Chapter 371
"Great, I finally found it." Rice was overjoyed.

"Captain, inform the Mandela Group immediately," Qiao Shan reminded.

Rice had the rescue ship take a video and send it to the Mandela Group.

In an instant, the reward of 50 billion federal coins was transferred to the account of the Dragon Rescue Team.

"Guys, the reward for the second reward task is 25 million federal coins." Rice kept 25 billion federal coins for himself, and transferred another [-] billion federal coins to the four team members.

"Captain, there is no trace of damage on the surface of the survey ship. Obviously, something is wrong inside. The reward of [-] million federal currency seems to be close at hand, but it is actually extremely dangerous." Qiao Shan reminded.

"Captain, the Mandela Group wants us to explore the way without continuing to take risks." Minnie said.

"I also agree to return." Battelle said.

After sending the specific coordinates to the Mandela Group, Rice turned around and asked, "Man, what do you think?"

"The protection capability of the third-level research ship is comparable to that of the third-level space battleship. As long as we enter the research ship, no matter what the result is, the Mandela Group will not let us go." Shandi said.

"Why?" Les asked thoughtfully.

"There must be secrets of the Mandela Group on the research ship," Shandy said.

"Then let's go back." Rice rejected the Mandela Group and drove the Kuanglong rescue ship back to Qingxing.

Before leaving, Shangdi used perspective and the pupil of reality to look inside the research ship.

"Unknown creature? More than 100 corpses?"

A dozen bullets were fired silently, and hundreds of unknown creatures parasitic on the human body were instantly wiped out.

"Killing an eight-legged insect, can you get a little star power?"

Shangdi quietly retracted the invisible pistol into the exclusive space.

With additional abilities such as the distance between the world and the combo, the bullet ignores the barrier and teleports directly into the research ship.
Even though he fired more than a dozen shots, Rice and the others, who were close at hand, did not find any clues.

Carrying the avatar of the peak state of the god with him, he is not in a hurry to harvest the star energy.

With the strength of the avatar, the star power of the entire mortal world can be plundered in an instant.

The rescue ship Kuanglong returned to Qingxing, and the rescue ship that got the location of the research ship rushed over.

Whichever rescue team enters the research ship first will have the opportunity to complete the second mission of the Mandela Group.

Checking the research ship and rescuing the members inside is a reward just issued by the Mandela Group.

After flying at full speed for more than two months, the rescue ship Kuanglong returned to the Sixteenth Federation.

The bounty for space rescue needs to pay a [-]% tax.

Shandi paid taxes, opened a stock account, and let Wuying speculate in stocks.

Qingxing's technology is equivalent to level three, and Wuying is an intelligent life of level nine technology.

The level crushes all the intelligent life in Qingxing, and speculating in stocks without a shadow is like picking up money.

After paying more than 6000 million yuan in taxes, I still have to earn hundreds of billions back.

Everyone celebrated and then left.

Space rescue missions have extremely rich bounties.

As long as you are lucky and lucky, you don't have to worry about making money.

A person whose heart is higher than the sky and whose life is thinner than paper will end up buried in space.

After returning the rented house, Shandi drove the exquisite energy speed car to find the villa he wanted.

"Sir, this type of villa."

"The area is a bit small, is there a bigger one?"

"Sir, this villa has one basement floor and three floors above the ground. Each floor is more than 200 square meters, with a total construction area of ​​more than 900 square meters. The total area is more than 300 square meters."

"It looks good, how much?"

"About thirty-five million federal currency."

After signing the contract and paying the money, Shandy got the key to the villa.

"Swimming pool, garden, lawn, gym are all available, and the place to live is settled."

Release eight intelligent robots and take out some equipment and weapons.

In less than half a day, the protection ability of the villa reached the level of shocking the world.

"In the Sixteenth Federation, private territory is inviolable!"

The Star Destroyer was too brutal, and Shandy didn't take it out, but he installed four energy cannons.

With the power of the energy cannon, a level [-] spaceship can be killed with one shot.

Qingxing's most advanced warships are only Tier [-], and Tier [-] warships are still under development.

Shangdi, who had nothing to do, used runes and formations to strengthen houses, swimming pools, and walls.

Take out an infinite bullet pistol and adjust various additional abilities.

Taking aim at a mosquito, Shandy pulled the trigger.

The invisible bullets shot out, and 59 mosquitoes shattered into slag.

"Blood devouring talent?"

Looking at the information on the main page of the Gunslinger system, Shangdi couldn't help being stunned for a few seconds.

To this day, talent has had little effect on him.

"It's okay anyway, let's continue!"

Pulling the trigger again and again, the mosquitoes shattered into slag.

After killing mosquitoes for more than ten minutes, the blood devouring talent was raised to level nine.

"The potential is unlimited, but don't try to improve your strength until you break the shackles."

"Killing the enemy with a gun-type weapon can plunder the energy and spirit, but the blood devouring talent is useless!"

Changing the attack target, Shandy began to shoot and kill the earthworms in the soil.

One bullet went down, and 59 earthworms were broken into slag.

"I've already practiced avatar, why do I need this avatar talent?"

"The avatar created by the avatar technique is still controlled by the main body."

"The avatar created by the avatar talent cannot be recovered."

If an earthworm is cut in half, it becomes two earthworms.

Even if two earthworms come from the same earthworm, they are independent.

"Even if I die, I won't become two of me!"

Shandy, with complicated emotions, pulled the trigger again and again, shooting and killing earthworms.

In a short while, the avatar's talent was upgraded to level two.

"Not much has changed?"

Unwilling to give up, Shangdi took the trouble to shoot and kill the earthworms.

"Avatar talent level three."

"Avatar talent level four."

"Avatar talent level five."

"The law of clones?"

After digesting the information in his mind, Shandy laughed excitedly.

"A talent above level 81 is a law?"

"Having mastered the law of avatars, I can have countless avatars."

After recruiting the gun god system, Shandi found that the avatar's talent had disappeared.

Looking at the time, he realized that he had killed earthworms for three days.

Brace yourself, Shandy shot the ants expectantly.

If the talent level exceeds level 81, it will transform into the corresponding law.

If he can master the law of strength, his strength will increase dramatically.

As the strength increases, the probability of surviving the Holy Tribulation-level punishment will naturally increase.

After killing without sleep for a day and a night, the ant's physique did not upgrade.

Unwilling, Shangdi calmed down and continued hunting ants.

Before I knew it, more than half a month passed away quietly.

This morning, Shandy, who was killing ants in the field, received a call from Rice.

Turn around and go back to the villa, and drive the energy speed car out.

Seeing him coming, Battelle asked with a smile: "Man, what have you been doing lately?"

"Exercising at home," Shandy said casually.

"There are a lot of beauties around, are there any attractive ones?" Battelle laughed.

"I haven't found it yet." Shandi shook his head.

"Rice is 30 years old today and has invited many stars and models," Battelle said.

"What gift did you prepare?" Shandy asked in a low voice.

"The latest high-frequency oscillating knife." Battelle replied.

"I bought a can of tea," Shandy said.

Rice, who is worth billions of federal currency, knows many celebrities.

"Minnie found the prey again?" Battelle laughed.

The two handed the gift to Rice, and each of them brought a glass of red wine, each looking for a partner.

Many people know that the Crazy Dragon Rescue Team received a bounty of 50 billion federal coins from the Mandela Group.

From ancient times to the present, most people love money.

No, the members of the Dragon Rescue Team are like lights in the dark, attracting many moths.

(End of this chapter)

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