Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 398 Games That Help You Learn

Chapter 398 Games That Help You Learn
There are 36 top beauties in the family, and Shandi makes countless men envy and hate.

Li Jiali, Zhou Hui, Zhang Min, Qiu Zhenzhen and Bai Xinhui, which one is not talented and beautiful?
This afternoon, Shandi took his mobile phone and looked through the information on the Internet.

The mobile phone was eliminated, and the bar machine and the clamshell machine came into being.

The mobile phone used by Shandy is specially made, and it is more advanced than the mobile phone 20 years later.

"The games produced by Wuying account for [-]% of the overseas market."

"None of the games of my companies have been released in China."

"The foreigner's game was actually brought into China."

After looking at one game after another, Shandy decided to clean it up.

There is no need for him to cultivate if he has a clone to comprehend the rules and laws of the current universe.

When you are idle and bored, you can find something to do and kill time.

"Wuying, make me some games that are helpful for learning." Shandi said.

"Master, what is your request?" Wuying asked.

"For example, the idiom battle." Shan Di thought for a while and said.

"Ten games, is that enough?" Wu Ying asked.

"Yeah." Shandy replied.

In just a few seconds, Wuying made ten games.

Shandy played the Chinese War and the Mathematics War and the Detective War.

"It can be played alone or in a team, it is good for learning, and it is a great game."

Language Wars is an online battle game. Every 5 minutes, players will be asked to do multiple-choice questions. If the guess is correct, the game will continue, and if the guess is wrong, the game will be suspended for 3 minutes.

The mathematics war is similar to the Chinese war. The math problem in the first level of the game is addition and subtraction, and the second level is multiplication and division. The same is true for the physics war and the chemistry war.

Detective Wars is good for exercising thinking, players need eyesight and brain power.

"Let Yanhuang Technology Company publish these ten games, join the anti-addiction system, each person can only play three hours a day, and hold a game competition every year." Shang Di said.

"Yes!" Wuying answered loudly.

In an instant, the download links of ten games appeared on Yanhuang Technology's official website.

Users who use Yanhuang mobile phone, Yanhuang computer, Yanhuang network, Yanhuang mobile operating system, Yanhuang computer operating system, and Connect all received a text message.

"A total of ten games, with team competitions and individual competitions every year?"

"Team champion 500 million single player third place 100 million Yanhuang coins?"

"Nimma, if I win a championship, I can find a place to retire."

"Yanhuang Technology Company is really rich, and the bonuses add up to 6000 million Yanhuang coins."

Users who read the text messages can't wait to download a game.

"Fuck, the game is suspended for 3 minutes, it's so annoying."

"Playing more of these games will definitely improve my academic performance."

"Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are too simple, why can't you skip it? Isn't this a waste of time?"

Countless players complained secretly, but there was nothing they could do.

For the bonus of the game contest, they had to endure the overlord clause.

Three hours passed quietly, and the anti-addiction pop-up window appeared beautifully.

"Damn, why don't you let people play games happily?"

"You can only play for three hours a day, isn't that a scam?"

"Large money to buy Chinese War. Math Wars cracked version!"

"The Super God Team is recruiting experts in Chinese, mathematics, physics, and chemistry."

"The 500 million team is recruiting masters to solve crimes, with a monthly salary of [-], including food and housing."

"Buy game accounts, each account has [-] Yanhuang coins, and the price can be increased if the quantity is large."

The interests are touching, and countless people are staring at the huge prize money in the game competition.

Games imported from abroad have become uninterested.

As long as you get a third place, you can buy a car and a house.

If you win a championship, you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life.

Found that the games produced by Yanhuang Technology Company can help their children improve their academic performance. Many parents bought computers and installed network cables to support their children to play games.

Even if the children's game talent is not good, and they don't get bonuses, they can still improve their academic performance, right?
If the child gets a third place, there will be a high bonus of 100 million Yanhuang coins.

Shangdi, who no longer paid attention to the game, took Wang Xianer and Zhu Ying for a self-driving tour.

Over the past few years, many towns in China have built roads.

Yanhuang Kingdom has a vast territory, and many villages and towns have not had time to build roads.

Knowing that Xinghai Group builds roads free of charge, the government provided some mines for free.

The cost of materials is almost nothing, and most of the labor is intelligent robots with Hong Kong identity.

Looking at the high-speed railways, expressways, and township roads, Shangdi felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"If you are rich, you will benefit the world; if you are poor, you will be good for yourself. Take it from the people and use it for the people."

"Enough money is enough, if there is too much, it will be a series of meaningless numbers."

"Music platforms and video software can all be produced."

Before he knew it, Shangdi drove to Shangjia Village.

Seeing them coming, people from Shangjia Village greeted them with smiles on their faces.

When I came to my parents' house and had dinner, Shang Feng said, "Someone came to the village to collect fruit."

"How much is the purchase price?" Shandy asked.

"100 yuan per catty." Shang Feng said.

"Uncle, tell the people in the village that I will pay you two hundred per catty." Shang Di laughed.

"It's too high, one hundred is enough." Shang Feng reminded.

"Yunwu fruits are sold abroad, and each one can sell for several thousand." Shang Di didn't hide it either.

"Alright then." Shang Feng nodded.

Originally, it was planned to increase the purchase price by five yuan a year, but someone was eyeing the cloud fruit, so Shangdi had to pay a higher price.

The people in the village are all his former relatives.

He has inexhaustible money, and raising the purchase price is also a way to keep the money from flowing into the fields of outsiders.

If others offer one hundred, he will offer two hundred, and when others offer two hundred, he will offer three hundred. When the price is the same, no one in the village will sell the fruit to others, let alone a higher price.

Withdraw the spirit gathering array and let those who betrayed him lose the cloud and mist fruit?
The highest price wins, who doesn't want to make more money?

If it were him, he would also sell the fruit to someone with a higher bid for money.

After staying at their parents' house for a few days, Shang Di, Wang Xian'er, and Zhu Ying drove to Zhaojia Village.

The two loyal and honest uncles did not hide the fact that someone offered a higher price to buy Yunwuyu.

Shandy knew in his heart that even if he didn't raise the price, the two uncles would not sell the fish to others.

The purchase price has been increased by a large amount, and the selling price has also risen accordingly. Anyway, he is not at a disadvantage.

Even if he loses money, he doesn't care, who made him have too much money?

Leave Zhaojia Village and drive to Hangzhou.

I talked to my uncle and aunt about the price increase, and then returned to Hong Kong Island.

The high-speed rail terminal in Wujiang City was moved to Yunshan Town by him.

The high-speed rail terminal in Hangzhou is only two kilometers away from my aunt's house.

Who doesn't want to make things convenient for their family when they can?

I learned foreign languages ​​with Li Zhixian and Quan Yingai, and learned dialects with Bai Xinhui and Hou Ting.

With nothing to do, Shangdi went to work at the seafood shop in the morning.

With limited sales, the seafood prepared every day can be sold for several hours.

Chen Ran came to the door once in a while, asking for some technology and equipment.

Shang Di always sells half and gives half away every time. Director Chen will provide whatever he wants.

He sometimes goes and sometimes doesn't go to the invitations sent by the rich people on Hong Kong Island.

Whether he goes there or not, what other people think, he doesn't care, and he doesn't want to care.

The water and electricity companies on Hong Kong Island are all in his hands.

The TV station on Hong Kong Island belongs to him, and the port on Hong Kong Island also belongs to him.

The airport on Hong Kong Island belongs to him, and the vegetable market on Hong Kong Island has long been bought by him.

Shandy doesn't know how much money he has, he has too many fixed assets.

Not counting the land, there are thousands of companies and factories, large and small.

He is not the world's richest man on the surface, but the assets of the world's richest man are less than one-thousandth of his.

Apart from the Xinghai Group, he has more or less shares in the world's most profitable listed companies.

 No draft, don't wait, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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