Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 377 Hongyu Continent

Chapter 377 Hongyu Continent
Nine hundred and ninety-seven of the thousand clones died, and three of them successfully entered the holy world.

Shandy, who was unlucky, jumped out of the universe because he jumped too far.

Before he had time to react, the traces were destroyed by the powerful energy against the sky.

He was so dead that he could not die again, lost his reserve life once, and was resurrected again.

After looking at the Gunslinger system, Shandi found that there was no matching system money.

"The Hongyu version of the Gunslinger system, except that there is no system money, everything else remains the same."

Release a clone whose physical strength is comparable to that of a top-grade god-level artifact, and whose cultivation level is comparable to that of a god-lord.

"The energy of the heavens and the earth is extremely strong, try to see if there is a way of heaven in this world?"

The avatar disappeared in a flash and came to millions of kilometers away.

After practicing for a few minutes, the avatar's qi refining cultivation has reached the first-order celestial being like a broken bamboo.

"There is no catastrophe, if there is no accident, there is no way of heaven in this world?"

"Demons and ghosts are everywhere, and treasures of heaven and earth can be seen everywhere?"

"There is no fairy world, god world, god world, and the continent is growing?"

"If there is no accident, this is a universe in the growth period!"

"In the current universe, you can only cultivate to the ninth-order angel level?"

Thinking about it carefully, Shandi couldn't help laughing.

A growing universe where anything is possible.

The incomplete laws gradually become perfect until the laws degenerate into rules.

To put it bluntly, as long as he stays in the current universe, he can wait for sanctification.

"For the sake of sanctification, don't attack the heart of the universe."

Take away the heart of the universe, and the current universe will cease to exist.

It is still unknown whether he can become a saint after obtaining the heart of the universe.

Perhaps refining the heart of the universe, his strength can surpass that of a saint.

Perhaps the heart of the universe cannot be refined, and he who takes the heart of the universe does not want to become a saint in the current universe.

Weighing the pros and cons, he decided not to attack the Heart of the Universe for the time being.

After waiting for sanctification, it is not too late to take away the heart of the universe.

As for whether he can take away the heart of the universe when he becomes holy, that is unknown.

Hiding greed in his heart, Shandi released hundreds of clones.

Among them, eighteen avatars comprehend a law respectively.

A clone comprehends the eighteen laws he has comprehended at the same time.

Let a few clones specialize in searching for rare treasures.

For the remaining avatars, some comprehend two kinds of laws, and some comprehend three kinds of laws.

Leave some avatars behind, silently looking for the laws that have not yet been comprehended.

"In the portable world of the exclusive space, there are still nine clones."

Adjusting his mentality, Shangdi silently digested the memory of his predecessor.

"Leicheng, Hongshan Town, the only son of the Shang family, 15 years old."

Abandoning the messy thoughts, Shandy fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, after having breakfast with his parents and grandma, he came to the training ground.

The warriors in the Hongyu Continent are divided into nine levels of cultivation. From low to high, they are Body Forging, Qi and Blood, True Qi, Condensing Yuan, Gathering Pills, Immortal Travel, Unity, Heaven and Earth, and Immortality.

The ghosts and ghosts corresponding to warriors also have nine levels.

The cultivation base of the predecessor is comparable to entering the middle stage of body forging, and his strength is only average.

The Shang Clan in Hongshan Town is a branch of the Shang Clan in Shenhuo City.

There are more than 500 members of the Shang family in Hongshan Town.

There are only five members of the Shang family in Hongshan Town, the grandfather Shang Tianxing of the predecessor, the grandmother Zhou Ying, the father Shang Zhennan, the mother Li Yuxue, and the predecessor.

The predecessor with poor cultivation talent, because he was the only son in the direct line, no one dared to provoke him in the family.

No matter how talented the collateral descendants are, they are collateral descendants. If they want to become the head of the Shang clan, they will most likely die.

There is a big gap in the status of the elders and the younger, the concubine, and the status of men and women. If you ignore the superiority and inferiority, you will be cast aside by the world!

The collateral disciples who were practicing martial arts one by one shouted respectfully: "Young master!"

Even if they disdain in their hearts, they are still polite on the surface.

Shangdi nodded, walked to a corner, and started to practice the body-building exercises passed down in his family.

There are hundreds of clones all over the universe, and he doesn't need to bother to comprehend the laws, comprehend the exercises, and search for treasures.

Shandy's idea is very simple, first be an ordinary person for decades.

In his opinion, those who cannot achieve immortality are ordinary people.

"Flesh, muscles, bones, viscera, etc. can only be tempered partly, and the strength of the enhancement is also limited."

After practicing the family exercise a few times, Shangdi pondered for a few minutes secretly, and then reformed the family exercise.

"The whole body, inside and outside the whole body, can be tempered anywhere, and the upper limit has been increased countless times."

After practicing the modified version of physical exercise, Shangdi, who was unbearably hungry, turned around and left the training ground.

Back in his small courtyard, ate some spirit beast meat, and practiced physical exercise again.

"Xiao Di." Shang Zhennan hurried over.

"Father, what's the matter?" Shandy smiled.

"I heard that you were pale just now," Shang Zhennan said.

"Father, I'm fine." Shandy said casually.

"Usually at this time, you are in the martial arts arena." Shang Zhennan asked doubtfully.

"I want to practice by myself," Shandy said.

"You are not talented enough, there is no need to force yourself." Shang Zhennan persuaded.

"As long as I persevere, sooner or later, I will become a peerless powerhouse." Shangdi is full of confidence.

Shang Zhennan gave some instructions, then turned and left the small courtyard.

The auction house in the town is going to auction a elixir that enhances physical fitness today.

He is old and his strength is difficult to improve, and his only son is only 15 years old, so there is still some hope.

Watching his father leave, Shandi took out a pair of scissors and cut himself a short inch.

Long hair is inconvenient to wash, and it is not conducive to fighting.

"It's troublesome to wear clothes, so find a chance for someone to change them."

The tailor-made shoes are mainly made of animal skins, which are quite comfortable to wear.

Hongshan Town, Hengyuan Auction House.

Guided by a young girl, Shang Zhennan came to a VIP room on the second floor.

More than an hour later, the auction officially began.

"Health-enhancing elixir, low-priced 100 Yuan low-grade Lei Yuan stone, other Yuan stones of the same quality are also acceptable, and each price increase should not be less than ten low-grade Lei Yuan stones," said the auctioneer on the stage.

"200 yuan low-grade Lei Yuanshi."

"220 low-grade Lei Yuan stones."

"300 yuan low-grade Lei Yuanshi."

"500 yuan low-grade Lei Yuanshi."

"800 yuan low-grade Lei Yuanshi."

"1000 yuan low-grade Lei Yuanshi."

"Brother Shang, I will give you this health-care pill."

"Brother Fan, thank you for letting me know!"

One by one, the auction items were constantly being sent to the stage.

How could Shang Zhennan give up after suffering from Yangshen Pill?

A moment later, he asked Young Master Fan of the Fan Clan in Hongshan Town to spend a few thousand more low-grade Leiyuan Stones.

Fan Zexi was furious for using thousands of low-grade Leiyuan stones for no reason.

Hongyu Continent is divided into cities and towns, and cities are named after attributes, such as Leicheng and Shenhuocheng
Leicheng is rich in thunder-attribute primordial stones, and Shenhuo City is rich in fire-attribute primordial stones.
The lord of a city, even if he is not a peerless warrior in the Immortal Realm, is still a top powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Realm.

Some cities have dozens or even hundreds of towns, and some cities have thousands or even tens of thousands of towns.

Although the Shang family and the Fan family in Hongshan Town are not incompatible, they have been hostile to each other for decades.

If it weren't for worrying about guarding the fisherman's profit, the Shang family and the Fan family would have fought each other long ago.

"Xiao Di, your hair?" Li Yuxue asked.

"Mother, does it look good?" Shandy smiled.

"It looks pretty, but why did you cut your hair?" Li Yuxue asked in surprise.

"When I'm practicing physical exercise, I'll be sweating profusely in no time." Shandi made an excuse.

Haircuts are normal, and in any world, men and women cut their hair.

If you don't cut your hair for a lifetime, how long can your hair grow?
He just cut a little too much.

Hearing this, Li Yuxue nodded: "That's true."

Not long after, Shang Zhennan returned home with a smile on his face.

"Father, what is this?" Looking at the elixir in the opponent's hand, Shangdi feigned surprise.

The pill was so bad that he didn't like it. In order to make his father happy in this life, he had to cooperate.

(End of this chapter)

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