Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 373 Infinite Clone Technique

Chapter 373 Infinite Clone Technique

"An eight-legged insect ran out, and the people on the seven rescue ships and one research ship died. These eight-legged alien creatures must never be brought back to Qingxing." Minnie said firmly.

"If we kill this thing, not only will we not get the bounty, but we will also offend the Mandela Group." Battelle said.

"Be careful, you should be fine." After thinking for a while, Les said, he can share 500% of the 200 billion federal currency bounty, and if he kills the remaining four eight-legged insects, he will lose more than [-] billion federal currency currency.

Qiao Shan hesitated, he wanted to get the bounty, but he didn't want Qingxing to be threatened by the eight-legged insect.

It doesn't matter to Shangdi, the seemingly ferocious eight-legged insect can't threaten his life.

"With the defensive capabilities of the Mandela Group's laboratory, the octopods can't get out." Battelle said again, the money he earned before is running out, not to mention the lack of money now, even if it is not short of money, he is reluctant to part with billions bounty.

"Then submit the task and share the money." Rice gritted his teeth.

Return to the rescue ship and send a video to the Mandela Group.

The eight-legged insects feed on blood and energy, and the research ship and seven rescue ships have no energy.

The 500 billion bounty arrived, and Rice passed the remaining videos to the Mandela Group.

After sharing the bounty of 500 billion federal coins, everyone took the rescue ship Kuanglong and headed straight for Qingxing.

More than two months later, Shandi and the others returned to Qingxing.

"Guys, I invite you to drink." Battelle laughed.

Minnie decided to find another way out. The two missions earned more than five billion federal coins, which was enough for her to live happily ever after.

"Forget it, I still have something to do, let's do it another day." Shandi shook his head.

After thinking about it, Qiao Shan also decided to quit and planned to return to the Celestial Empire.

Seeing this situation, Rice didn't persuade him either. He is not short of money now, and he is not worried about not being able to recruit people.

Go back to the villa, take a shower, eat, exercise, and sleep until you wake up naturally.

Not long after the morning exercise, the phone rang.

"What's the matter?" Shandy pressed the answer button.

"I'm going back to China, do you want to go back?" Qiao Shan asked.

"I'll go back later," Shandy replied.

"Be careful and call when you return home." Qiao Shan said.

"En." Shan Di responded. The other party was worried that someone would take advantage of the money and worry about the revenge of the Mandela Group. He didn't care at all. Staying in the [-]th Federation was freer than being in the Celestial Empire.

In the Sixteenth Federation, when freedom is threatened, he can use his powers and superpowers to his heart's content!

It's different in the Celestial Empire, you have to follow the rules in everything you do.

Qiao Shan drove the energy speed car back to the Celestial Empire, and Minnie also drove the energy speed car away.

Battelle, who had indulged all night, was squandering federal currency in the casino.

The Dragon Rescue Team lost two members, and Rice was busy selecting new members.

For the bounty of the two missions, he divided 270 billion federal coins.

A brand new secondary rescue ship, priced at about 50 billion federal coins.

Les, who loves adventure, wants to buy a second-class rescue boat.

In just over a month, the Mandela Group brought back the four octopods.

Four octopods were sent to a genetics laboratory owned by the Mandela Group.

Shangdi, who didn't want Qingxing to suffer, asked the avatar to create a special enchantment.

An enchantment with a diameter of [-] meters covers the Mandela Group's laboratory and pharmaceutical factory.

The enchantment will not affect people or things, it will only prevent the octopus from leaving the enchantment.

"Heaven commits evil, but it is still a violation. Self-inflicted evil, you can't live. Whether you live or die, it's up to you."

Shangdi was relieved to eliminate the hidden dangers brought by the eight-legged insects.

Exercise your fists and feet every day, exercise your body, and hone your marksmanship. The days are quite comfortable.

Travel around the sixteen federations and collect top beauties who meet your own standards.

Before he knew it, there were twelve beauties who taught him foreign languages.

Secretly thinking that the gentle township is the tomb of heroes, Shang Di restrained his thoughts and practiced the infinite clone technique silently.

Obtained from the clone talent of the earthworm, after upgrading the clone rule, he integrated it into the clone technique.

Before, he could only create one clone with 100% strength, but after incorporating the clone rule, he can have unlimited clones.

As long as he has enough energy, he can cultivate countless avatars with the same strength as the main body.

In just three days, Shangdi's energy and spiritual cultivation had all soared to the early stage of Jindan.

It took more than half a month to intercept some energy and energy, and he condensed a clone of the early stage of Jindan.

Putting the avatar into the portable world, Shangdi practiced the Primal Chaos Sutra and silently regained his energy.

After his energy and spirit were completely recovered, he cultivated another clone.
"Cultivating the avatar to the peak of the God Venerable consumes a lot of resources."

"From now on, each of the mortal worlds, fairy worlds, and god worlds in each universe will keep a clone."

"Including the previous avatar, I have nine avatars, so let's be like this for now."

Weighing the pros and cons, Shangdi no longer condenses his avatars.

A clone without strength is equivalent to cannon fodder, and it consumes a lot of resources to cultivate to the peak of a god.

In line with the idea of ​​sustainable development, Shandy does not want all clones to go hand in hand.

Before sanctification, there are three clones left in a universe, one person, one immortal and one god.

One of the clones died, and the other two clones both had the ability to refine the clones.

For example, if the clone in the fairy world dies, the clone in the mortal world will condense a clone, and then let the clone cultivate into a fairy.

In this way, he will be able to traverse the mortal world, fairy world, and god world all the time.

The infinite avatar technique he deduced, before the main body is completely dead, the avatars are just avatars, and can return to the main body. Once the main body completely dies, the avatars will become Shandi one by one.

With the gun god system, he has more than 100 reserves of life left. Before the reserve life is exhausted, he can be resurrected after death. In theory, every death is just reincarnation and rebirth.

"One Chandy dies, and there are thousands of Chandy standing up."

"If this continues, sooner or later, I will be able to control the mortal, fairy, and god realms of the myriad universes."

After dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind and exercising for a while, Shandi began to teach the beautiful foreign language teachers to practice. There is not much to do without a rescue mission.

In the portable world, the eight avatars are tirelessly training their bodies and minds.

There is only one avatar at the peak level of the God Venerable, who is comprehending a series of exercises.

Mandela Group, Gene Lab.

"Doctor, it's amazing." Mike exclaimed.

"As expected of an alien species, the vitality is too strong." Donald marveled again and again.

"Doctor, do you want to inject gas No. [-]?" Mike asked.

"Yeah." Donald nodded.

Mike injected No. [-] gas into the isolation room containing the eight-legged worms.

The eight-legged insect struggled desperately for a moment, then lay motionless on the ground.

"Doctor, it has lost its vital signs." Mike said.

"Open the door," Donald said.

Half an hour later, the eight-legged insect in a state of suspended animation bit Mike.

Biting eight-legged insects are killed by bullets.
"Take him to check it out," Donald said.

"Yes!" The two young strong men nodded in response.

After the examination, Mike felt a little tired, so he went back to the room to rest.

Not long after, small eight-legged worms burst out of the body.

An eight-legged insect the size of a fist, like a mollusk, got out from the crack of the door.

The electricity in the genetic laboratory was abnormal, and members were attacked by eight-legged insects one by one.

The eight-legged worms that multiplied at an astonishing speed swept across the genetic laboratory, and then spread into the pharmaceutical factory.

In less than half a day, the pharmaceutical factory and genetic laboratory of the Mandela Group were captured by the octopods.

Knowing the situation, the Mandela Group sent heavily armed security guards into the pharmaceutical factory.
After instructing twelve charming foreign language teachers to practice for more than two hours, Shandi took out the information transmission device, transferred the cooking knowledge into their minds, and then let them practice cooking.

(End of this chapter)

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