thin, and they are engaged in different industries and have different occupational habits.

In Shandy's view, if you want to practice camouflage well, you must first master how to see through other people's camouflage.

Without knowing the characteristics of all walks of life, men, women, and children in advance, how can you judge whether others have problems?
The strength of the two special forces is not much different, eyesight determines the outcome and life and death.

Both sides disguised themselves in the crowd, and whoever finds the enemy first has the highest probability of survival.

The marksmanship, physical fitness, and fighting skills of the six members of the Iron Hammer Squad have exceeded the limits of ordinary people, and there is no need to continue training. It is just that their eyesight is still lacking, and they cannot quickly identify the enemy.

Shang Di found Wang Hanshan again, talked about going out for training, and got a lot of money.

After lunch, he took the six members of the Hammer team and drove two civilian off-road vehicles to leave the camp of the Mantis Special Forces Brigade.

Rented a house with three bedrooms and two halls, Shandi lived in one room alone, and three team members lived in one room.

Go out at six o'clock every morning, or hang out on the bus, or hang around outside the station.

Most of the thieves didn't look at the almanac when they went out, and they were caught by them.

"See that kid asking for money?" Shandy asked.

"Yes." Sun Xiaowu and others responded.

"What can you see?" Shandy asked.

"No problem." Bai Lei replied.

"It's not right, the child has scars," Sun Xiaowu replied.

"Find the person who stared at the child." After Shandi finished speaking, he sat on a chair, took out a spirit smoke and lit it, and observed the six team members while breathing.

Around nine o'clock in the evening, the number of pedestrians on the street gradually decreased.

"Follow," Shandy ordered.

"Yes!" The six responded in unison.

Half an hour later, the crowd caught eight human traffickers and rescued more than a dozen children.

Eight human traffickers with severed limbs and a dozen children were handed over to the police.

After taking a statement, he left the police station, had a barbecue, and returned to his residence to rest.

At seven o'clock the next morning, everyone came to the gate of an elementary school.

"These are real school kids, remember how they behave," Shandy said.

"Captain, is this useful?" Sun Xiaowu asked doubtfully.

"People vary in height, fat and thin, and some people are born short. How can you tell that he is not a primary school student when he wears the clothes of a primary school student?" Shan Di asked with a half-smile.

"Understood." Sun Xiaowu responded.

Looking at the energetic elementary school students, Shandi fell into memories.

"When I was young, I felt that I would never die of old age."

"A person who is living a good life suddenly knows that he has a terminal illness"

"Emotions affect the body, and people who firmly believe that man will conquer nature, if they feel that destiny cannot be violated"

Shangdi, who was in an epiphany, had a strange power born in his body.

"Could it be the legendary heart power?"

After waking up, Shangdi found that he had mastered a mysterious power.

After finding out the Wuzhou version of the Gunslinger system, looking at the increasing and decreasing limit lifespan on the main page, Shangdi was both surprised and delighted.

"The data does not fluctuate much. It should be because my mental strength is not strong yet, and the fluctuation is also very small."

Shangdi, who is enlightened, concentrates on pondering without any other distraction.

"Mind force is also a kind of energy, can it be cultivated with Qigong method?"

There are still 69 spare lives, and Shangdi, who has the talent of rebirth with severed limbs and quick recovery, uses his spiritual consciousness to mobilize negligible mental strength, follow the operation route of each practice, and tirelessly test.

"None of these exercises can cultivate mind power?"

Shandi, who did not get what he wanted, was somewhat depressed.

"Captain, it's almost twelve o'clock." Sun Xiaowu touched his shriveled belly.

"Let's go eat first." Shandi cheered up, looked around, and walked straight to a small restaurant.

Let the six members of the Hammer team watch elementary school students for a few days, junior high school students for a few days, high school students for a few days, and college students for a few days
"What is the difference between the farmers here and those in other places?" Shandi asked.

"The terrain is flat, mechanized farming, and large-scale farming. If the people here are rich peasants, the people in other places are poor peasants." Bai Lei thought for a while and said.

"Farmers here are rarely exposed to the sun and rain. Their spirits are different." Sun Xiaowu replied.

"Remember the accents of different places, you will need them in the future," Shandi said.

"Yes!" The six team members nodded in response.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Shandy led the crowd to a bar.

"Captain, what are we doing here?" Xue Shiqiang asked suspiciously.

"The bar is full of fish and dragons, so it's natural to exercise your eyesight." Shandi said.

"Captain, come up with a question." Xue Shiqiang smiled. The practice during this period has made his eyesight much stronger.

"Which one is rich and which one is poor?" Shandy asked.

"The middle-aged man in the black suit wears a watch with a market price of 10,000+," Xue Shiqiang said.

"Not bad." Shangdi nodded, and asked again: "Which makeup is the most powerful?"

"The woman in the blue dress next to the bar must look terrible after taking off her makeup." Sun Xiaowu said.

The voices of the people were so small that only they could hear them.

"Has anyone committed a crime?" Shandy asked again.

"I didn't find out." Sun Xiaowu shook his head.

"I didn't notice either." Bai Lei and the others said one after another.

Shandy took out his mobile phone and called the police.

Not long after, several police cars roared up.

Chen Gang, in his thirties, asked loudly, "Who called the police?"

"Me!" Shandi stood up, pointed to a person, and said, "He has contraband on him."

"Do you have evidence?" Chen Gang asked.

"This is a photo I took." Shandi took out his phone and opened a photo.

Seeing this situation, Fan Long took the road and fled.

Sun Xiaowu, who had been prepared for a long time, pushed him down instantly.

"I've left it to you, let's go!" Shandi led the team away.

"Captain Chen, this group of people don't want ordinary people." Policeman Zhou Yang frowned.

"They didn't break the law." Chen Gang said.

"Aren't you going to take it back for interrogation?" Zhou Yang asked.

"Why interrogate them?" Chen Gang asked back.

"It would be nice to take it home and record a detailed statement!" Zhou Yang said.

"Actively call the police and have extraordinary skills, who do you think it is?" Chen Gang asked.

"It's either a policeman or a soldier." Zhou Yang thought for a while and said.

"I don't want to cause trouble for myself." Chen Gang said.

Leaving the bar, Sun Xiaowu asked: "Captain, how did you find that man?"

"When you enter an unfamiliar environment, you must observe carefully. Your attention is all on those beauties." Shan Di said angrily.

Sun Xiaowu and the others looked embarrassed and fell silent.

After going back to sleep, after breakfast, Shandi took another six team members to the gate of a high-end villa area to observe people entering and leaving the villa area one after another.

A few days later, he, who discovered the abnormality, drove a young man with Sun Xiaowu and others.

"Captain, what do you see?" Zhang Zhihai asked.

"The suitcase is not light, and he looks flustered, obviously something is wrong." Shandi asked.Using the talent of perspective, he saw the corpse in the suitcase clearly.

During the recent period, traveling around the Donghua Empire, they encountered many criminals.

The thief was caught by them, the wanted man was caught by them
As an active-duty soldier, there is no reason to turn a blind eye when someone breaks the law.

More than an hour later, the young man drove to the wilderness, dragged out the suitcase with great effort, and threw it down the hillside.

"Catch people, call the police." Shandi said.

"Yes!" Sun Xiaowu and others nodded in response.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the nearby police rushed over.

When he opened the suitcase, he saw a dead body inside.

After recording the statement, Shandy left with the members of Team Hammer.

The case of murder and dumping of corpses is naturally handled by the police, and it is not their turn to make decisions.

(End of this chapter)

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