Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 381 Treasure Cultivation Plan

Chapter 381 Treasure Cultivation Plan
There is more and more energy in the world, and it is easier to practice.

One by one, the cultivators of the Heaven and Earth Realm broke through to the Immortal Realm one after another.

One by one, the cultivators who stepped into the realm of immortality went to the barren land to hunt for treasures.

Although the strength of the avatar is strong, in the current universe, the formations that can be arranged are difficult to stop the indestructible realm.

A formation that exceeds the limit of the universe cannot be formed at all.

The current cultivation limit of Hongyu Continent is only the ninth-order celestial being.

Every day, new treasures of heaven and earth are born, and Shangdi is forced to take the initiative to practice.

Walking into the training room, he practiced hard for a while, consuming a lot of resources. His physical strength reached the level of a low-grade artifact, his cultivation of spirit was comparable to that of the early stage of a god, and his cultivation of qi had broken through to the ninth-order celestial being.

The training room can adjust the flow of time, which seems to be only a few minutes, but actually has decades.

"The magic weapon development plan can be implemented."

Shangdi, who lives at home, condenses some avatars every day.

The clone entered the practice room, practiced penance for two to three minutes, and then went to guard the treasure.

One by one, the avatars came to the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and used spells to build houses
Ten days later, there were more than 1 clones of Shangdi.

After more than a month, his avatars reached 10,000+.

In less than three months, there were more than 100 million clones of him.

With the help of the time flow in the practice room and with sufficient resources, he can condense hundreds of thousands of avatars every day without any problem.

"The magic weapon of the existing cultivators is the highest grade, which is the level of the fairy weapon."

"Take all the treasures that are born and raised by nature. As long as the magic weapon development plan is perfectly realized, the acquired spiritual treasures, congenital spiritual treasures, congenital treasures, chaotic spiritual treasures, and chaotic supreme treasures in the entire universe will be mine."

"The Dao has not yet formed, let alone the Dao of Heaven."

After calming down, Shangdi no longer condenses the avatar.

One treasure and one avatar, he still has eight 10,000+ avatars left.

He who has practiced the infinite clone technique can condense countless clones.

When the avatar is about to be used up, it is not too late for him to condense the avatar.

Regardless of the treasure development plan, Shangdi continued with his own invention.

After spending more than half a month, he got a thunder-attribute primordial stone generator.

Thermal power generators pollute the environment, and the power generation is also somewhat unsatisfactory.

Some people were hired to dig the ground to bury the wires, and Hongshan Town was electrified.

Use a printer to produce lights, and a printer to produce wires.
The night is illuminated by lights, there are no ghosts and ghosts, and there are more night markets in Hongshan Town.

Houses with stone and wood structures were replaced by reinforced concrete villas.

The potholed streets were replaced by smooth concrete roads.

The poor can't afford to build reinforced concrete villas, and Shang's Bank can provide loans.

Is Shangdi short of primordial stones?how is this possible?

With a daily net profit of 10,000+ low-grade primeval stones, he doesn't even know how to use them.

What's more, his avatars have collected countless top-grade primeval stones.

Primordial stones are similar to spirit stones, except that spirit stones contain spiritual energy, and primordial stones contain vitality.

Essentially, spirit stones and primordial stones are both solid energy.

The process of the universe's growth is extremely long, and Shangdi's transformation of Hongshan Town is to pass the time.

The Fan family was annexed by the Shang family, and most of Hongshan Town is the territory of the Shang family.

As the guard, Qin Hao has nothing to do with the Shang family.

Without the support of Zhao Fan, the lord of Thunder City, how could Qin Hao be the Shang family's opponent?
This morning, on a whim, Shandy decided to set up a school after careful consideration for a moment.

Three months later, a civil and military school with an area of ​​more than 5000 mu opened outside Hongshan Town.

Three hundred teenagers were recruited, and the Civil and Military School officially opened.

The magic robot acts as a liberal arts teacher, imparting Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry and other knowledge.

Shangdi, who is the principal, acts as a guest teacher of martial arts, instructing students on the way of cultivation.

Three hundred children from farmers practice martial arts in the morning, study literature in the morning, practice martial arts in the afternoon, and study literature in the evening.

Shandy does not charge students any fees, board and lodging and school uniforms are free.

In his spare time, he studies the techniques of the current world, and then deduces and transforms them.

Avatars can easily get hands on the secret and undisclosed cultivation technique of the Immortal Realm.

For father, mother, grandfather, grandma, grandpa, grandmother, father-in-law, and mother-in-law, he made a tailor-made exercise that can be cultivated to the limit of immortality, and put some exercises in the library.

The cultivation of three hundred students was on the right track, and Shangdi's free time increased again.

Sweating like rain every day to exercise your body, time flies by.

Before he knew it, he was 30 years old.

"It's time to get out and walk."

With this in mind, Shang Di left Hongshan Town in a carriage with his wife and concubine.

More than ten years have passed, and the cultivation limit of Hongyu Continent has risen from the ninth-level celestial immortal to the third-level golden immortal.

Almost all the treasures that have been kept for more than ten years have been upgraded by one level.

"Husband, you have never been out of Leicheng, how do you know so many people?" Nie Qian asked curiously.

After going out for more than three months and visiting more than 100 people, Nie Qian was very puzzled.

"My avatar, can I not recognize it?" Shang Di couldn't stop laughing in his heart. After a few seconds of meditation, he smiled and said: "They have bought things from me, and you know it too."

"That's right, you have so many properties, it's normal to know some people." Nie Qian suddenly realized.

The sun went down, and the sky gradually darkened.

"Just rest here for the night," Shandy said.

"Yeah." Nie Qian nodded.

The interior space of the carriage is very large. Compared with it, the caravan is far behind.

After finding some firewood, Shandi began to roast the whole lamb.

It didn't take long for the rich meaty aroma to spread.

Just as they were starting to eat dinner, a woman in red hurried over.

"As far as you can go." Shandi said coldly.

There is no benefit in killing ghosts, he doesn't want to do it.

"Looking for death." The ghost in red said angrily.

Under Shang Di's move, the female ghost in the Immortal Ascension Boundary was wiped out.

"Husband, is she?" Xiaoying asked.

"A ghost among demons and goblins." Shandi didn't hide it either.

"What strength?" Nie Qian asked.

"It's equivalent to Immortal Ascension Boundary." Shandi said.

"Have you reached the realm of heaven and earth?" Nie Qian couldn't believe it.

Under normal circumstances, only practitioners at the Heaven and Earth Realm have the ability to instantly kill ghosts at the Immortal Ascension Realm.

Even a cultivator of the Unity Realm cannot kill a ghost of the Immortal Ascension Realm.

"I'm equivalent to Immortal Realm." Shandi said casually.

"Immortal Realm?" Nie Qian was stunned.

The 30-year-old Judan Realm is rare in the world, and the 30-year-old Immortal Realm, is it possible?

Practitioners are divided into nine realms, from low to high, they are body training, qi and blood, true qi, condensing essence, gathering pills, imaginary travel, unity, heaven and earth, and immortality.

When body forging reaches a certain level, qi and blood can be produced, and condensed qi and blood can be used to obtain true qi, and liquid true qi is condensed essence, which is so-called gathering pills when liquid true qi is solidified and condensed into pills.

Without sufficient liquid Qi, it is impossible to condense it into a pill.

Although Tiancaidibao can speed up the cultivation speed, if you are not careful, you will explode and die.

The soul can be separated from the body for mind wandering, and the integration of spirit, energy and spirit is unity
"I'm a super genius," Shandy said cheekily.

He has cultivated to the level of gods many times, and it is very easy for him to become a fairy and a god, let alone the immortal state.

A cultivator in the Immortal Realm is as powerful as an immortal.

The experienced Shangdi, who has cultivated to the peak of the gods, has no bottlenecks.

With countless cultivation resources, he can become a deity within a few minutes of entering the cultivation room.

Nie Qian, Xiaoyue, Xiaoying, and Xiaoyu, who have practiced for more than ten years, are only at the Real Qi Realm.

The exercise exercise created by Shangdi is very high-grade, and they spend most of their time practicing exercise exercise.

In terms of combat power alone, they are not weaker than those in the Yuan Condensation Realm.

After eating and drinking enough, and practicing marksmanship, Shangdi, who was refreshed both physically and mentally, had a good night's sleep.

The compartment refined by the avatar has a defensive power comparable to that of a top-grade artifact.

Millions of Immortal Realm practitioners attacked with all their strength, but they couldn't hurt the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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