Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 379 Teaching the exercises

Chapter 379 Teaching the exercises
"I've changed my exercise skills." Shangdi said in shock.

"Have you changed your exercise skills?" Shang Tianxing was stunned.

"The grade of body exercise handed down in my family is too low. Many parts of the whole body, inside and outside, cannot be tempered. For this reason, I have revised the body exercise." Shangdi did not hide it.

"Practice the physical exercise once, let's take a look." Shang Tianxing said.

Shang Di practiced physical exercise from beginning to end. Originally, there were only nine exercises, but he transformed them into 81 exercises. The difficulty of each exercise was much greater than the previous ones.

"How did you think that body training can be changed into this?" Shang Zhennan asked.

"When practicing physical exercise, there will be heat flow on the body. I feel that the heat flow spreads all over the body, so that it can be tempered to every corner of the whole body." Shangdi answered freely.

When you have a family, you will not be lonely, but you will lose some freedom.

There are pros and cons to everything, and there are family factors as well.

After Shang Tianxing and Shang Zhennan thought about it, they both decided to take physical exercise again.

After passing on his own exercise skills to his grandfather and father, Shangdi led the team to Cangsong Town.

The woman had no objection to the marriage that his father had arranged for him, and he was not a hypocrite, let alone Liu Xiahui.

It seems that you can wait for sanctification, but it takes an unusually long time.

After hundreds of millions, billions, or tens of billions of years of waiting, he didn't want to be alone all his life.

It takes at least billions of years for a planet to go from birth to destruction, not to mention the growth cycle of the universe.

As a man of sound mind and body, he never denies that he likes beautiful women.

When Shangdi went to meet his relatives, none of the avatars were idle.

The three clones of the previous life entered the holy realms of three different universes.

Some of the avatars in this life are looking for natural treasures, some are comprehending the laws, and some are deducing exercises
"A black spear with a whole body, the level of a high-grade fairy weapon, and the breath is still increasing?"

"If this continues, one day, it will transform into an innate spirit treasure!"

Looking at the magic weapon in the distance, the avatar arranged a formation to protect it.

The magic weapon that is growing, once it is recognized as the owner, the magic weapon will not grow.

Some universes are like the creation of heaven and earth, and the energy of heaven and earth is transformed and weakened by the power of chaos.
The current universe is like a baby, which grows by absorbing the energy outside the universe.

One by one, the clones roamed the barren land, silently searching for rare treasures.

When they came to Cangsong Town, Shang Di picked up Nie Qian and returned to Hongshan Town.

A wedding was held, and he was upgraded to a married man.

Shang Tianxing chose to abdicate, and Shang Zhennan took over as the head of the family.

The Fan family in Hongshan Town is a branch of the Fan family in Kamikaze City.

Out of fear of the Fan family in Kamikaze City, Shang Tianxing did not destroy the Fan family in Hongshan Town.

A few days after the marriage, the Fan family from Kamikaze City sent people to Hongshan Town.

Just when the Fan family was about to attack the Shang family, the Fan families in Hongshan Town and Kamikaze City disappeared in no particular order.

"To be my enemy, there is only one way to die!" Shang Di secretly said in his heart.

Clone shot, without anyone noticing.

Knowing that the Fan family in Shenfeng City was destroyed, Shang Zhennan immediately annexed the property of the Fan family in Hongshan Town.

The shops of the Fan family in the town, the land and mines outside the town were all taken over by the Shang family.

Qin Hao, who was about to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, waited for a piece of news that made him depressed.

Worried about revenge from the Fan family in Kamikaze City, Shang Zhennan sent people to go to Kamikaze City to watch the Fan family.

Seeing that the Fan family in Kamikaze City was destroyed, the people who followed him rushed back to Hongshan Town to report.

"Husband, since you don't want me, why do you want to marry me?" Nie Qian asked.

"Madam, wait another two years, okay?" Shandi said apologetically.

In Hongyu Continent, he became an adult at the age of 16, but he wanted to wait two more years.

"Why?" Nie Qian asked.

"I'm practicing a skill." Shang Di said solemnly.

"Yeah." Nie Qian nodded.

"Ma'am, you can also practice." Shandi said with a smile.

"I can practice too?" Nie Qian's beautiful eyes flickered.

Shang Di passed on the exercise skills to the other party.

In his opinion, he can violate anything without his signature.

Pass on the male but not the female. Whether you follow the rules of wearing inside but not outside, it all depends on his mood.

Feeling that the clothes are troublesome to wear, Shandy began to modify the clothes.

Since the killing of Fan Shaobao, Fan Zexi, and Fan Kun, the hair of many young people in the Shang family has become short.

Seeing that many members of the Shang family have short hair, every man in the town followed suit.

More and more people are discovering the benefits of short hair and changing their hairstyles.

Shandy took some money, asked for a shop, and hired some tailors.

A few days later, wearing trousers, short sleeves, and a belt, he took a tour of town.

In less than half a day, the clothing store became famous in Hongshan Town.

Another half a month later, Nie Qian was walking around the town with Shangdi in a leather jacket and leather pants.

Unknowingly, because of Shang Di and Nie Qian, the clothes in Hongshan Town have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Affected by Hongshan Town, the clothes in various parts of Leicheng are also changing rapidly.

Not wanting his own life to be disturbed by ghosts and ghosts, Shang Di asked his avatar to set up a barrier to prevent ghosts and ghosts from entering Hongshan Town.

"Shopkeeper, how do you sell the leather pants?"

"Ordinary leather pants, five hundred low-grade primordial stones."

"Is the cheapest one so expensive?"

"The skin of a body-forging monster is not cheap."

"How about better leather pants?"

"Leather pants made of Qi and blood monster skin, five thousand low-grade primordial stones."

"How do you sell the leather jacket?"

"A leather jacket made of body forging monster skin, three hundred low-grade primeval stones."

"They're all made of body forging monster skins. Why are leather pants so much more expensive than leather clothes?"

"Leather pants are more difficult to process. The leather pants have to be very thin, so that the upper body effect is good, and the leather jacket is thicker!"

In less than three months, the daily profit of the clothing store reached more than 3 low-grade primeval stones.

Shangdi, who is not doing business properly, has developed a lot of strange things.

More than [-] tailors use sewing machines every day to process various garments.

More than a dozen workers use various tools to process wild animal skins and monster skins.

"Husband, what is this?" Nie Qian asked.

"The mince wine brewed some time ago needs to be processed." Shang Di laughed.

"What is this?" Nie Qian asked again.

"You'll know later." Shandi laughed.

After more than two hours, clear and transparent minced wine emerged from the silver tube.

"It smells like wine, but looks like water," Nie Qian said.

"The taste is not bad." Shandi took a sip, and asked people to distill and purify the remaining mince wine.

A few days later, with nothing to do, he fiddled with soap.

A few days later, on a whim, he asked someone to make a glass mirror.

This morning, he hired some people to build a cement factory and a brick factory.
Time is like running water, and two years have passed quietly.

Finding a place close to mountains and rivers, Shandi hired a group of workers to build a reinforced concrete villa.

It takes too long for the universe to grow, so he can only find more things to do.

After more than two months, the most beautiful house in Hongyu Continent took shape.

The windows were glassed, the walls were painted, and the floor was tiled.
There are all kinds of household appliances and all kinds of facilities.

The small river more than ten meters wide outside the villa is equipped with a hydroelectric generator.

The river is never dry, and the electricity is inexhaustible.

After moving, he in this world has become a man.

Nie Qian, whose charm has improved to a higher level, became a woman as she wished.

Since then, Shandy has been fishing every day, practicing guns, and farming
The forces that wanted to trouble the Shang family in Hongshan Town were all dealt with by clones.

Three months later, Shandi had a younger brother.

"Let's leave the position of Patriarch to my younger brother."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandi enjoyed a happy life.

Nie Qian is the wife he is currently marrying, and Xiaoying, his personal maid, is his justifiable concubine.

The dowry maids, Xiaoyue and Xiaoyu, are also his concubines according to the practice of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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